Great TEST,that seals it for me then the Benq it is.Ok, just wanted to clear something up about this monitor.
I sent my November made monitor in for firmware update and just got it back today. First thing I tried was HDMI via an Xbox 360 Elite for 1080P, which many reported did not work and cut off areas of the screen. After plugging it in and setting it up I found a perfect picture. To prove it, here are some perfect pictures. Click for pic, taken with 10mp cam.
First, Aspect Mode, 1080p
And a picture to prove the monitor knows what its outputting
Now 1:1 mode 1080p
Now 1:1 mode 720p
In short, no video is cut off using the HDMI port. The video is displayed perfectly.
As for blackout issues, I have had them myself, reported it when they took my monitor in, they said there was something funky with the inverter and I have not had another since.
For those who would yell and scream that no one would buy this monitor and that BenQ are liars, Dell squashes threads about people trying to discover them swapping panels midshipment after the reviews are in, BenQ just takes a bit of time to write firmware updates. This monitor is beautiful and the only thing I have to figure out now is how to hand off 5.1 audio to my computer so I can listen to my xbox in full glory.
If anyone knows how to read a version number out of this thing so I can see if I have some second firmware update, then please do post.
Shame about the Viewsonic but that's life.