Outpost.com shows BFG 6800GT in stock

I ordered one, and talked to them at 2:45pm, when they told me that they had 22 in stock, and 14 orders in process for the item.

If I don't get a tracking number by tonight, I'll probably cancel and order from somewhere else.
uh, but it says Product currently unavailable. ???????
and shipping isnt even free.. bleh :rolleyes:
Techx said:
uh, but it says Product currently unavailable. ???????
and shipping isnt even free.. bleh :rolleyes:

As of now, this thread was viewed ~120 time. This might explain why it was sold out by the time you checked it out. :p
I think Chumbo's gonna be the best place to get the bfg 6800gt oc (or any other BFG card for that matter). Here's an e-mail I got:

Hi Jason, thanks for contacting us.

I can tell you that we continue to prioritize Chumbo's orders to us, and we will be continually shipping batches of 6800 GT cards to Chumbo over the next few weeks as we play catch up to the high volume of orders we are getting. That means Chumbo will also be shipping these cards to their customers over the same time period.

Thank you,

Lady whose name I won't put.

This may be old news to some... and obvious seeing as how Chumbo is BFG's online partner or w/e. Maybe it helps some people choose where to buy from tho.

-- jason
Today my friend ordered one for me and one for him around mid-day so hopefully they will be shipped. By the way the website has changed its PSU wattage requirement from 480w to 300w. Does anyone know if I need at least a 480w or will my 350w work? Thanks
Just saw that the egg has the BFG 6800GT for $100 OVER (499). It is, however, in stock. I'm going with the evga direct, since I don't have Far Cry yet (or the extra 100, heh).
I got shipping confirmation around midnight EST for my order with Outpost. Same Day Shipping and supposed to be here tomorrow (Saturday) morning. For $12 overnight shipping, they've won a new repeat customer if it gets here.
Mine says it was shipped at 4:30am this morning from Outpost.com. Got to my local Airborn Express at 9am and should be delivered today!