No Prone in BF:Bad Company 2?

KillRoy X

Aug 15, 2004
So I haven't played it so can't say for myself, but read a couple reviews where they stated there is no prone in this game? That can't be right? Can somebody tell me I'm crazy and competely wrong?
This has been a highly known fact for a LONG time.

There isn't a need for prone. Huge maps and it helps speed up gameplay. Makes camping snipers a little more obvious, especially with no killcam.
No prone. I haven't seen this as a disadvantage because of how fast paced the game is. I like it...takes away the whole dolphin diving thing too.
um yeah this was annouced about 3 months ago...

in the beta i didnt mind. without laser guns like in other games it would be unbalanced.
Oh no.. no more dolphin diving!! No more getting shot by someone with their gun waving straight up in the air as they belly flop along the ground.
I can't say I miss going prone in this game at all. I think if they did include prone it would definitely disrupt the nice speed there is as well as promoting even more camping snipers...and dolphin diving.
Oh no.. no more dolphin diving!! No more getting shot by someone with their gun waving straight up in the air as they belly flop along the ground.

Plays well without prone. Feels alien at first but you get over it quickly enough, and elminates the wannabe-pubstars that run around like idiots dropping to the ground the second they see anyone and contributing precisely zero to team-play.
Eh, even though theres no prone it really doesn't affect the gameplay much. I wish there was leaning though.
I love the fact that there is no prone in this game...definitely helps with the speed of the game..and if you want to snipe its still easy enough due to the great camoflauge if you pick a good spot.
They took it out probably to keep it more arcade/faster paced. I'm sure prone will make a return in Battlefield 3.
Oh no.. no more dolphin diving!! No more getting shot by someone with their gun waving straight up in the air as they belly flop along the ground.

That can be easily fixed without completly taking out prone all togeather.
what you need to prone for? I really don't like prone (MW2 cough)

brings out the noob in everyone

oh and sniping in BC2 is easier then MW2 ;) I could snipe and whip ass at the same time in BC2
Not bothered about prone being gone, only ever used it effectively as a sniper and in this there's plenty of cover and places to hide as a sniper anyway, you can create your own craters to sit in with C4
It doesn't bother me in the least. I played several hours into the early morning and didn't miss it.
It's to keep the game fast paced and to keep junior from prone sniping on the hillside all day.
takes some getting used to but I've come to enjoy it, does speed things up
The lack of being able to go prone is unacceptable in a modern FPS game. This isn't 1997 goddammit.
Proning ruins FPs games, this isn't a real war, it's a game, gameplay will always be better then 'realism' or 'gimmicks' like proning.

Without the proning it feels really fast paced, even though the maps are extremely big.

CS is still the best FPS in gaming history, last I checked it had terrible graphics and no proning ^^
This is a fast shooter, prone would be terrible. BF3 hopefully will have and be slower.
yeah, its a fast shooter. I got sick of not being able to play multiplayer so fast I uninstalled it and tossed it.
One game removes prone, another removes lean. If you'll argue one is acceptable and another isn't then you've got some brand loyalty issues.
I don't mind not being able to go prone. It would be nice if I could stay crouched without holding down the crouch key though.
This game KICKS ASS!!!! I hope you don't dismiss it because you read it doesn't have prone, and without playing it? Must every game had what your last FPS did? The destructible environments are done well. It brings things to the table.

Yeah, I even found myself pressing Q & E and no lean. I realize the "bad company" spin off is the console one. It is done well, and I can deal with mixing mechanics to suit your game. I can theorize it would have prone or lean on a computer if designed for it first, but after playing maybe not. Battlefield 3 will come out, it will have prone, and did I mention.... THIS GAME ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!
The lack of being able to go prone is unacceptable in a modern FPS game. This isn't 1997 goddammit.


Perfect example of prone is Wolfenstein: ET. You can prone and people don't abuse it!

How hard would it be to add it but make the animation last 2-3 seconds and not allow shooting during that time? There, problem fixed. Removing it and lean because of "balance" concerns is asinine

Perfect example of prone is Wolfenstein: ET. You can prone and people don't abuse it!

How hard would it be to add it but make the animation last 2-3 seconds and not allow shooting during that time? There, problem fixed. Removing it and lean because of "balance" concerns is asinine


I am sure most of us play to shoot people and blow stuff up. If i wanted to prone and snipe all day I would have joined the marine recon forces for the USA military

Gameplay will ALWAYS be the most important thing in a 'GAME'

People prone camping just drags games on, and doesn't increase fun, nor difficulty.

Perfect example of prone is Wolfenstein: ET. You can prone and people don't abuse it!

How hard would it be to add it but make the animation last 2-3 seconds and not allow shooting during that time? There, problem fixed. Removing it and lean because of "balance" concerns is asinine

Intelligent response. Though, I have NEVER used lean in any game I play. Just never got used to using it, I'm sure it's useful but I never missed the feature because I didn't even know it was in most games. :rolleyes: Fail on my part.
Intelligent response. Though, I have NEVER used lean in any game I play. Just never got used to using it, I'm sure it's useful but I never missed the feature because I didn't even know it was in most games. :rolleyes: Fail on my part.

Whatever floats your boat.

"I don't use prone or lean, so lets remove it!" Awesome.
I love the fact that there is no prone in this game...definitely helps with the speed of the game..and if you want to snipe its still easy enough due to the great camoflauge if you pick a good spot.

or you just fail to understand the huge difference in leaning vs proning.. has nothing to do with brands.. honestly im sick of games that support prones.. friggin irritating when you have a headshot on some one and they flop on the ground.. stand up fall to the ground again all while shooting you the entire time.. leaning has its purpose and the last game to ever use it correctly was RTCW:ET where you could lean and see around a corner but could not fire..
The developers have been clear on this, it was left out as a design choice, it's nothing to do with it being abused, nor is it a limitation with their development time or resources.

They've made the game a certain way to keep it fast paced and less campy and this choice fits well within that gameplay style, if you don't like it then play another game.
Instead of prone, I wish they would have incorporated a cover system like in R6V and R6V2. You know where you can take cover around corners or behind obstacles and lean out/over to fire.
Instead of prone, I wish they would have incorporated a cover system like in R6V and R6V2. You know where you can take cover around corners or behind obstacles and lean out/over to fire.

You can simulate this with the duck key...there is loads of chest high walls (god bless you Yahtzee) to do it from.
I was disappointed that prone was removed, though to be honest I find my self missing prone much less than I missed lean in MW2.