OnLive claims... bogus, or cool?

So they take one of the backwardest implementations of a barely ready technology that ignores the facts of what current broadband is, and want to add some wireless to it?

So where are these native 240hz 4k tvs? And why does every single wireless technology have weird latency and lag, but one beamed from 180 miles away not? How are the controls from the game going to go out? Back to the center, rendered on supercomputer and then compressed and returned with zero latency?

I'm guessing they have a few servers rendering everything. Are they really going to cost effectively render games at 4k resolution, at 240fps, with one game session per client without charging $300 a month? Those kind of resolutions and framerates you would need quad 580s to do with any kind of decent setting. Or what they are probably doing is taking a shitty 720p picture and stretching it up. 4k is not 4000p its 2160p

They should probably change their name to PT barnum. when people sign up to be a sucker, I mean subscriber.
I have no idea why this thing is still around.
I was part of the original beta for the service last year. It's an interesting idea, but their price model has never really appealed to me. As it stands now, they run 720p with medium settings for the games, and that works surprisingly well. Haven't tested their Wifi version, so don't know how that version performs exactly.

I am quite surprised they still have enough buyers to "progress" like they are.
OnLive is bleeding edge tech right now, do not pretend it isn't because you are scared of it.
I think onlive would be cool for smartphones and other handhelds, but the internet carriers provide suck. The max I've ever gotten on sprint was 200 KB/s, and that was on a lucky day
OnLive is bleeding edge tech right now, do not pretend it isn't because you are scared of it.
OnLive delivers an inferior experience than the platforms I already own, and until it doesn't, it can eat 1,000 dicks.
I saw the guys playing Unreal 3 at the office on a PC that had no horse power at all. The game played surprisingly well and barely any lag at all, i was very surprised. Streaming games is here to stay and would not be surprised that in 10 years the next gen consoles will just stream games from the cloud, cutting down piracy to 0 percent.
OnLive is bleeding edge tech right now, do not pretend it isn't because you are scared of it.

No matter how "bleeding edge" it is, it's still worse than what you can get with a desktop, so why would anyone here be interested? OnLive is the 4th console, don't pretend it isn't.
No matter how "bleeding edge" it is, it's still worse than what you can get with a desktop, so why would anyone here be interested? OnLive is the 4th console, don't pretend it isn't.
I think he's scared of the Xbox and Playstation. :D

As for the audio, that sounds like a CEO who sat in on a couple tech meetings and heard all of the new and cool technology out there. He then thought about how great this would sound to a consumer without understanding or caring to understand that they don't have the capability of doing it all at once.
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