Only some computers getting connection on my new switch, plz help!


Limp Gawd
Jul 24, 2004
Hey guys I just got a new netgear gigabit 8port switch today since my old linksys router was crapping out. I connected everything, and some computers are getting connection while others are not. My computer and the office computer are both getting connection, but both of my brothers' computers are not. Does anyone know what could be wrong? I know they are connected properly. I completly replaced the router with the switch, so now my connection goes from my modem to the switch to the other computers, is that ok? THanks for the help
It sounds like the switch is pulling the one or 2 ip addresses your isp gives you, thus only 1 or 2 computers will work online at once. You need another router if you want to get it back working, since the router is what takes your 1 ip address and allows all of your computers to work off of it. NAT is your friend. :)
Ya, he's right, you're gonna need some sort of router. Pop a couple of GigE cards in an old computer and set it up with Smoothwall, and you'll have a safe and working network.