PC Panel Pro.. got this for xmas..it is pretty handy if you want to manage multiple audio outputs.


Mar 17, 2011
I have only had a limited time to play with this xmas gift I got this year...but I have multiple sound devices / amps hooked up to my pc and this PC Panel Pro thing is pretty handy... can program it to do many things switch sound devices with click adjust volume in certain programs...custom RGB *which I do not personally care that much about ..but it is there... I honestly do not even know all what this thing can do yet..but I think it is already a bit game changing for my pc audio workflow.. pretty excited to figure out what else i can set up to use it

Down side the packaging is kinda ridiculous device was in a cardboard box with no padding / bag and cable just sitting on top of acrylic ??? top panel... in my case it seems to have been unscathed by this rather poor packaging.. but I would hazard to guess some of these must show up scratched / banged up shipped this way?? Hopefully they improve this in future... the knobs and sliders are fine..but but kinda cheap looking however the actual pots seem ~fine not bad..pretty smooth... just cheap knobs.. Cool features / device .. hopefully a more polished /higher end unit that is packaged MUCH better may come at some point?


Pic of software suite.. pretty straight forward... lot of options / functionality..


excuse the cable or don't I need to redo my cable management on my desk very badly... however due to various reasons (having PT for arthritis in hips / knees .etc) messing around with this project has been somewhat postponed... I doubt I could move the next day If I redo the whole desk as it very much needing done..