Point and Laugh at Jason Bourne


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Its that time of the day that our inner-geek gets to bask in the glory of someone else's ignorance. Our course, it is a movie, so it is not exactly like it has to follow the rules of reality, as the author states, this is not Star Trek. "Enhance....enhance.....there, I can got an ID on him!" LOL!

The credibility falters, though, in painful scenes of beeping computers with video game-style graphics or magical technologies like the "Enhance" feature that suddenly makes the blurriest picture crystal clear. Such wizardry is embarrassing in the era of Mr. Robot's tech verisimilitude, or simply in a modern world where many people have multiple computing devices, and none of them acts that way.
Just finished watching this an hour ago. A bunch of cringe worthy parts along with way too many fast cuts makes me think they should have left this series in the past. If they bring it back again it needs a new director and script team.
I enjoyed the movie but I was cringing the entire time at the tech the CIA supposedly had in it. In particular, I got a kick out of how them were able to remotely turn off the power to a single building. None of the supposed tech savvy people in the building apparently knew what battery backup was because everything instantly turned off. It was a fun mindless movie but the tech was way off. You would think that these Hollywood people would go over to Stanford and hire a few geeks to consult on this shit.
I really dont see the problem here. Its an action film not a documentary. I'll let you in on a secret...most people find nerd stuff extremely boring.
On the other hand I would say everyone should point and laugh at the dull action, awful acting and appalling plot. :)
I was hoping this would be good, oh well. I'm putting this on my "when it hits Netflix" list now.
The worst I can remember was the scene in SeaQuest when Lucas was hacking into all the world's networks with the most ridiculous GUI and fast random keyboard presses imaginable, but when he was almost overwhelmed, luckily he has his buddies start simultaneously clack away on their own keyboards and that was enough to turn the tide... my brain, it hurt so bad!

On a related note, is no one going to mention the fact that a guy took a full swing at Bourne's face with what looks like a 25 pound dumb bell and Bourne shrugged it off like its nothing? The other is comical, but I fear that there are a lot of people that don't realize that hitting someone hard quite often results in death or brain death.

And then you have the opposite Hollywood extreme where the instant someone is shot with a 9mm, they instantly drop dead, even when the shot is in their gut or something. Hell, even guys shot in the heart often take a while to die.

Oh well, at least we haven't reached Chinese levels of our actors prancing on top of tree tops kicking each other hundreds of feet away, heh.
These things will happen because directors and writers are largely ignorant when it comes to IT.

But even worse is when your protagonist is type cast as a left-wing kook. Ruins it for me. Every role with Matt Damon... I'll always see a fool.
The issue with the movie "Hackers" is that most people just didn't grasp the visuals which are how people described what they visualized internally when hacking, they see/saw the "world" they were working with as something similar to a city with roads and streets, data pathways, literal addresses as apartments or spaces in the buildings, etc. There's a documentary iirc that the director worked with and had some "name" hackers of the day he worked with asking them for how best to represent information and the tasks they were doing instead of just showing nothing but black and green text on a display constantly.

I got it when I saw the movie, almost immediately, but so many other people took the "Computers don't look like that, hacking doesn't look like that, etc..." attitude and never were able to get a handle on things. Yes it's not perfect but it was better in many respects than most other "hacking" movies since, and even some before it was released.
I laughed out loud in the theater when I heard "Use SQL to disrupt their databases" and again when I saw a 192.256.x.x IP in the camera's focus. What a fucking joke. With all the money that goes into movies couldn't they hire some high school kid to vet the tech language in a movie?
Disrupting their databases aside, that could be taken to be use sql injection.... That's not so bad.
The worst I can remember was the scene in SeaQuest when Lucas was hacking into all the world's networks with the most ridiculous GUI and fast random keyboard presses imaginable, but when he was almost overwhelmed, luckily he has his buddies start simultaneously clack away on their own keyboards and that was enough to turn the tide... my brain, it hurt so bad!

On a related note, is no one going to mention the fact that a guy took a full swing at Bourne's face with what looks like a 25 pound dumb bell and Bourne shrugged it off like its nothing? The other is comical, but I fear that there are a lot of people that don't realize that hitting someone hard quite often results in death or brain death.

And then you have the opposite Hollywood extreme where the instant someone is shot with a 9mm, they instantly drop dead, even when the shot is in their gut or something. Hell, even guys shot in the heart often take a while to die.

Oh well, at least we haven't reached Chinese levels of our actors prancing on top of tree tops kicking each other hundreds of feet away, heh.

I took a 100 pound piece of stainless steel to the face and shrugged it off. It was a diffuser (the flange hit me) from an outlet line from US Steel in Ecorse, MI. I had it on my shoulder and threw it on the truck and it bounce off the 3/4 inch railing from about 3 feet away.
I really dont see the problem here. Its an action film not a documentary. I'll let you in on a secret...most people find nerd stuff extremely boring.
On the other hand I would say everyone should point and laugh at the dull action, awful acting and appalling plot. :)
You have to know you're audience. Things like this would disrupt my suspension of disbelief and pull me out of the movie, making me despise it. I like tech and science when they stretch reality just far enough to make you think it's still possible. In my opinion Blackhat is an example of doing tech in a movie the right way.
I took a 100 pound piece of stainless steel to the face and shrugged it off. It was a diffuser (the flange hit me) from an outlet line from US Steel in Ecorse, MI. I had it on my shoulder and threw it on the truck and it bounce off the 3/4 inch railing from about 3 feet away.
Yeah but in order to suffer brain damage, you have to... oh never mind. :p
"Government systems and networks storing classified and/or highly sensitive data are strictly segregated from remote authentication and access over open Internet channels, and maintain their own closed environments typically requiring on-site direct terminal access," says Peter Tran, GM and senior director at security firm RSA, in an email. There's a reference in the film to Edward Snowden, but he didn't hack anything. Snowden was a contractor who already had inside access.

Not true... I don't want to get political but I will just say there was a server owned by a candidate (i won't say who) that was filled with classified information that was open over internet channels and wasn't in its own closed environment.
Its funny, my wife and I were just watching Terminator Genisys last night and I was thinking how the CGI generated version of Arnold Schwarzenegger looked so fake. They have a long way to go when it come to enhancing films and getting the tech right.
This is what's called needing a healthy dose of suspension of disbelief! Seems like you're gonna need a lot of it for this movie.

The term suspension of disbelief or willing suspension of disbelief has been defined as a willingness to suspend one's critical faculties and believe the unbelievable; sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment.