Oculus Rift + Robot Hand = Creepiness

I don't know, looks cool to me. Also is that Hatsuine Miku.

novint falcon sure have died. i still have mine.

hopefully the oculus rift will bring the falcon back alive.
The hand is just the test subject, they are just seeing if the virtual vagina is a possibility with it.... at least that seems the next logical step to me lol
i love manga but i just found out that i have a bigger issue than i thought initially with this.
Japan+Lolis+Rift+Robot hands, we all know where this will go >.<
We all know where this is going. But I'm not biting until I can get a sexy android lady...I will probably be dead before that happens.
I've been waiting for someone to use a Novint Falcon with the Oculus Rift.

This is not what I was waiting for.

Could we get some real gameplay with . . . say . . . the pistol grip? Who made the weird wanky hand thing?
We all know where this is going. But I'm not biting until I can get a sexy android lady...I will probably be dead before that happens.

That or you get one and it breaks down and kills you in the process by shorting out and electrocuting you.