In the grand scheme of things PC support is still fairly new to the majority of Japanese developers. Companies like Nihon Falcon and Capcom have years of experience with the PC but for a lot of studios like Platinum, NIS, XSEED/Marverlous, and even the Japanese side of Square Enix it's all fairly new territory. You are seeing a slow, but steady, improvement though. The three Dark Souls games all got better ports with each iteration, SE still has issues though arguably they're improving as well, and for Platinum's second attempt at a PC title Nier seems okay. One major bug and a few weird design decisions that are just common with Japanese development. Unless Japanese development itself goes through a radical shift we're not likely going to get away from 30 or 60fps locks in games as it's common for Japanese devs to tie animations to frame rate and some with all the other weird or quirky (depending on how you look at it) things they do when developing games. Some of that weirdness is part of the charm of these off-the-wall niche Japanese titles and I wouldn't want it to change but on the other hand I feel there is a lot Japanese developers can learn from how Western studios make games.
Yeah the Pro is 1080p/60, though it doesn't stay at 60 at all times. Check out Digital Foundry's video on the PS4 version and you'll get a feel for how it performs on the Pro. Seems decent enough.
yup t is absolutely a cultural thing straight up. Platinum usually does BETTER than most other japanese developers.
Honestly you can up the resolution and the work around to play in windowed borderless is pretty simple just download the program.
the biggest draw back right now for me though is for some reason my cut scenes are skipping automatically. NO idea why