post your games shelf

Your pic was boring until I got to the bottom shelf. Xwing Vs. Tie Fighter, 11th Hour, Dark Forces, Thief FTW.

You actually bought Daikatana?

I had 11th Hour when it first came out. Had a hell of a time getting it to run. Never got it to run in color. Wonder where I stashed it at. Never did finish it.
Shelf? That takes up too much space for a college student like me. I put discs in a binder or I buy digital copies.
Awesome shelf, Simon. A lot of amazing games on there, I like your style. (except Daikatana)
I'm with Oldie on this one, except my 124 games on steam wont fit on one page even in list mode at 2560x1600 ¬_¬
Do you guys have insane Steam game collections because it's easy or because you are/have played them all?

I have maybe 4 or 5 Steam games collecting virtual dust and I feel bad enough with just those. If I had a collection like some of you guys I'd probably get suicidal.
How people have the time to play so many games or so little for such a long amount of time i don't know. Must be quite a lot of teenagers :p
How people have the time to play so many games or so little for such a long amount of time i don't know. Must be quite a lot of teenagers :p

Wait a second, are you proposing that there are a lot of teenagers that play video games???
I need to clean mine up because it's too messy. Will update this post later.
That shelf has a nice spectrum, Simon :)
Simon the Sorcerer, Cannon Fodder, UO:T2A, Lemmings, DK 2..
I wish I still had a shelf of 90's games.. or at least the old Amiga shelf
That shelf has a nice spectrum, Simon :)
Simon the Sorcerer, Cannon Fodder, UO:T2A, Lemmings, DK 2..
I wish I still had a shelf of 90's games.. or at least the old Amiga shelf

I got a bunch of my amiga games in boxes but I'll break out my Amiga 3000T and play some classics,
meh what few hard copies of games I do have are carelessly scattered all over in boxes, junk drawers, or simply thrown away
Mike211, I was expecting a picture of a thousand game boxes. Lol
104 in steam ><><>< like 30 older ones around here somewhere

warning 4mb image, and Yes I have 3 monitors
We're all really impressed that you learned how to download things. :rolleyes:

You know, if you want to shit on someone, I suggest you at least choose someone who doesn't have the words "Mean Old Mod" next to their name. You might have at least a bit of a chance of getting away with it then. I'm leaving you a nice surprise in your inbox.

Otherwise, L4D and Civilization IV - The Complete Edition through Steam.
I'm a little irked now... my folks decided to throw away a lot of my old gaming boxes when I moved out.

They also threw away my N64 controllers, but didn't touch the console, the cabling/power supply, or the games.
We're all really impressed that you learned how to download things. :rolleyes:

In 5 years consoles will have the same damn thing. :rolleyes: I have Mass Effect 2 collectors edition (physical) on my shelf....that's it.