Police To Scan Social Media For Violence Alerts

For starters, the crimes that you are exposed to by the MSM have to fit a spicy agenda.
Agreed, it's pure propaganda, and it's seriously dividing the nation and getting people killed. Which I assume was the entire point. I can't wait until Obummer leaves office and the latest violent/hate crime statistics get compiled and released. Now that's gonna be really 'spicy'.
You probably know who Michael Brown is, because the shooting involved a black guy and a white cop,
I know of him, glad he's dead, too. Strong arm robbing people and attacking cops = not a good person.
but I bet you don't know any of the names of the hundreds of other black guys killed by black guys during that period of interest.
I can name one from recent, as he was once a close black friend of mine (one of two of my only black friends, ever!) that was murdered this past summer by a much younger black male over a stupid argument. I understand what you were saying though. That said I read through the names of all of those killed by cops along with keeping track of how many cops that were killed by savages.
And explain why a single black person hasn't been convicted of a hate crime for a racially motivated attack to date against a white victim in Texas?
I'm not gonna say you're wrong, as I don't know enough about Texas, but it sure does appear blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of hate crimes in Texas too. And the number one reason for hate crimes is racial bias.
We have BLM gangs on video vocally targeting whites to assault, a popular "knock out game" among black youth targeting random white victims, and in fact the assault rate of blacks on whites is 200x higher than the assault rate of whites on blacks (which to me indicates that if there is a systematic problem, it certainly isn't white on black violence).
Huh, I must've came off really weird in my previous posts yesterday, as you assume that I'm willing to argue against this right now..lol. I know all of this. I linked newer hate crimes stats earlier in the thread. I was just trying to further understand (play devil's advocate for) hate crimes yesterday. I have a few links to share while we're at it though.

Example one.
Example two.
Example three.*
Example four.

Example five. (Bonus)
Example six.
Example seven. ['Majority' of prisoners are not in 'state' prisons for non-violent drug offenses, the largest portion are in for violent crimes, and 37% of them are black = Obummer lied]
Example eight.
Example nine.
Example ten. (Bonus)

Example eleven.

So a BLM gang can grab a random white guy and drag him down the road just because they didn't like the color of his skin, unless he was homosexual and it can be argued they did it because he was gay.
You're gonna have to argue this. From what I understand the cops were looking for all of them in all of those videos. The entire Op was to agitate stupid blacks and get them to act like retards...lol. They've made a lot of arrests behind the scenes too. I've also seen cases of blacks being charged with hate crimes against whites. Unless you're still only talking about Texas. Which according to that Texas hate crime link I provided it seems damn near unlikely they're not being charged with anti-white hate crimes there as well. I'm sure it's not as often as it should be, but I'm having trouble seeing it at zero as well.
That's the problem with hate crime legislation, and also the ridiculous of it considering that the offense for dragging someone down the street with your car should be the same no matter what color, gender, sexual orientation, or religion of the victim is.
I still want to disagree. There is a difference between two people fighting each other then having one guy trying to get away, so the other guy ends up getting his clothes caught in the car door of the escaping car, and dragged a couple blocks. Compared to just tying some random 'different' person to your trailer hitch and dragging his ass three miles down a road until his head pops off. Apples to oranges. One guy didn't stop quick enough due to flight mode, the other person was in fight mode, and against an entire race of people.
Identity politics is the most toxic thing the Democrats have done to the US as a nation recently IMO, and the reason for the current culture war.
Possibly/more than likely. I just didn't think that was directly connected to hate crimes. Seems like two different topics to me.

Side note: I used to have a neutral position with cops, now, I feel they're fighting a war on my behalf = respect. Way too many black people are at war with white people and especially white cops. So I'll leave you with this.."If you're not at war with someone, but they're at war with you, are you at war?" [I can't find where I got this quote/saying from, so I might be murdering it...lol]
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Oops... My bad if if I totally misconstrued your position when skimming along with a beer resting on my gut and lips clacking away on my keyboard, however, as far as I know Texas law will not prosecute a black on white attack as a hate crime, unless the white person falls into a "protected class".

So I suppose to at least clarify my point, there is a lot of black on homosexual violence for example, and that would classify as a hate crime with a majority white victims (since we can assume all races have approximately the same number of homosexuals and whites are the majority). Regardless, just looking up some FBI statistics on wiki, its showing that violence involving a white perpetrator against a black victim was 28 times more likely (1 in 45 incidents) to be prosecuted as a hate crime, than violence involving a black perpetrator against a white victim (1 in 1,254 incidents). And considering that the specific crime of "aggravated assault" as was shown was 200x more likely to be black on white violence than visa versa, and whites are the majority race, we should see a majority white victims of hate crime legislation, if it applied to white as a "protected class" in and of itself. Either way, you're no longer prosecuting an objective action that one can see and easily prove, but a thought crime that is very subjective to prove unless the perpetrator offers a confession. And with so many now for example saying that a black person is literally incapable of racism (even on mainstream media like MTV), on obvious fallacy, such thought crime legislation is fundamentally flawed.

What does make sense is whether or not the attack was planned or spontaneous, and that is an action that is more objectively proven, such as finding records of planning or purchasing weapons or casing out the scene of an attack before committing the crime.

I just wish we could get back to being a unified country, working on making America great, and directing our energy towards external threats rather than dividing everyone into little groups all fighting each other internally. :(
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