and how can anyone spent the $ on 2 x 40", and did use a mechanical keyboard? That's like saying you drive a Ferrari, but you park your Ferrari down the street because you don't have a garage
Some people don't care for mechanical keyboards, others could potentially care for mechanical keyboards, but are not interested in paying the crazy premium that is put on even the most basic features (it's a niche market), in my case for example, I have considered spending money on one, but I have yet to find a keyboard that I find worthy of spending the money on it (das keyboard 4 ultimate is the closest).
Also different people have different priorities, I have a herman miller embody chair, yet I still have a i7 920 on my computer, and a 40$ non mechanical keyboard, my case is worth more than my motherboard + cpu put together, my chair is easily worth as much as every piece of hardware on my computer put together (including this very monitor), yet for me spending the close to 2000$ of the chair, seems completely logical.