Possible shipping damage - How to test a PSU outside of a system?


Jan 2, 2001
I just ordered one of the Seasonic 850w PSUs that was on sale at Newegg earlier this week, and received it today, The box arrived with a big gouge in the side from shipping that reached the inside box the PSU was in and dented the foam packaging around the PSU. The PSU itself looks OK, but I'm not sure I want to put it into my system without testing it first if there's the possibility of shipping damage. Is there some way to do a quick test on it without actually hooking it up to a system?
The good PSU's have some really nice foam around them and if the PS isnt scratched or dented, it is ok.
The foam did its job!

I wish that packages were not tossed around like a football, but that is asking too much.

You could use the paperclip method, green wire to the black outside the case.
The bent paperclip trick -- on the big 24-pin plug, connect the green wire to either black wire next to it. That should make the fan spin, indicating the +12V is working at least partially (fans can spin at just 6V) and probably that the +5V standby is good.

I've received a couple of PSUs with cracked solder around the big transformer.
Note that the fan is temperature controlled, and won't start up until the PSU is hot enough to need it. You should have found a piece of paper warning you about this when you opened the inner box.