Nintendo Loses Half A Billion Bucks

I love how people chant "iPad this iPad that". The iPad is 500 friggin dollars. No parent in their right mind is going to give their child a damned iPad. Hell, *I* don't have a damn iPad, the price is absurd. Those of you claiming "Nintendo is doomed" are clueless. Sony will bow out first, rest assured.

Nintendo: 122 years and still going. Wake up.
It's not just the iPad - the iPhone can be had for $200 on contract. Every kid has a cell phone these days and I'd be willing to bet a majority of them go for iPhones because it's whats "cool" to have. Nintendo has never had a competitor like this in the mobile market - a competitor that already has its product in everyone's hands with a platform to distribute games for free or for a small cost...very quickly.

In order for Nintendo to get people to go out of their way and carry a second device over the iPhone, they are going to have to do something special. Making a device that plays games in 3D is not going to be their silver bullet.
It's not just the iPad - the iPhone can be had for $200 on contract. Every kid has a cell phone these days and I'd be willing to bet a majority of them go for iPhones because it's whats "cool" to have. Nintendo has never had a competitor like this in the mobile market - a competitor that already has its product in everyone's hands with a platform to distribute games for free or for a small cost...very quickly.

In order for Nintendo to get people to go out of their way and carry a second device over the iPhone, they are going to have to do something special. Making a device that plays games in 3D is not going to be their silver bullet.

Agreed. If Apple wasn't in the portable market with phones and tablets this entire thread wouldn't even exist. Like or not Apple is taking a big chunk out of the portable market. Japan is still Nintendo's strongest supporter but iPhones and iPads are WILDLY popular over their right now just like everywhere else.

Honestly I hope Nintendo figures out something that can give them the edge because I don't think both of these competitors can co-exist forever.
It's not just the iPad - the iPhone can be had for $200 on contract. Every kid has a cell phone these days and I'd be willing to bet a majority of them go for iPhones because it's whats "cool" to have. Nintendo has never had a competitor like this in the mobile market - a competitor that already has its product in everyone's hands with a platform to distribute games for free or for a small cost...very quickly.

In order for Nintendo to get people to go out of their way and carry a second device over the iPhone, they are going to have to do something special. Making a device that plays games in 3D is not going to be their silver bullet.

I'm not arguing that theres no competition, but the whole doomsayer thing is laughable. I mean Nintendo sells 30 million copies of some portable games at incredible profit margin. This also reminds me of the ereader battle in many ways. People read on the iPad, a concept I love to laugh at after Steve did the infamous 'People don't read anymore' crap.
The fact of the matter is that the kindle is superior in essentially every way, and the consumer knows it. The iSheep might crow otherwise, but almost every real reader who gets a kindle loves it. This is the best example of dedicated devices carving a nice piece of the pie for themselves vs the iPad.

If *I* were running Nintendo I would work toward putting out a hand held at roughly 8 inches to displace both their home segment and current hand held market. At that size the tech inside could be considerable (look at the vita), and would allow Nintendo to align its entire operation toward one format/unit at a time. While it would likely carry a higher price tag than their traditional handhelds have, the consumer would be sated by Nintendo's strengths in quality first party titles. Knowing you don't have to buy both a handheld and a home system to play all the new zeldas or all the new marios would please a lot of people.
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Are there really any deep games out for the ipad/phone? People keep saying that handhelds are in trouble because of phones and stuff, but are there really any in-depth rpgs/rts/adventure/action games for it?
Are there really any deep games out for the ipad/phone? People keep saying that handhelds are in trouble because of phones and stuff, but are there really any in-depth rpgs/rts/adventure/action games for it?
It's not so much about the depth; it's about being entertained.

People are entertained enough by their phones -- browsing the web, texting, playing simple games -- that they can't really justify carrying yet another portable electronic device and numerous cartridges.

PSP/DS is not being displaced by phones because they're not superior; they're being displaced because they're just not superior enough. There is certainly a market that won't accept that and will insist on playing on a portable console, but that market is very tiny in comparison to the amount of people who aren't concerned.
Are there really any deep games out for the ipad/phone? People keep saying that handhelds are in trouble because of phones and stuff, but are there really any in-depth rpgs/rts/adventure/action games for it?

There are actually but not as many as there should be. However the profit margin for a highly successful $10 game on the App store can be quite huge. Not to mention the cost of development gets offset very fast compared to a $40 3DS game. Developers for the 3DS and Nintendo when it comes to first party games have to dump sizable amounts of cash into marketing as well and that eats into profits.

Plus the growth rate of Apple's platform versus Nintendo's is staggering. If you need some proof that Apple knows a think or two about cash flow and profit look no further than there current capital of around $550 Billion dollars.
How about they don't ignore all the people that GREW UP WITH NINTENDO?

I loooooved the NES/SNES growing up.

However I skipped the WII and I'm glad I did, apart from MArio, and Zelda it nothing for many people like me who enjoy only those games.

If nintendo had as powerful a machine as the 360 or ps3 and had the mutliplatform support those two have (meaning you get a very similar experience graphics/control wise and actually get most, if not all big AAA mutliplatform games on it) I would buy a new Nintendo console.

However if they want to keep making a lower-base console that consists of mostly sholveware 3rd parry games and only a handful of good first-party games from Nintendo's stables, Iw on't be buying a Nintendo product in the future.

I'm not the only one, many of my friends my age (28yrs old) grew up with Nintendo and have a deep love for games like zelda and MArio, but skipped on the wii.
There are actually but not as many as there should be. However the profit margin for a highly successful $10 game on the App store can be quite huge. Not to mention the cost of development gets offset very fast compared to a $40 3DS game. Developers for the 3DS and Nintendo when it comes to first party games have to dump sizable amounts of cash into marketing as well and that eats into profits.

Plus the growth rate of Apple's platform versus Nintendo's is staggering. If you need some proof that Apple knows a think or two about cash flow and profit look no further than there current capital of around $550 Billion dollars.

having a high market cap means people with real money are just using you to upgrade their fortune because its convenient to them. With Steve dead Apple will stumble soon enough. They were already rescued once.
The truth is that I am not inclined to buy a single new nintendo product. The new Legend of Zelda looks awesome, but truth be told there are many things ahead of it on my list of 'shit I don't need, but want'. The Wii-U looks awkward, and Casual gaming is dominated by the iPhone right now. Nintendo was dominating 2005-2010 because it was alone in a huge casual market. Like playing Age of Empires on a giant map with no other players, Nintendo just built up and built up without really getting any better, no need to compete, no effort really needed to advance and gather resources, playing in the market alone, they could really just set everything to 'auto-pilot' and watch the cash build up. Now Sony, Microsoft, Google and Apple are ALL on this map with Nintendo. Now the 3DS isn't selling much at all with iPhone dominating handhelds (Infinity Blade, anyone?), Wii is no longer printing money with Move and Kinect around. 500,000,000 dollars is not huge for Nintendo BUT it means that Nintendo needs to change something in order to make money now that everyone else is in the same market.
Nintendo was here long before Sony and Microsoft (video game wise) and they'll be around long after Sony and Microsoft.
Technically, it's not a real loss, but a presumed loss as companies shoot for a strategic number for income each year. If they don't reach that number it's considered a loss.

Anyways, Nintendo isn't going anywhere. They the most flexible of the three major hardware manus. It's interesting times for gamers, devs, and pubs. I still believe big N will come out on top if they keep with the times ( digital distro) and still keep their own take on video entertainment.
Nintendo needs to get back to making actual game systems instead of toys that end up in the closet when their novelty wears off. Nobody wants to buy a console with inferior graphics and no ability to play DVDs just so they can play games where they rake leaves with motion controls or stand on a balance board to find out how fat they are. And the virtual console thing is just stupid. Ten dollars for a single rom image of a Sega Genesis game? What the hell are they thinking? You can buy the actual cartridges on ebay for like 2 dollars.
...And the virtual console thing is just stupid. Ten dollars for a single rom image of a Sega Genesis game? What the hell are they thinking? You can buy the actual cartridges on ebay for like 2 dollars.

Virtual console is a fantastic idea. I agree they charge too much though. Nintendo should also unify the store for 3ds and wii (u) so that you can transfer the same purchase between your Nintendo products.
Virtual console is a fantastic idea. I agree they charge too much though. Nintendo should also unify the store for 3ds and wii (u) so that you can transfer the same purchase between your Nintendo products.

It is a great idea but the cost is beyond sensible. It should be priced around $2.50-$5.00 for most games and instead its $10 which if you consider steam sells awesome current generation titles often for around this range after the 6-8 month mark is hard to justify on a game you likely already bought 20 years ago.
I love how people chant "iPad this iPad that". The iPad is 500 friggin dollars. No parent in their right mind is going to give their child a damned iPad. Hell, *I* don't have a damn iPad, the price is absurd. Those of you claiming "Nintendo is doomed" are clueless. Sony will bow out first, rest assured.

Nintendo: 122 years and still going. Wake up.

Have you ever read an investment prospectus ? They all say the same thing in one form or another:
Past performance does not guarantee future results.

After Wii, they really have no place to go but down.

Now I'm not predicting they are going out of business, but I will say I believe the Wii-U will bomb hard. There is no doubt IMO.

Hopefully they will be forced to launch a successor in relatively short order, like in 4 years. And it would be nice if that console were actually more powerful than what will be in PS4/X720, but who knows ? It might just be a catch up.
If Nintendo releases the Wii-U under the same mindset as the Wii (under powered console aimed at non-gamers) I think it will bomb. I just hope they realize that the core gamer market wants a power Nintendo system. I've been wanting to play a Zelda game in glorious HD for a long time now.

One thing that bugs me about Nintendo's mindset regarding gameplay vs graphics is that a more powerful console can do more than just make pretty graphics. They can design larger and more detailed worlds, more on screen npc's, better physic engines etc...

In the next Zelda game, I want to be able to explore and see the explorable distant land that's miles away:
If Nintendo releases the Wii-U under the same mindset as the Wii (under powered console aimed at non-gamers) I think it will bomb. I just hope they realize that the core gamer market wants a power Nintendo system. I've been wanting to play a Zelda game in glorious HD for a long time now.

One thing that bugs me about Nintendo's mindset regarding gameplay vs graphics is that a more powerful console can do more than just make pretty graphics. They can design larger and more detailed worlds, more on screen npc's, better physic engines etc...

In the next Zelda game, I want to be able to explore and see the explorable distant land that's miles away:

I would totally buy a system from Nintendo capable of wha tyou ask. Especially to play a Zelda or Mario game in an amazing environment. sadly there is no way its gonna happen. Leadership at nintendo is blind. Only a matter of years before they go the way of sega. Mark my words.
I just wonder if there are enough "core" Nintendo fans to keep them afloat. Fact is most of Nintendos core adience are those that grew up with them, and while there are a lot, many are getting older and have other responsibilities and many don't game as much as they used to. The reason the PS3/360 does so well is they can cater to little kids/teens/early 20s with crap like cod. I've talked to a few youngsters who haven't really played mario/zelda/metroid or just a few of the games.
I would totally buy a system from Nintendo capable of wha tyou ask. Especially to play a Zelda or Mario game in an amazing environment. sadly there is no way its gonna happen. Leadership at nintendo is blind. Only a matter of years before they go the way of sega. Mark my words.

I really have no idea if that will make Nintendo die out in the home console market because I'm not sure if the Wii-U (or whatever it's called) will take off and sell like the Wii will. My guess is it will sell enough to be a success, but not to the level that the Wii did in the first couple years it was out.

But I think it really would be cool if Nintendo did get out of the hardware race and launched 1st party (if you could call it that) titles on the more powerful Sony and MS consoles, then we would get exactly what we all want; awesome Mario/Zelda/Metroid/ games that take advantage of the higher end hardware on the other consoles. The only potential problem I see with that though is it would create a duopoly between MS and Sony, which could keep prices higher since Nintendo has always undercut them in that area. But it may not make much of a difference anyways since most people know what they're paying for when they go with the more powerful and versatile consoles. Less competition is never necessarily a good thing too though. So who knows what will happen or how things will be affected either way it goes.
Are there really any deep games out for the ipad/phone? People keep saying that handhelds are in trouble because of phones and stuff, but are there really any in-depth rpgs/rts/adventure/action games for it?

It's not so much about the depth; it's about being entertained.

+1 and cost.
$1 gets you a fair amount of game on the mobile platform. Hell you can blow a few hours easy with stuff like Fruit Ninja or Angry Birds, and even spend $0 if you really don't give a crap about the ads.

Nintendo has isolated themselves so far in the corner, they have no competition. The problem is, the alternatives are actually better buys for the money.

Damn near everyone has a cell phone. When damn near everyone has a cell phone and games are available for (at most) $3 bucks (or free) and they give you enough 'fun' time when you're on the bus, the train, or on the crapper - why buy a Nintendo portable? Sure, you're not going to get hours and hours and hours out of a mobile game like you will a Zelda title, but then again you're spending 1/10th or less and you already own the device that plays the game; you're not buying a new handheld at $250 and spending another $30+ on a single game.

On consoles, look, Nintendo came up with motion controls that worked, were enjoyable, and accessible by anyone. The Wii wasn't another Power Glove, U-Force, or Activator. It was a great idea. The problem is, the majority of Wii sales are made up of casual gamers (and this has been documented). The problem for Nintendo with that is, they got all those casual gamers to pay up this time. I've said this before and I'll say it again - I have a hard time believing that all those casual gamers who bought a Wii because it was the "in" thing to do, who barely played their Wii's when they actually used them....that those same people are going to go out and buy a whole new Nintendo console just because it comes with a tablet that 1 person gets to use while the rest of the party or family gets to use the same Wii controllers that they've been using for 5 1/2 years now. They already have their games, they already have their they're set on playing games. They don't care about HD graphics and sound or online play - clearly because they bought a Wii in the first place over a 360 or Ps3 (especially once Kinect and Move launched). But now all the sudden they're going to break convention and buy a Wii U....just because? :rolleyes:

The Wii U has already alienated itself from the next MS and Sony consoles, and those haven't even been finalized yet. Why? They settled on the weakest hardware, marginally better than what's currently available for $149 dollars....hardware that will undoubtedly be the weakest hardware once the new consoles are announced. Don't kid yourselves, the new MS and Sony consoles will be more than "marginally" better than the current MS and Sony consoles (as well as the Wii U), otherwise no one's going to buy them.

Nintendo has fans; they're still going to be around. It's going to take a couple hardware cycles of failed ideas before they're in trouble of becoming a publisher and leaving the hardware to the other companies. But it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. I think Nintendo has oversaturated the market with the same stuff year after year, and for once - the group of people not buying is larger than the group that is.

I've been a lifelong Nintendo fan, I grew up on the NES and the NES was the first console in our home when I was a kid. I've owned every Nintendo console up until now, including the Wii and the Gamecube and the N64. The Wii U, I'll be sitting this one out. I'm done giving Nintendo my hard earned dollar for a list of a few titles worth owning and a bunch of filler crap that does not appeal to me.
I see what you're saying. It's just for me, I can't really get into casual games like AB for more than half an hour. I need some deep engrossing action/adventure games etc. to hold my interest and will pay more. But I know I'm in the minority.

I just wonder if the Wii U bombs (which I hope it does) if Nintendo would be more apt to go more traditional. It is really lame all but one person will STILL be using the same controller we've been using the past 5 1/2 years.
It is really lame all but one person will STILL be using the same controller we've been using the past 5 1/2 years.

What's lame is the one tab per console biz. Having the ability to reuse controllers is not.
And who cares how long anyone is using a controller design (uhhhhh playstation, hello) thats irrelevant.

Console "power" is going to be subjective this next round. All consoles will be able to max out TV specs, Wii-U will not look as bad as Wii looked compared to 360/ps3. The question is are the real games that interest you going to be there. It's always down to the games. I didnt buy a GC because it said Nintendo on it, I bought it because Metroid Prime came out. It's all about the games. Nintendo will go down when they pull a Sega and make shitty games and kill all their good franchises. Nintendo will go another generation selling 20 million consoles and still make money, as long as the keep making good games (GC, last gen). That's not enough to take them down. When they sell less than 10 million consoles in one gen (Dreamcast), then you can start worrying. (For reference Wii is nearing 100 Million.)

It would take a catastrophe of epic proportions to take Nintendo down. Considering 3DS is their current bread and is finally selling (17 million now), Wii-U would have to sell some stupid ridiculous small amount for anything to happen.

Doesn't matter anyway. We don't know anything yet.
What's lame is the one tab per console biz. Having the ability to reuse controllers is not.
And who cares how long anyone is using a controller design (uhhhhh playstation, hello) thats irrelevant.

You're missing the point. The point is, other than the 1 person who gets to use the tablet, the other 3 players have to use Wiimotes and nunchucks, just like they already do. It'd be no different than MS or Sony doing the same thing, but they're not. You know what you're getting with the console - you have a controller design, it works, it's consistent. The problem with the Wii U is it comes with something NEW.....only if someone else doesn't grab the controller first. Then you get to use the old shit. :rolleyes: I'm guessing you've never been to a friend's house that owned 1 official console controller and 1 3rd party piece of crap and when you go over there and you forget your official controller from get to use the Madcatz piece of crap that no one wants because the analog stick is stiff and the face buttons are in some weird order and they're mushy, otherwise you don't get to play. Where's the fun in that? Kids are going to fight over who gets to use the tablet; I guarantee it. Who's going to want to play games with a Wiimote when the tablet is there and offers new stuff? Again though, only if you're the only one playing, or the one who grabbed it first.

Console "power" is going to be subjective this next round. All consoles will be able to max out TV specs, Wii-U will not look as bad as Wii looked compared to 360/ps3.

There's no doubt about that, since the Wii U is jumping to at least 720p which is a fairly big jump from 480p. It's still going to be the weak console, and 3rd parties will have to downgrade their premiere games to play on it. The only way this doesn't happen is if MS and Sony don't beef up their successor consoles, and again - they're not going to do that, otherwise they won't sell.

Look at the lack of 1080p@60fps games on the 360 and Ps3. Most of the stuff is upscaled. Imagine if the next Xbox and Playstation actually run a native 1080p@60fps meanwhile the Wii U upscales everything. There will be a visible difference.

The question is are the real games that interest you going to be there. It's always down to the games. I didnt buy a GC because it said Nintendo on it, I bought it because Metroid Prime came out. It's all about the games.

Agreed. I'm pretty much stuck buying both MS and Sony because I'm too big of a fan of some of their respective exclusives (Uncharted, God of War on the Sony side, and Gears of War on the MS side....with a marginal Halo thrown in even though I've sat out of any Halo games since Halo 3). On Nintendo's side - they have their franchises, everyone knows them. After a life of playing those games - me personally, I don't have the desire for more of the same. No offense, not saying they should kill off Mario....but I've had more than enough of my fill of Mario for quite a long time still.

Nintendo will go down when they pull a Sega and make shitty games and kill all their good franchises. Nintendo will go another generation selling 20 million consoles and still make money, as long as the keep making good games (GC, last gen). That's not enough to take them down. When they sell less than 10 million consoles in one gen (Dreamcast), then you can start worrying. (For reference Wii is nearing 100 Million.)

Sega had several concurrent failures. SegaCD, then 32X, then Saturn....the Dreamcast sold damn well for being a Sega console after a bunch of failed Sega consoles....but the lack of built-in DVD playback is one of the biggest reasons the Dreamcast did not survive. (Not getting Square on board with Final Fantasy is another major reason.) I loved my modded Saturn though....I'd easily take my stack of Japanese Saturn games over the entire Playstation library back in the day, because the Playstation was not the home for fighting games, especially 2D fighters, as well as all the greats from Treasure. The Saturn deserved a better fate than it got, but Sega of America did not get enough games to come stateside, and they didn't market it right either.

It would take a catastrophe of epic proportions to take Nintendo down. Considering 3DS is their current bread and is finally selling (17 million now), Wii-U would have to sell some stupid ridiculous small amount for anything to happen.

I'm fairly certain I saw something recently about the DS outselling the 3DS still; probably because it's cheaper and actually has a very good library.

I'm still not sold on the 3DS. I'm actually not sold on 3D, period, but even less so in a little handheld that does 3D. The tech is impressive, however, so is the Vita tech. Doesn't mean I'm buying one. The games aren't either case. Going back to my earlier viewpoint on Nintendo's franchises.....there's nothing on the 3DS that interests me. They could do a sequel to Wind Waker, which is something I really want to happen - but I'm still not going to buy a 3DS.

The 3DS has sold below expectations. It has sold, but it's still below expectations. I think they also underestimated the staying power of the Wii, so they assumed they'd have more money now than they do....which is why their forecast went down and they posted losses. I think Nintendo stretched themselves a little too aggressively thin, and it's finally caught up to them.

Nintendo makes great games; always has, always will. The problem is, the one reason to own a Nintendo console is Nintendo's games. They haven't had good 3rd party support since the Super Nintendo. The last several consoles, they've had 3rd party support at launch and for a few years....then they all fall by the wayside and move to greener pastures. Happened with the N64, the Gamecube, and now the Wii. I have 0 faith in Nintendo to keep any AAA or even AA 3rd party companies for the entire lifespan of any one of their consoles. You could look at a list of the top 100 selling games in the last several years, and filter by 3rd party only....and most of those titles are 360/Ps3 only, because Nintendo alienates developers and puts out the weakest hardware that is then incapable of doing the game without being stripped down and lots of extra development time spent doing so. In that regard, the Wii U is at least going to get more ports....but again, that being said, it's all but a formality that it's going to be the weakest console, so the ports are still going to be stripped down. Even if the graphics are better, you're still dealing with a Nintendo console that has a subpar online gaming experience. That's another thing Nintendo still just doesn't "get it" play. But hey, they've gotta protect the kiddos. :rolleyes:

I hate to say I want Nintendo to fail, because I don't want Nintendo to disappear like Atari. However I would like to see Nintendo go 3rd party only and put their games out on MS and Sony's consoles. That'll never happen though. The shareholders will never allow Mario to appear on MS or Sony's consoles. I think it's more likely that Nintendo goes either portable-only, or co-develops a mobile gaming platform with Apple. I remember before the Wii was announced that there were plenty of rumors about Nintendo and Apple joining forces....can't say I'd be surprised to see that happen, if Nintendo has a few console losses.
(I'm not quoting all that)

Yeah the price drop pretty much resurrected the platform. The current problem is seen below:

01./02. [WII] Mario Party 9 (Nintendo) - 144,585 / 297,468 (-5%)
02./01. [PS3] Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Capcom) - 52,428 / 304,953 (-79%)
03./03. [3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening (Nintendo) - 42,347 / 345,260 (-30%)
04./09. [3DS] Super Mario Land 3D (Nintendo) - 28,528 / 1,563,527 (+82%)
05./14. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo) - 22,881 / 1,695,305 (+96%)
06./15. [3DS] Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo) - 18,788 / 261,883 (+63%)
07./11. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3 G (Capcom) - 16,496 / 1,433,370 (+21%)
08./21. [3DS] Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (Nintendo) - 13,810 / 157,337 (+123%)
09./05. [PSP] Conception: Please Have My Children! (Spike) - 10,193 / 40,039 (-66%)
10./20. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (w/ Wii Remote+) (Nintendo) - 10,058 / 935,555 (+61%)
11./18. [PSP] Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2012 (Konami) - 9,843 / 128,409 (+48%)
12./16. [3DS] Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (Square Enix) - 9,532 / 308,484 (+3%)
13./22. [NDS] Pokemon + Nobunaga no Yabou (Pokemon Co.) - 9,069 / 318,067 (+50%)
14./10. [3DS] Shin Sangoku Musou VS (Koei-Tecmo) - 8,614 / 24,192 (-45%)
15./23. [WII] Wii Party (Nintendo) - 8,503 / 2,345,476
16./19. [PS3] Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2012 (Konami) - 6,853 / 152,934 (+8%)
17./29. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) - 6,783 / 3,561,199 (+93%)
18./17. [PSP] Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Saisei-hen (Namco Bandai) - 6,546 / 328,432 (-23%)
19./27. [3DS] Harvest Moon: The Land of Origin (Marvelous) - 6,408 / 179,148
20./32. [WII] Go Vacation (Namco Bandai) - 6,002 / 271,087

3DS - 9
WII - 5
PSP - 3
PS3 - 2
NDS - 1

|System | This Week | Last Week | YTD | LTD |
| 3DS | 91,868 | 74,282 | 1,627,266 | 5,909,410 |
| PS3 | 23,478 | 21,114 | 518,739 | 8,155,125 |
| PSP | 20,033 | 22,457 | 360,213 | 19,089,575 |
| WII | 15,789 | 9,200 | 206,117 | 12,369,338 |
| PSV | 10,583 | 12,299 | 250,773 | 690,758 |
| NDS | 1,911 | 1,612 | 36,261 | 32,844,746 |
| PS2 | 1,611 | 1,395 | 21,484 | 21,795,591 |
| 360 | 1,420 | 1,327 | 27,342 | 1,563,386 |
| DSiLL | 1,097 | 895 | 20,648 | 2,314,966 |
| DSi | 814 | 717 | 15,613 | 5,849,665 |

Thats Japan. 3DS is completely owning the market.
Now the problem is over here, I'm not sure if its market differences with portables, since portables typically dont sell as well here, or some other reason. Mario 3D Land a Mario Kart 7 were the only titles in NA, that are in the top 10. They seem to be selling around 45-50,000 3DS's a week, around here.

Anyway, I own 10 3DS games, and 30+ DS games. NOW (cause they weren't earlier), they are doing a great job with 3DS. Resident Evil Revelation is great, still making my way through it. That game has sold over a million and Capcom has already confirmed a new one.

But see thats after they dropped the price. (which was the only real problem with the thing in the past, IMO. Seems that the market thinks so as well) Wii-U is gonna be a whole 'nother story, but regardless 3DS has been "fixed", and was the #1 "console" worldwide the last 2 months. (around 170k a week)

I guess the point is, they can def turn things around when needed. They are obviously led better than Sega ever was. I guess we will see what happens after e3 *shrug*
I don't know how the Wii was still selling. rofl.
We just got rid of ours.

3DS will increase in sales once better and more games come out for it.
I think the major reason is Nintendo is the most popular console maker in Japan, and portables do better over there because it's more of a public transit-central country than the US is.

The 3DS sells well compared to other consoles, but I still think it's probably a drop in the bucket compared to mobile gaming downloads and sales - again, just because those things don't require buying a new device. I still think in that regard - Nintendo has fenced themselves off from any other competition, and at some point (if it hasn't already happened), they're going to really be hurting. Not enough to shut their doors....but certainly enough to cause panic (like the posting losses has generally done).
I'm not arguing that theres no competition, but the whole doomsayer thing is laughable. I mean Nintendo sells 30 million copies of some portable games at incredible profit margin. This also reminds me of the ereader battle in many ways. People read on the iPad, a concept I love to laugh at after Steve did the infamous 'People don't read anymore' crap.
The fact of the matter is that the kindle is superior in essentially every way, and the consumer knows it. The iSheep might crow otherwise, but almost every real reader who gets a kindle loves it. This is the best example of dedicated devices carving a nice piece of the pie for themselves vs the iPad.

If *I* were running Nintendo I would work toward putting out a hand held at roughly 8 inches to displace both their home segment and current hand held market. At that size the tech inside could be considerable (look at the vita), and would allow Nintendo to align its entire operation toward one format/unit at a time. While it would likely carry a higher price tag than their traditional handhelds have, the consumer would be sated by Nintendo's strengths in quality first party titles. Knowing you don't have to buy both a handheld and a home system to play all the new zeldas or all the new marios would please a lot of people.

People keep thinking stupidly this is just some apple vs nintendo thing. This is not that, don't boil it down to that. This is a funamental shift in how poeple compute. Nintendo must have a device that is just as capable as a high end android phone or mp3 player if they want to stay in the market for the long term. With each passing year it more and more people switch to haveing one, and only one portable device on them. This device does everything. MP3 players used to be huge but now their display space is shrinking because phones do it all.

The kindle is a bad example because even amazon realized that the kindle needed to keep up with the times and released the kindle fire which is just an android tablet. Sure niche devices will always exist but the more other devices can overlap their function the less people will buy them and ultimately that becomes a perpetual loop where the niche device loses more and more support every generation until they just cannot make it anymore. The entire console business model relies on selling a device at a loss then making up for it with over priced accessories, games and so on. And the only way that works is when you have a very large user base. Otherwise you just do not have the volume to produce a good item and make your money back. Many players have died in the console game there is no reason nintendo cannot fall as well given they have NO vertical integration.
The entire console business model relies on selling a device at a loss then making up for it with over priced accessories, games and so on.

I can tell you having actually worked in this business that Nintendo doesn't sell at a loss. They sell essentially at cost. It's companies like sony and MS that use the hardware as a loss leader. Nintendo is much more shrewd about it's pricing structure.

I've heard "Nintendo is dying" stuff from chumps so long it's laughable. Sony will exit before Nintendo, kids.
You are splitting hairs, selling something at cost is hardly different than selling it at a loss, the point is consoles dont make money off of the console itself except late in the game or under rare circumstances. If you think any one of these guys can double the price of their console and survive try it.

Sure nintendo can survive but the form the survive in probably will not be what makes people here happy. For instance they could start going ultra low end, in essense they did this with the wii. They start producing nearly disposable toys for kids. But every 18 months phones and mp3 players double their speed and what they can do. The whole point of a portable gaming device is convienience, when all of its features exist in phones why by a portable console?
You are splitting hairs, selling something at cost is hardly different than selling it at a loss, the point is consoles dont make money off of the console itself except late in the game or under rare circumstances.

See there's where you're wrong, in specific regards to the Nintendo ecosystem. Nintendo sells a remarkable attachment rate of IT'S OWN GAMES with its systems, especially at launch. They end up with a large net positive from the get go, because people buy Nintendo systems to play Nintendo games.

I've seen this heavily underestimated by a lot of people, but it has always been one of the key factors to Nintendo's success. Don't sell at a loss, attach heavily from the start.
Well you said in the previous post they sell at break even, so which is it? it sounds like you are basically saying they sell the console to make money on the games which is what everyone does.

none of it sidetracks from the point that we are going through a fundamental change in mobile gaming. And if people really are attached to nintendo games then it harms nintendo none, to just directly sell people games on android / ios devices and chop their whole mobile hardware division off.
Well you said in the previous post they sell at break even, so which is it? it sounds like you are basically saying they sell the console to make money on the games which is what everyone does.

none of it sidetracks from the point that we are going through a fundamental change in mobile gaming. And if people really are attached to nintendo games then it harms nintendo none, to just directly sell people games on android / ios devices and chop their whole mobile hardware division off.

No, they break even on hardware, instead of losing on hardware like everyone else. They attach heavily from the start with their own titles and aren't dependent on an extended timeline to be in positive monetary territory.

Sure, everyone sells hardware to sell software, but Nintendo tends to get to the positive side of the equation very quickly, resulting in an extended period of profitability.
OK so we agree that nintendo has no use for its hardware division...
Sony will exit before Nintendo, kids.

Not likely.
While neither is going to go away anytime soon, Sony is one of the largest companies in the world. They could eat losses on Playstation hardware for several more product cycles and they still wouldn't give in, simply because they can recoup those losses (and then some) from not only their other divisions (electronics especially), but also from things that cost them very little out of pocket, like anything on the PSN, or even PSN+ subscriptions. The same goes for Microsoft. They're not going to go away, even though their hardware bombs in Japan. They still make enough and have enough sales to justify the fact that they eat the hardware costs (and in turn lose money upfront), because Xbox Live is one of the most lucrative subscription-based services in the world today outside of MMORPG's. Both companies might lose money on the hardware, but they make it up elsewhere.

Nintendo has nothing to fall back on except video games. Once that well dries up, they're going to either merge with someone else or quit making hardware.

Again though, this is all a moot point regardless, because neither company is even close to being in danger of falling off the face of the Earth.
I love how people chant "iPad this iPad that". The iPad is 500 friggin dollars. No parent in their right mind is going to give their child a damned iPad. Hell, *I* don't have a damn iPad, the price is absurd. Those of you claiming "Nintendo is doomed" are clueless. Sony will bow out first, rest assured.

Nintendo: 122 years and still going. Wake up.

Correction, the iPad3 is $500.00 dollars. You can get an iPad2 for as low as $350.00 these days and an iPad1 for $200.00 (and according to rumors, Apple has a 7" 'cheap' iPad that'll be released this fall/winter to corner the Kindle Fire and educational market)

Nintendo is falling apart rapidly outside of Japan. They better get on the ball with the Wii-U because they don't have the infuance that they once did. The market will (and already has to some degree) move on without them. Their first party games, while desirable, aren't moving consoles/hardware like they once did.

Nintendo might be 122 years old, but thats completely irrelevant to their future. Sega is 70 years old and look where they're at...
Not likely.
While neither is going to go away anytime soon, Sony is one of the largest companies in the world. They could eat losses on Playstation hardware for several more product cycles and they still wouldn't give in, simply because they can recoup those losses (and then some) from not only their other divisions (electronics especially), but also from things that cost them very little out of pocket, like anything on the PSN, or even PSN+ subscriptions. The same goes for Microsoft. They're not going to go away, even though their hardware bombs in Japan. They still make enough and have enough sales to justify the fact that they eat the hardware costs (and in turn lose money upfront), because Xbox Live is one of the most lucrative subscription-based services in the world today outside of MMORPG's. Both companies might lose money on the hardware, but they make it up elsewhere.

Nintendo has nothing to fall back on except video games. Once that well dries up, they're going to either merge with someone else or quit making hardware.

Again though, this is all a moot point regardless, because neither company is even close to being in danger of falling off the face of the Earth.

So Sony in your mind is going to recoup its losses with its electronics division? The same Sony thats suffered staggering losses across the board for years now? You people really don't keep up with current events, do you?