nvidia in a huge pit now?

Eh all companies goes through their ups and downs. Nvidia's big problem was that they rested on their laurels to long and did not make sure their technology was up to date and in working order.
wierd cause everyone seemed to know that they were sitting on their butts doing nothing... except themselves.

now ATI is top.
There's alot going on right now.....
ATI came up with a winner. But their (AMD) chip business is in dire straits.
Money is tight.
Everything is expensive.
Some bad product hit the streets.

But.....the Physx looks interesting.
I'm sure nvidia will come up with some new stuff that will rock the boat again in their favor.

My biggest concern is the obvious lack of games.....nothing new has hit the street in a good long while that wasn't on the XBox first......those stupid consoles just may ruin this part of PC use altogether.
I don't get the logic of all the publishers wanting to release games at the same time, in the last quarter......I understand the reasoning......but a good game will sell well in June just as it would in November.
Please just give it a rest. Charie is an idiot and a liar.


As for the rumors and allegations of widespread GPU/chipset failures, NVIDIA has now denied them in its quarterly earnings report. If the company's statements are accurate, there's absolutely nothing to them. If the company is lying about the scope or nature of the problem, it's opening the doors to potential shareholder lawsuits.

Personally, I'm ready for this topic to go away. The scope of the allegations continues to expand, proof remains nonexistent, and NVIDIA has now officially stated that the scope and nature of the problem is confined to a relatively small batch of parts—which, incidentally, is what it has been saying all along.

ATI GPUs will do well vs nvidia for at least the next couple of quarters, but it's hardly the end of nvidia. ATI has a lot of market share ground to make up and nvidia is still in the game. Read the link above. nvidia realizes the problems and mistakes it made, and Huang is a refreshing change from the usual CEO in trouble (cough, Ruiz).