noblechairs HERO Series Office and Gaming Chair Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
noblechairs HERO Series Office and Gaming Chair Review

noblechairs impressed us with its ICON series office chair, and now it is back with its HERO series chair. The HERO is built with the same attention to detail that the ICON is, but it is built for larger guys and has an upgraded list of features, along with a bigger price tag. We used the HERO for a month and here are our thoughts on it.

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I bought an Ergohuman chair years ago based on your recommendation and absolutely love it so thanks for your bourbon-tinged furniture reviews. Would you replace your Ergo with the HERO?
I bought an Ergohuman chair years ago based on your recommendation and absolutely love it so thanks for your bourbon-tinged furniture reviews. Would you replace your Ergo with the HERO?
Yes, but very different chairs.
I love the feel of leather but, and let's face it, it can get very warm, very quickly.

I wish more gaming chair companies offered a multitude of seating materials, such as solid PU or leather, perforated PU or leather, and tight mesh/braided cloth.

I would love to see comparison reviews of all materials from those that regularly sit in their chairs for 8-10 hours a day.

There, now that each prior sentence was started with "I" to emphasize things that "I" would love to see (and perhaps doesn't matter much to the majority), thank you for the review, Kyle!
I bought this same chair about a month ago. I'm a 300# 6' tall dude with a really messed up back, so it's hard to find good chairs that fit and reduce pain.

I love this chair! After putting it through a lot of testing, my only complaint is that the arms will slide down under my weight. The chair is rated up to 350#, so this is a bit disappointing, but not a deal breaker. During normal use the arms are fine. Once I had a back spasms and tried using the arms to support myself to get up to get medication. The arms collapsed, then so did I. It was incredibly painful, but the chair managed to catch my weight. I can't blame the manufacturer for not designing arms to support a 300# guy falling over.

I would very much recommend this chair to anyone that is larger or has back issues.

A note about materials. The faux leather is very well ventilated. I tend to hate leather because it gets so hot. I've yet to get hot in this chair. Bare skin will stick to the leather, but it isn't painful. I tend to game in gym shorts. My solution was to put a thin blanket down to create a barrier between my skin and the leather. This still allows air circulation but prevents sticking.

I'd buy this chair again. In fact, I'm planning on buying 3 more for my staff at work. If a fat guy with a bad back can game for hours in this chair without issue, I'm sure my non handicapped employees will enjoy working in this chair.
Hi All

I was debating purchasing this chair however, I went with the Secret Labs Titian . It's a fabulous chair It supports my 6' 4" 240lbs quite well.
I too was very interested in the Noblechairs after seeing both reviews here for the Icon and the Hero.
Another review I read alluded to the Secret Labs Titan as very much the same chair with a few minor differences, it was also about $50 cheaper. It was the pricing that swung me , it's a very comfortable chair.

I was very tempted by the cloth version although it was a bit more expensive and not readily available.

One of the major complaints you hear about these chairs is there firmness. I love the firmness!
I put new wheels on this chair yesterday, and it is SO much better.


So when you go to these types of wheels, make sure you do not get ones that have the long trailing axle. I wish I could find one that was even smaller. But once these got a little dust on them, these are feeling excellent.
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