Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

Holy shit I just watched those 2 videos Nem linked and wow that was awesome. Those two videos are the best pvp video's I've seen yet. Dam I'm really liking what I'm seeing here. Woo. Looks good. :):D;)
Those PVP videos are pure win. Looks so fun! Yes yes I'm aware nothing in it looks zomg totally groundbreaking, but it looks damn fun.
Those videos are pretty good except for the noobs playing in them. And it just looks weird without seeing the UI and everything else. Kinda makes me want to play Bounty Hunter instead of Sith warrior after seeing them also, so I dont get kited to death.
Yeah. Well, the other thing is that the user who made the videos definitely had the graphics detail cranked down pretty far. No real time shadows, no sky at all, etc.
looks like it could be good, hate that 1st person view though made me sick to my stomach lols.

hope i get to try it hands on..

New Rig and Monitor is on its way!!! looking forward to diablo 3, guild wars 2 and old Republic oh my!
Deus Ex 3 and Dead Island are both going to be my fillers until TOR comes out, so it can take its sweet time getting here :cool:
I've still got the files, but they are 500mb a piece. I would upload them,but it would take awhile. I'm sure there's other sites on the web that still have them.
Oh holy shit, Saabac tables in game the game. I ran by one in Esseles.
Ya I saw those razer products for TOR the day they were announced months ago and they are very nice looking but I'm not gonna put my G15/G9x and icemat along with Corsair Hs-1 to buy all that crap. As nice as it may be it's definetly going to be over priced and unnecessary. One of those nitchy products that's nice but totally unnecessary. :) Nice though no doubt.
Do righties really use the right hand of the keyboard if you're using WASD?

No, but even if you were one of those people that use the arrow keys, I don't see how the "dynamic" keys would be in a useful position.
No, but even if you were one of those people that use the arrow keys, I don't see how the "dynamic" keys would be in a useful position.

Honestly I would hardly ever use the dam extra keys for macros or anything else. I would use the LCD somewhat but again totally wasted on someone like me. I have used the macro keys on both of my G15's over the years maybe twice lol. I use the lcd on my G15's all the time to monitor cpu/gpu temps/fps/teamspeak/vent you name it but other than that nope. So all in all I would consider buying this if I needed a new keyboard simply because I like the look. I think it looks badass even though I've never really been a fan of razor's products in the past. I prefer logitech's build quality personally but these are nice looking none the less.
Ugh...Why? That thing is atrocious. Laid out wrong in the worst possible way for me. Do righties really use the right hand of the keyboard if you're using WASD?

It was more out of sarcasm, if anything.

The LCD is supposed to support certain features in TOR that haven't been announced yet. Curiosity has killed my wallet before :(
I think the most important thing to take away from that writeup is the final paragraph:

Verdict: above average... even in its current beta build. With some improvements which are bound to come (if the developers have 1/2 a brain... which they seem to do) it can become a excellent and successful game. The potential is without a doubt there. Now it comes down to building on what will hopefully be a successful launch and a thriving community (read idea/money source).

It sounds like it's got its fair share of issues, but given that the game hasn't even launched yet, IMO there is a good chance that Bioware will listen to players and keep the game evolving, just like WoW did at launch.
I think the most important thing to take away from that writeup is the final paragraph:

It sounds like it's got its fair share of issues, but given that the game hasn't even launched yet, IMO there is a good chance that Bioware will listen to players and keep the game evolving, just like WoW did at launch.

Ya that's why I said take it with a grain of salt. The guy sounds like one of those biased forum people who before the game was even installed was already in his mind was already below par because it wasn't re-inventing the genre. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I took him. He's critical about things that are clearly not working as intended yet or will be fixed/added by release yet penalizies them for it. So ya I appreciate the review but again I wouldn't hang my hat on someone so clearly biased. All in all I like these biased reviews since if this is as bad as it gets, I'm gonna love this game.
Any beta testers able to get in this morning? "This environment is currently unavailable for play"
The same guys who do The Republic show on mondays are doing a live show tonight called The Raid. It's live right now and there are actually like 18,000 people watching. In case anyones interested.

Kind of a shitty review/preview of a level 50 sage. Meh take with ye grain of salt.
The only thing I agree with is the character creation customization and the UI. There are just too few options for customization which should not be the case in this day and age of MMO's. The body styles are shit, hairstyles lacking, no real defining features to add, and lots of clones are already existent.

The UI works but I'd like to be able to move the elements. This locked position for everything is an archaic design so hopefully they add more options to customize the UI.

His PvP response tells me he has never PvP'd before and is bad at it. And complaining about the economy in the beta? Seems like a cherry picker.

His rating of a 6 is pretty spot on but not based on what he wrote.

Any beta testers able to get in this morning? "This environment is currently unavailable for play"
It's been up all day.
He's critical about things that are clearly not working as intended yet or will be fixed/added by release yet penalizies them for it.

I haven't read the review yet, but after my >1 year stint in the WAR beta, I decided that it's important to be critical of game aspects that you feel need work, even if you think it's clear that they will be "fixed" by release. Of course, if you're giving information to people outside the beta community (whether as a leak or a legitimate release), you should make it clear that you think that is the case and not just throw the state of the feature out there with no context.
I have high hopes for this game, im looking to get that awesome feeling when i logged into WoW back in 2005 and be drawn in to a great experience.
I have high hopes for this game, im looking to get that awesome feeling when i logged into WoW back in 2005 and be drawn in to a great experience.

Me too, I sure hope it's WoW vanilla, and not WAR on release.
War was one of those games that you walk away from that had potential but they just didn't hit the mark....what a shame. I don't think TOR will be that game. Shit I hope not cause if so I'm done with mmo's for a good long while. I think it's gonna be pretty awesome though.;)
I remember my former guild hyping War up for MONTHS, eventually they all defected for the game on its release day.

2 months later, they all quit and I had a good laugh.
WAR had so much potential and then flopped :( i tried it for awhile but RvR was one sided and the one low level instance i went into was amazing but no one really focused on running instances just PvP.
I found myself getting bored alot in war. The characters I played ( 3 different classes) all felt like cheap imitations of the same parent classes from wow. I found myself saying I wish I was playing my wow toon instead of this wannabe ....whatever class....... Plus the rvr got old after a while and the gear was generic crap and didn't feel like it made much of a difference.