Alright, so a while ago I posted about my screen flickering for a second or two and then reappearing. I was told it was the cable (which I doubted in the first place) so when I received my new cable (Audio Research Dual Link DVI-D - $60 cable for $10 ) I was duly surprised to find that the screen still flickers and this time more often than before.
I highly doubt it is a physical glitch as the screen almost looks like its fading in and out when it goes black (albeit quite quickly). I am on a PowerBook G4 so perhaps it has to do with macs?
FlacX: Did you ever find information regarding this in previous posts? I couldnt find anything off of my first quick run through. Are you still having the problem or is anybody else? And again, the monitor is not hot and all connecitons are secured properly.
I have(hopefully had) the same black-out problem. After talking to some guys here(check the earlier post), some people suggested some ideas, first updating the drivers. I have an ATI 9600PRO and was running Omega Drivers, i updated to the real(and newest) ATI drivers, and so far(1 day and a half) the problem never came back. In the catalyst menu you can also play with two settings to try getting things better. Someone else suggested, maybe the monitor was overheating a bit and creating a ventilation behind it would be good... anyhow, right now the updated drivers seams to work... i'll see if it comes back