Positioning programs on startup advice


Limp Gawd
Dec 26, 2010
I tried to search about this but didn't find any Simple Solution. This is a question regarding Windows 10 Pro.

I want to start my computer from being totally off and have all my programs arranged across my multi monitor setup in a certain way for example have a chatting program taking up a quarter of one monitor on the left another program taking up another quarter another browser taking up half of that monitor and so on across the multi monitor setup.

I know there is a third-party program called displayfusion... would I need something like that to accomplish this?
Not really possible as I have a ton of case lights and my room looks like a club at night.

I usually go to sleep mode and thats fine but sometimes the PC just doesn't wake properly from sleep and it forces a cold boot.
Even turning the monitor off may screw you if you aren't driving them all off of one card. That's killing me at work. I have a crappy nvidia card for two, but have to drive the third off my on board intel chip, and sometimes when montior 3 goes to sleep the system thinks the display is gone and moves all the windows.

Partial to total free solution:

When you quit out of a program using the X in the corner, hold control while exiting. On next start up it should start in the same spot at the same size as before.

However, some programs manage to ignore this, and some make it inaccessible.

For example, MOBA Xterm completely ignores it.

Webex desktop application makes it inaccessible because the X isn't quit. Wuit is only accessible via menu navigation, and the control + trick doesn't work in that mode apparently.