PlayStation 5 Pro and New Xbox Series S / X Specs and Release Date Leaked by TCL


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
According to Polish sources at, TCL has leaked the release date time frame for the new PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S / X during an official presentation.



Details usually come from informants, but this time, quite unexpectedly, the mention of consoles appeared at the official TCL presentation in Poland.

Our journalist - Maciej Zabłocki - was on the spot and willingly prepared photos that confirm that, according to TCL, in the years 2023-2024 we will witness the so-called "half-generation of consoles" (9.5), in which the PlayStation 5 Pro will appear. and the new Xbox Series X | S.

The manufacturer mentions that the devices would provide gameplay in 60-120 frames per second at a resolution of 2160p and offer the ability to play the production in 8K. The presentation even mentioned the latest AMD GPU: AMD Radeon RX 7700 XT.

Personally I have yet to see a PS5 or Xbox Series X in the wild due to supply chain issues from the pandemic. It would be interesting to see what the new consoles can officially do closer to their release date.
Is it just me or does it feel like console life cycles are getting shorter?

I mean, the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 were the latest gen for what, 8 years?

It feels ike it has been a muddled and confusing mess since the Xbox One and Playstation 4 hit the market, but maybe that's just because I haven't been paying much attention.
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I mean, the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 were the latest gen for what, 8 years?

Microsoft and Sony made an agreement on that one. Both companies had to delay until the US made the HD switch, and they were bleeding cash the whole time.
The X is easy to get right now. Best buy, Walmart, MS store, Costco and others have stock right now. It is too early for refresh consoles. I don't don't expect them before fall 2023.
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Is it just me or does it feel like console life cycles are getting shorter?
PS1: 1994
PS2: 2000
PS3: 2006
PS4: 2013
PS5: 2020

About 6-6-7-7 year's

PS3 and 4th generation were really long. And this generation is taking so long to get going that I suspect we will again not see a PlayStation 6 before 2026. I feel they are getting longer not shorter, your subjective perception of time did change in this time, 6 years has a kid felt much longer than even 8 years would now.

Has for the TCL presentation, it would be exceptional for a mid-generation refresh 3-4 year's after launch to not occur (possible this time because of supply issues, but exceptional), that something everyone would and are assuming. Is there was ever a PlayStation to not have it by that timeframe ?
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Is it just me or does it feel like console life cycles are getting shorter?

I mean, the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 were the latest gen for what, 8 years?

It feels ike it has been a muddled and confusing mess since the Xbox One and Playstation 4 hit the market, but maybe that's just because I haven't been paying much attention.
Not really. PS4 was 7 years old when the PS5 was released. PS6 won't be out til 2027 more then likely. Mid cycle pro refreshes are not new consoles. I know many people that still happily play on their base PS4 and have no interest in upgrading to a PS5 when they are still releasing the same games for PS4.
PS1: 1994
PS2: 2002
PS3: 2006
PS4: 2013
PS5: 2020

About 8-4-7-8 year's

PS3 and 4th generation were really long. And this generation is taking so long to get going that I suspect will again not see a Play station 6 before 2026.

Has for the TCL presensation, it would be exceptionnel for a mid generation refresh 3-4 year's after launch to not occur (possible because of supply issues, but exceptionnal), that something everyone would and are assuming. Is there was ever a playstation to not have it by that timeframe ?
PS2 was released in 2000.
PS1: 1994
PS2: 2000
PS3: 2006
PS4: 2013
PS5: 2020

About 6-6-7-8 year's

PS3 and 4th generation were really long. And this generation is taking so long to get going that I suspect will again not see a Play station 6 before 2026. I feel they are getting longer not shorter, your subjective perception of time did change in this time, 6 year's has a kids was much longer than now.

Has for the TCL presensation, it would be exceptionnel for a mid generation refresh 3-4 year's after launch to not occur (possible because of supply issues, but exceptionnal), that something everyone would and are assuming. Is there was ever a playstation to not have it by that timeframe ?
PS4 Pro was release on Nov 10th 2016.
Is it just me or does it feel like console life cycles are getting shorter?

I mean, the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 were the latest gen for what, 8 years?

It feels ike it has been a muddled and confusing mess since the Xbox One and Playstation 4 hit the market, but maybe that's just because I haven't been paying much attention.

All the world industries have shareholders with pressuring more than ever...gotta keep making 10-15% additional revenue each year and continue on that every year afterwards. Driving this demand has made companies become greedy with short lifecycles and hampered hardware, that they can keep reissuing year after year. Computer hardware and software have been doing this for a while. Planned obsolescence is also starting to creep into other industry sectors and limited the value lifecycle of upfront purchase in favor of subscription base purchases :sick:.
PS1: 1994
PS2: 2000
PS3: 2006
PS4: 2013
PS5: 2020

About 6-6-7-8 year's

PS3 and 4th generation were really long. And this generation is taking so long to get going that I suspect will again not see a Play station 6 before 2026. I feel they are getting longer not shorter, your subjective perception of time did change in this time, 6 year's has a kids was much longer than now.

Has for the TCL presensation, it would be exceptionnel for a mid generation refresh 3-4 year's after launch to not occur (possible because of supply issues, but exceptionnal), that something everyone would and are assuming. Is there was ever a playstation to not have it by that timeframe ?

Yeah it has stayed fairly similar. Main outlier was the Xbox 360, which released a lot earlier than the competition.
Is it just me or does it feel like console life cycles are getting shorter?

I mean, the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 were the latest gen for what, 8 years?

It feels ike it has been a muddled and confusing mess since the Xbox One and Playstation 4 hit the market, but maybe that's just because I haven't been paying much attention.
They are and that is a good thing, the PS3 and XBox360 living for as long as they did was terrible for developers and the reason so many cool projects died horrible deaths. They were too limited and they couldn't keep pace, nobody was happy during those dark days of game development.
That said killing them too fast is also a bad thing, if you plan too short a life cycle you only work to hurt your brand especially when shortages have kept many customers away from getting in on it earlier.
But the PS5 and Xbox need some sort of hardware refresh, they have such a horrible defect rate AMD has been able to sell off the duds on their own product lineup... So some sort of change is needed there, at this stage I am willing to accept it as an outlier but you better believe there are a lot of people with eyes on this.
Is it just me or does it feel like console life cycles are getting shorter?

I mean, the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 were the latest gen for what, 8 years?

It feels ike it has been a muddled and confusing mess since the Xbox One and Playstation 4 hit the market, but maybe that's just because I haven't been paying much attention.
When you gotta compete with PC you start needing to do PC things like upgrade.
Most games are developed for the consoles first then ported to PC so better console hardware benefits both communities.
Is it just me or does it feel like console life cycles are getting shorter?

I mean, the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 were the latest gen for what, 8 years?

It feels ike it has been a muddled and confusing mess since the Xbox One and Playstation 4 hit the market, but maybe that's just because I haven't been paying much attention.
I think it beats the 8-10 year cycles of dead end development (Cell/POWER) and lowest-common-denominator tech stagnation that comes of it. How many Intel tick-tocks did PC gaming rack up while development was still targeted at the PS3/360?

PlayStations and XBoxes now have more hardware in common than they ever have in x86-64, so it seems natural that their manufacturers would be able to iterate more frequently.

It probably also costs them to linger on older platforms when newer fabs send old processes into obsolescence.
PlayStations and XBoxes now have more hardware in common than they ever have in x86-64, so it seems natural that their manufacturers would be able to turn out more frequent iterations.
Would it be hard to beat the first Xbox in that regard ?

I think it beats the 8-10 year cycles of dead end development (Cell/POWER)

When was that ?
PS1: 1994
PS2: 2000
PS3: 2006
PS3 slim: 2009
PS4: 2013
PS4 Pro: 2016
PS5: 2020
PS5 Pro: 2023/2024

Generation and refresh seem very similar to the past no ? If anything, getting slower.
Console lifetimes overlap.

The PS3/360 uArchs stopped exactly when they were released, not a development advance since. Meanwhile, Core 2 was released in 2006 and saw several successors in Core i3/i5/i7 until a console finally launched in *late 2013* (~8 years after its predecessor) that implemented x86-64. PS3/360 carried new game releases for a period following.
I wish more folks would learn to exercise critical thinking when reading.

Like Armenius suggested, this isn't a leak. It's TCL speculating based on past releases. Why would TCL have an inside track on what both Microsoft and Sony are doing for consoles a year or two away? And if it did, why would it jeopardize any business deals by spoiling the news this far in advance?

I could see Microsoft and Sony releasing mid-cycle consoles, but not until they both have supply under control and a clear reason to upgrade — say, smooth 8K gaming or big jumps in 4K frame rates (particularly with ray tracing). And I could just as easily see these companies skipping mid-cycle upgrades apart from the usual capacity increases and design revisions.
Why would TCL have an inside track on what both Microsoft and Sony are doing for consoles a year or two away?
If console start outputting 8k above 60hz using HDMI 2.2 or some new compression, I imagine a coordination with TV makers could be possible, there is rumors that the RX 7000 could support DisplayPort 2.0, at 80 gbs that significantly higher than what TV can receive now.

I imagine it would purely be about what the console would want to output and syncing TV input ports, console having been for a while the drivers of TV inputs has TV box, bluray player without being gone does not need much.
I dunno, man. 7700XT? Who could've seen that coming? *Must* be a leak!
AMD might have to change either CPU or GPU names, or we're going to have 7600X, 7600 XT, 7800X, 7800 XT, 7900X, 7900 XT all on the market at the same time.
AMD might have to change either CPU or GPU names, or we're going to have 7600X, 7600 XT, 7800X, 7800 XT, 7900X, 7900 XT all on the market at the same time.

You'll be able to distinguish by box size, though.
Console don't compete with PC.
Yes and no. Since the "PC" is not backed by any single entity then technically Sony and Microsoft have no corporation to compete against. Windows is not the de-facto OS as you could use Linux. Steam is not the only place you can buy games as Sony and Microsoft both sell games on PC. As a whole though the PC market is competition for consoles because as a console user it does give you another choice. Choice is competition whether or not it's back by any corporation.

As for the PS5 Pro or Xbox Series XXX, they have no reason to release newer and faster hardware unless they're trying to keep up with the PC market. It's to nobody's benefit to have consoles with many different kinds of hardware. Console's aren't like PCs where better hardware has an immediate effect on the games you play, as you need a patch to make use of the new hardware on consoles. BloodBorne on the PS4 Pro gets no benefits since it never got any updates to support PS4 Pro. With the Xbox Series already having a S and X models, I can't imagine adding yet another model is gonna make anyone's lives better. Unless Sony and Microsoft stop production of their base model systems and only sell the boosted models, then it would make sense as more developers will support these upgrades overtime. This was the problem with the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X as not as many games supported their features due to the overwhelming majority of people had the base model. It's the Sega 32X and SegaCD issue in that if you don't stop the production of the base model then few will take the time to support the new hardware's features. Because consoles need developers to code more directly to hardware which does give it better performance but at the cost of flexibility.
Is it just me or does it feel like console life cycles are getting shorter?

I mean, the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 were the latest gen for what, 8 years?

It feels ike it has been a muddled and confusing mess since the Xbox One and Playstation 4 hit the market, but maybe that's just because I haven't been paying much attention.
I'm not sure about Playstation/Sony, but Microsoft has moved Xbox games to run in essentially a private Xbox Virtual Machine since the OG Xbox One. This makes cross system compatibility much easier and 'porting' games from one Xbox to the other is like migrating a VM.
I expect console lifecycles to get longer and longer with refreshes coming in between. Main reason is that development times are vastly longer now than in the PS2-PS3 generation.

I’ve heard that PS5 games should be easier/quicker but I can’t say I put much faith in that.
LOL@ people who think TCL would have this information.
This is marketing for TCL's 8K TVs. Not a "leak"

TCL Has No Idea When the PS5 Pro, Xbox Series Next Will Arrive​

Finally, despite TCL’s most fervent hopes, 8K TV is not on the horizon. 8K TV sales have actually fallen and accounted for 0.15 percent of all TV shipments in 2021. This isn’t going to change in the near future, for multiple reasons. Game engines and consoles are nowhere near ready to tackle 8K as a playable resolution and there is no time table for when that is likely to change. There is no push to introduce 8K content on any service.

The reality is that this is extremely wishful thinking from TCL because people are less interested in upgrading their televisions. Manufacturers like TCL are running out of people who want to buy a TV for 4K. Most of the people in that segment of the market have already upgraded and are very happy with their televisions. And TCL — among others — was hoping that it could restart the upgrade cycle by getting early adopters excited about 8K
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Thought so. As it stands, even when consoles and PCs can smoothly drive 8K... you need a large set to justify the resolution. It'll still be aimed at well-off buyers who won't flinch at putting a 75-inch or 85-inch TV in their living room.
This is marketing for TCL's 8K TVs. Not a "leak"
The articles seem pure opinion piece (nothing seem different than an user on this message board saying the same), TomGuides I feel nailed it:

What we don’t know, of course, is whether TCL is repeating information it’s heard from Sony or Microsoft, or whether the company is simply extrapolating based on past trends. It makes perfect sense that a TV manufacturer would want to prepare its hardware for the next round of game consoles; it’s a little harder to believe that the company just preempted what would surely be huge announcements from both Sony and Microsoft.

Either way, even if TCL doesn’t have any special information on the subject, it’s telling that such a big TV manufacturer is taking a console refresh into account for its 2023/2024 strategy. Perhaps gamers should do the same — and hope against hope that a refresh will be easier to find than the base consoles.

If they think a lack of content/sense will stop TV maker to try to push 8K specially when: are running out of people who want to buy a TV for 4K

People were buying 4K with nothing to watch or game in 4k, people will buy 25 mbs 4k over better looking 25mbs 2k, resolution number seem much easier to push than anything else outside low price. It will have nice named AI upscaler to make lower res content look better.
What we don’t know, of course, is whether TCL is repeating information it’s heard from Sony or Microsoft
No, i'm telling you. TCL does not know this information. We do know this.
No, i'm telling you. TCL does not know this information. We do know this.
Ah ok, why would it be completely crazy for large TV markers to be in conversation with the single existing (and very popular) device that push HDMI need about when more than 2.1 would come up ?

Feel that there is really only 95% chance that there is 0 conversation between a large tv marker and a device like consoles about syncing generation wise port output with input that would lead to knowing if the next refresh of the playstation is going over 4K-120hz and a 18-month windows of when it is likely to happen, it really does not sound impossible to me.
No, i'm telling you. TCL does not know this information. We do know this.

BUT WE KNOW ITS HAPPENING EVENTUALLY The PS4 pro was fantastic for maintaining $400 msrp for EIGHT years

Sure,its a guess, but who exactly expects it to be wrong?
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18-month windows of when it is likely to happen
I don't know if it's very likely to happen, probably supply chain issues lasting that entire 18 months. But i can tell you sony has not spilled the beans of any refresh plans to TCL.

Without citing any other information, i can 100 billion percent assure you if for some magical fairy tale reason a conversation did happen, the NDA's would prevent them from revealing it at a PUBLIC PRESS CONFERENCE.

Ya'll are falling for the clickbait trap.