Nomination: DC'er of the Month: November 2022


DC Moderator and [H]ard DCOTM x6
Staff member
Jun 15, 2005
Who is worthy of this honor?

To nominate someone, you must give at least a brief reasoning behind why they should be nominated.

More rules and policies are below.

Nominate the best and the brightest!

From the [H]ard|DCer of the Month - FAQ and [H]all of fame:

Q: What is the [H]ard|DCer of the Month?

Every month, the team gets a chance to choose someone they thought contributed greatly to the team, and give them a bit of recognition for it. At the beginning of each month, a nomination thread is held. Here is your chance to nominate whoever you think deserves recognition. Someone can be nominated for any reason. It does not matter if they designed some massive piece of software to help the team in some way, or simply added a few boxen to ramp up their production.

Q: How do things work?

Nominations are held for 10 days starting on the 1st of each month. The nominated people move onto a poll and the Poll will be open for 10 days following the end of the nomination thread. The remaining part of the month is reserved for congratulating the winner and have fun. Same as before, vote for whoever you want, for whatever reaons you want. If there is a tie, a runoff will be held. After the winner is chosen, they are interviewed so the entire team can see what makes them tick.

For the [H]ard|DCer of the Year, there is no nominations thread because the only worthy candidates is the [H]ard|DCer of the Month winners for the current year. The poll to choose a winner is done in 2 steps : The first poll will include all 12 winners for the current year and we select only the best 4 winners which will participate in the next round. If there is a tie in the first 4 ranks, the tie winners will move together. In the second round, the one with the most votes will be declared the winner but if there is a tie, a runoff vote will be held. Each step will last 10 days.

Q: What does the winner get as prize?

Being that there is no cash flow funding the [H]ard|DCer award, there is only so much we can do in the way of prizes The [H]|DCers do not have a physical prize, but thanks to Kyle and the rest of the gang, we still have something to give winners. All winners will receive a custom title showing off their achievement.

Q: Are there any rules for this?

To nominate someone, you must give at least a brief reasoning behind why they should be nominated.

Past winners cannot be nominated until one full year after they last won.

You cannot nominate yourself.

Hard DCer of the Year winners are excluded forever.

Any contestation or question about the nomination thread should be done via PM.
Calling all DCOTM!

If you won in the past... can you look around and nominate one of the worthy members of our team? Thanks!
Any more nominations? The month is almost over.
Thanks Horde. Been a few years since I last won one, even if it is by default. Nice of Ducrider to nominate me after the harsh mowing I got from him a couple weeks ago. I have kept my top 3 rigs from my small upgraded farm cranked for the last few weeks tho in an attempt to stay in top 20 for the team before getting mowed and I was successful. Not sure if I can keep it up in Dec as this is when work slows down usually but I'll bring everything to the table for the TAAT challenge next year.
Thanks Horde. Been a few years since I last won one, even if it is by default. Nice of Ducrider to nominate me after the harsh mowing I got from him a couple weeks ago. I have kept my top 3 rigs from my small upgraded farm cranked for the last few weeks tho in an attempt to stay in top 20 for the team before getting mowed and I was successful. Not sure if I can keep it up in Dec as this is when work slows down usually but I'll bring everything to the table for the TAAT challenge next year.

It was not a fast mow down. You have been putting out some good numbers. So it took me a bit to get you reeled in. The nomination was givin because it was deserved. That's a long time folding especially on 1 team. I am thinking my next addition to my folding will be a 4080 or a 4090. The 4090 just seems to be the better choice. Will have to save a few bucks and wait for a water block.
It was not a fast mow down. You have been putting out some good numbers. So it took me a bit to get you reeled in. The nomination was givin because it was deserved. That's a long time folding especially on 1 team. I am thinking my next addition to my folding will be a 4080 or a 4090. The 4090 just seems to be the better choice. Will have to save a few bucks and wait for a water block.
And maybe a fire extinguisher. Some issues with melting 16 pin connectors on those. Rumored NV not warrantying cards unless you're using THEIR connector seems like bull especially if you buy a new PSU with the req'd 16 pin. I dunno about these new RTX4xxx. Think I'll take a 'wait and see'
And maybe a fire extinguisher. Some issues with melting 16 pin connectors on those. Rumored NV not warrantying cards unless you're using THEIR connector seems like bull especially if you buy a new PSU with the req'd 16 pin. I dunno about these new RTX4xxx. Think I'll take a 'wait and see'
Not too worried about the burning connectors. After some looking around it's not real wide spread of a issue. Just a few isolated ones have done it. We all know folding does not us a lot of power. LOL. By the time I get some cash saved up for one it will prob be after the first of the year. Maybe by then they will have figured it out. I have been looking at the Gigabyte 4080's that are water cooled. They look pretty small compared to the rest of the cards. The $1450 price tag for them is one of the things that is making me not want one. Other than it's made by Gigabyte.
And maybe a fire extinguisher. Some issues with melting 16 pin connectors on those. Rumored NV not warrantying cards unless you're using THEIR connector seems like bull especially if you buy a new PSU with the req'd 16 pin. I dunno about these new RTX4xxx. Think I'll take a 'wait and see'
Ducrider is coming for me next!!! I am trying to hold on to the top 10... It has been a LONG climb!!!