Paragon (new title from Epic Games)


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2013


Not readily apparent yet what type of game this is :confused:
If I had to guess. Another pointless online competitive game like overwatch.
If I had to guess. Another pointless online competitive game like overwatch.

Pointless pretty much sums up every game. They're not necessary.

At least some are fun as well as pointless.
Let me guess? You get your ass handed to you in online gaming?

Or maybe he wants something that offers some variety. Some people can't get sucked into MP games. I play both types for different reasons.

As for this game, it looks like an MMO/free to play game so I have zero interest. That genre should die, but sadly gamers have poor tastes and that is where the market is headed.
Games have a point, they are to entertain, in one way or another.
Let me guess? You get your ass handed to you in online gaming?

Why do you assume that my mental age is under 12? Because that's usually the age when kids get butthurt over loosing in a game.

Or maybe he wants something that offers some variety. Some people can't get sucked into MP games. I play both types for different reasons.

As for this game, it looks like an MMO/free to play game so I have zero interest. That genre should die, but sadly gamers have poor tastes and that is where the market is headed.

This exactly. I have no interest in competitive gaming, I don't get a kick of it, no matter of winning or loosing. I get nothing. So it is pointless to me. Looking at a stat doesn't do anything for me.

The last time I had some fun in an online game, it was Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. Which was coop. But even that got old very fast, since you played the same map over and over again.

There was a time and place for competitive games, but I got that out of my system in high school. Yes that was in the quake 1 era. I was runner up in some local competitions, but I never took it seriously.
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Graphics are a nice extra, but it's the possible variations of strategic gameplay that makes or breaks a MOBA game.

Just see what Riot is now (very) stuck doing... They have to change gameplay balance every patch which is about once a month, and a major gameplay change every year. It's not really required, but if they didn't keep changing things around constantly their game would get very stale very quickly.
if its full action MOBA, like Smite, than I am ok with it....
"Paragon, the MOBA..."

Stopped right there. Thanks for the warning.
Looks pretty awesome. Been obsessed with HotS since it came out, graphics on this look very nice, would be a cool change.
Thank you for registering for Paragon's Beta program. We're spinning up our first online tests very soon. If you'd like a chance to be a part of early testing, please complete this short seven-question survey by midnight EST Thursday, Dec. 10th.


The Paragon Team

P.S. - This link will bring you to a login page on Unreal Engine, which we are using to speed up the data collection process.
Cool trailer. The game looks much more interesting than the previous trailer. * checks email * still no Paragon beta key :(
They did a good job the trailer. The game really is gorgeous. Would play really well in VR IMO...
Hmm... Maybe i jumped the gun there a little, didn't see this under NDA though. Might be deploying the game in Early Access from beta in stages then to track server load and minimize server issues.
I had a hard time finding game play videos but I found one ( the NDA thing was mentioned ):

3 hour gameplay video:

I received a free code for Paragon on Ninja Pucca's Twitch channel. She gives away $20 Founder's Packs to anyone and the more expensive packs to subscribers.

There was this Bot called Paragon Bot that came into the channel and gave away a few codes. Apparently the Bot visits random Paragon streams and gives away keys.

After years on Dota and almost 3000 hours on Dota 2 I think I am finished with MOBA's for this lifetime. Game looks nice though.
They are different games. SMITE is closer to a hyperkinetic first person shooter. Paragon is the first MOBA on a PS4 and also runs on PC.

Characters run slower in Paragon and different characters have different mobility ratings. Paragon is the first MOBA with 3 dimensional terrain. The jungle is so complex that you can get lost in it ( at least I do ).

The card deck can be a huge curve ball because different people will have different cards. The cards are sort of the equivalent to a store ( in DOTA 2 / LoL ) except that the game randomly generates cards for players based on how many hours you have played. The equipment are slotted items, so you can add 3 upgrades per equipment card. You add upgrades in real time, during the combat portion of the game ( so there's a lot of realtime counterbuilding and metagaming ).

I love both games.
I've been playing since beta weekend too, it is very similar to smite, which is why I like it. I find it to be a much slower paced game though