Occulus Rift Owners Can Now Play HTC Vive Games


Mar 3, 2018
As promised back in August, Viveport subscribers can now play a wide selection of Vive games on an Oculus Rift. HTC is offering a 14 day free trial for the subscription service, and posted instructions to get your Oculus Rift running Vive games. A list of "Oculus Compatible" games can also be found on their website.
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This is positive.

In order for VR to grow and flourish less store fragmentation is a good thing.

I wish the same would be the case on the PC. I hate that many titles have become exclusively available in one publishers store. I want a single retail outlet and client that has every title.
Curious if any of the "not avaiable at all on Rift" games are actually any good or not.....most stuff worth a damn is ported or has patches added that don't require some subscription service......
Since VR is an emerging platform, the vendors should work together to standardize games/drivers/etc. I remember the early days of 3D - 3DFX had Glide, eventually Direct3D more-or-less standardized support. No more exclusives. They suck and hurt adoption rates.
A much better title would have been "Rift users can pay htc money for a subscription now for titles they own on steam already anyway"