Ok while installing XP it had problems installing approx 12 .dlls Please Help


Sep 9, 2002
I had setup cannot copy ole32.dll

and a bunch of other dlls it couldnt copy.

I just hit skip, and upon finishing copying files on reboot i see this: stop: c0000221 bad image checksum

the image olethk32.dll is possibly corrupt. the header checksum does not match the computed checksum.

I rather expected this, but what am i supposed to do?

I formatted because my mother screwed up the computer beyond repair.

and now its having problems installing windows, arggh what's going on?
i tried a different stick of ram, no go

i tried sticking another fan and leaving it open, nope

now im trying a brand new ide cable to both the hd and cdrom
i was gonna say try diff ram but you already done that, ive had same problem a while ago, but it was cause of ram.
it might be ur mobo, if u said it has screwed up ur pc, comething might be wront with it
anythings possible i guess.

i tried switching the hdd into my comp, removed the jumper, set it up and it wouldn't come up?
ok i tried just throwing in the drive as the only drive, set to master, and it wouldn't even get to the boot from disk part, it just hung for a while.

is it safe to assume the hard drive is dieing and needs to be RMAed?
Try setting the jumper on the hd to CS(Cable Select) also is the cd that you're installing XP from scratched or anything?
I've seen this happen when a CD-ROM can't read a CD really well. Personally its happened to me with one of those colored CDs.
Not to be an ass, but I have seen and always heard of this error (the inability for XP to copy a load of dlls) in hacked copies.
And if it is a LEGAL Cd then it may just be a busted copy.
I have also had errors like this when I slipstreamed SP2 to my legal copy of XP with SP1 and burned the cd at 52x write speed.. I reburned the project again but this time at slower speed 32x I think and no errors when installing XP on my system.. so sometimes your media itself when burned to fast can be the source for these types of errors...
OldPueblo said:
I've seen this happen when a CD-ROM can't read a CD really well. Personally its happened to me with one of those colored CDs.
oh i hate those colored cds, i bought the napster multicolor cdr's for $8 they suck, 1/4 of tehm actually burn
nomak said:
I have also had errors like this when I slipstreamed SP2 to my legal copy of XP with SP1 and burned the cd at 52x write speed.. I reburned the project again but this time at slower speed 32x I think and no errors when installing XP on my system.. so sometimes your media itself when burned to fast can be the source for these types of errors...

This was my scenario exactly, except with a colored CD. Legit XP RTM + SP2 slipstream burned at 52x. Maybe it wasn't the colored CD after all, just the burn speed. I have heard burning too fast can make a finicky CD.
I've also seen this problem with POS cd-rom drives that don't read right. A friend of mine had built a new box, but was using his old generic cd-rom drive, and he got tons of errors like that during windows setup. I let him borrow one of my drives and it worked fine.
AMD XP 3000+ @ 2420Mhz...why dont you try at stock speeds or bios defaults?

things to try -
drop the clock speed to standard.
Do not have dual bus memory installed while installing XP - this can cause memory errors like you have.
make sure you have the hard drive set as master (on its own channel if pata, same for cdrom drive...)
best of luck