Perfect gameplay, which game?


Oct 23, 2003
OK, With all the gaming debates that pop up here, a common point of contention is quality of gameplay. Indeed, it seems these days most devs focus on beautiful invironments and to a smaller degree, phisics than good quality gameplay. If you had to pick one game as a model for perfect gameplay, which would it be?

For me, the original UT still has some of the best gameplay I've ever experienced. UT2K4 is good, but doesn't quite have the fun factor that the original had. Especially with the high jump and low grav mods.

SO what game(s) do you guys think gets the job done? Feel free to use flying sims and other game types rather than just FPS's. Also include any mods/mutators that you feel apply.
Some of the ones that come to my mind:

Super Mario Bros. (one of the most nuance based control schemes using almost no controls. walking, running, sliding, jumping, double-triple bouncing/jumping, swimming, shooting... it had everything with 4 digital directions and two buttons.)

The first FPS with mouselook (I can't think off the top of my head which it would have been) Doom, Spear of Destiny, Wolfenstein, etc. were good but when mouselook was introduced the entire genre took a step forward.

Katamari Damacy, newest game to bring the focus back to gameplay and simple yet complex controls.
I think shadow of the colossus reigns pretty well for being a complete game (graphics, sound, gameplay, story coming together so well) - and for a game based around scaling and killing what essentially amounts to walking mountains, the gameplay feels very much like it should.
I would have to say Super Smash Bros. It's extremely tightly controlled. Incredibly simple control format but somehow this intuitive system allowed for a great deal of combat depth amongst the many characters, also the tight controls allowed for a lot of room in which to improve your skills. Most polished game I've ever seen. Hundreds of trophies to earn, each with about 2-3 paragraphs of info on what you just collected, sometimes revealing little tips about the game you probably would not have discovered. Lots of game modes, and plenty of characters/stages to unlock. It was also a collage of different nintendo games bringing in many different characters into this wholly unique setting and paying homage to all of them. They accomplished a massive amount with this game. I can't find a valid complaint except that there are things they could have added, but I withhold that complaint since there's already far more than I could have expected.

That said, I've enjoyed other games more, and spent more time playing them as well, but that doesn't mean the games I enjoyed more were without fault. They've all had problems that would crop up and step in the way of the enjoyment, bugs and design issues are kinks that developers try to eliminate from the game. For some games it becomes nigh impossible to perfectly execute them without cutting certain corners. However the Smash Bros team managed to execute their vision of a game without a hitch. They picked out what they wanted to happen and executed those things perfectly without overextending themselves(Many games run into problems stemming from trying to do too much without being able to do them well). In my own opinion, Smash Bros is clearly the most well-developed game I've played in all my years of gaming since DOS games and a Nintendo.
Heroes of Might and Magic 2 is probably one of my favorite games of all time, and one I keep coming back to even today. It's so incredibly addicting and Hot Seat multiplayer mode is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun.

Each game can take a half a saturday away and you'll never know how the time got away so fast.

All of my buddies who ever played it agree...we still play it!
i'm confused as to what this thread is about, but, if its about the perfect game, heh, i dunno, thats a tough one. my favorite game though is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. i completely acknowledge that that game is not perfect, but its may favorite.

now for games with perfect the top of my head...

Devil May Cry 3 (that game is so polished in all areas, its rediculous)
Jak and Daxter, Jak 2, Jak 3

and yes, I have shadow of the colossus, and i love the hell out of it as i knew i would. the demo alone stole much time from my days.

long live console gaming with its variety.
I went back to Desert Combat (a BF1942 mod) and realized just how amazingly balanced almost everything is in that game. It took them many releases but the air, land, & sea combat is second to none.
There have been lots of games which I condiser to have had excellent gameplay

All the old Megamans for nintendo were excellent.
Command and Conquer
Crusader: No Remorse
Super Mario Bros
Warcraft 2
Alpha Centauri
Star Control 2

And many more. The newer games that come out are ok gameplay-wise but none have as much fun factor as the older games.
From Wikipedia:

Generally, the term "gameplay" in video game terminology is used to describe the overall experience of playing the game excluding the factors of graphics, sound, and the storyline. This is the very essence of a game. The term "Game mechanics" refers to sub elements of the gameplay, but particularly the primary control and movement features of the game (thus excluding things like level design or AI).

Quake 1 and everything derivative thereof. Perfect and responsive controls, very configurable with user level macros/aliases, and the console as well.

Worst gameplay: Most FPSs on a console. Vampire Redemption (PC).
Unreal Tournament for the PC. The most balanced shooter I have ever played. So much fun, still play it to this day. :D