Next gen MMO's; Titan and EQ Next


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
To me, we are in a drought of good quality next generation MMO's, I have tried a lot of newer MMO's since WoW and EQ2, not liking any of them really. WarHammer Online could have been great, but was a rushed and failed MMO, Age of Conan, not for me, LoTR Online was just ok, Star Trek Online blew, Star Wars ToR sucked, Guild Wars 2 was ok, but didn't hold my interest.

To me the only hope lies in Blizzard's next gen "Titan" MMO, and EverQuest Next. Looks like Titan is set for a 2015 release, with family alpha testing starting beginning in early 2014. And EQ Next to be released in late 2014.

Titan fan page;

EverQuest Next info;
I would of liked to be one of the people he "sat down with" to discuss things they hated about MMO's. I would of trolled the shit out of him...

I hate free to play, I hate fully voiced over NPC's, I hate micro transactions, I hate casual leveling, I hate skill based character building ... and <insert here> every other thing that modern MMO's do that make them suck worse than the old ones.
From Blizzard it looks like 2013 and 2014 will be all expansions. StarCraft 2 and Diablo ]l[ expansion released sometime this year, and Spring / Summer 2014 the 5th WoW expansion.

Then in 2015 their first brand new original game "Titan"
From Blizzard it looks like 2013 and 2014 will be all expansions. StarCraft 2 and Diablo ]l[ expansion released sometime this year, and Spring / Summer 2014 the 5th WoW expansion.

Then in 2015 their first brand new original game "Titan"

i hope titan ends up being good... looks like it has potential just from the outline
I am curious as to how far WoW will run ? It's been out what, 8+ years, and still has like 8 or 9 million subscribers all these years later :eek: That is pretty amazing, for a game nearly a decade old, to still be so strong.

I mean most other MMO's would be very happy with a steady 1 million subscribers annually, and WoW has like 8 times that still a decade later, pretty crazy.

How long until WoW goes down to below 1 million subscribers ? Seems like that's a long ways off. They could make another 4 expansions over the next 6 to 8 years, and still have a healthy player base of a million + players.

I am sure Titan will steal a ton of the WoW player base, but that game is still 2 years away, and will take some time to get a big player base established, so WoW still has a several years at minimum left. I say for sure will go to at least 7 expansions total, with the current MoP being the 4th expansion.
i just found Eve Online, been playing for a month now and i'm obsessed. Love it to death, never played before I'm in my brother in law's alliance, im so stoked with it. Brings back my awesome memories of the late 90's playing Ultima Online.:D
I have a hard time having faith in SoE, and that's coming from someone who still plays EQ2. I feel like it's a company that gets too in the way of the design. Far too much interference instead of letting designers do what is right for the game. There have been a ridiculous amount of failed features in EQ2, and none of them get any support past implementation. Things that could have been good with a little work that just never get it. The company is just all about pushing the next gimmick instead of supporting what they have.
If I had to pick between the two I would go with EQ as the better game. Not the better seller. Blizzard in my eyes has lost a lot of its vision.
Titan seems kind of like a mix of The Secret world and League of Legends. It seems like they really want to cater to the LOL and DOTA 2 crowd and take away from that audience.

I have a hard time having faith in SoE, and that's coming from someone who still plays EQ2. I feel like it's a company that gets too in the way of the design. Far too much interference instead of letting designers do what is right for the game. There have been a ridiculous amount of failed features in EQ2, and none of them get any support past implementation. Things that could have been good with a little work that just never get it. The company is just all about pushing the next gimmick instead of supporting what they have.

Played EQ off and on for nearly 12 years and a few other games of SOEs over the last decade. I agree that they do have real issues with direction of a game, but I also believe that that has been improving over the last 1-2 years or so.
E Sports and MMO, do not belong in the same sentence :rolleyes:

Maybe console racing games, or sports games, not an RPG. And who the hell even watches E Sports ?

E and sports do not belong in the same word. I'm sorry but playing fucking call of duty is not a sport. I always hate seeing that word.
It's been out what, 8+ years, and still has like 8 or 9 million subscribers all these years later :eek: That is pretty amazing, for a game nearly a decade old, to still be so strong.

In a world where people think Psy makes good music, Michael Bay makes good movies, and people will play games like Diablo 3 over and over (doing the same exact thing) ad tedium... I'm not surprised one bit. The few times I've tried to play wow in recent years it was like attempting to eat a piece of pizza that sat in my fridge for several months.
So many MMO's I have been burned on. All my friends tell me to "buy this game! we will all be playing it!" then not even 2 weeks later no one is logged on. Age of Conan, Warhammer, Rift, Guild Wars, all of these this happened to.

I think the only game that have a potential to capture me is Blizzard's Titan, partially because I know my friends would stay and play the game (WoW went on a long time with my friends), and I trust Blizzard with an MMO. I know a lot of people don't trust them anymore but they have had a lot to learn from WoW, and some of the original talent from WoW's early days is with Titan now.

Buuuuuuuut that is all my opinion and am sure a lot will disagree :p
To me, we are in a drought of good quality next generation MMO's, I have tried a lot of newer MMO's since WoW and EQ2, not liking any of them really. WarHammer Online could have been great, but was a rushed and failed MMO, Age of Conan, not for me, LoTR Online was just ok, Star Trek Online blew, Star Wars ToR sucked, Guild Wars 2 was ok, but didn't hold my interest.

To me the only hope lies in Blizzard's next gen "Titan" MMO, and EverQuest Next. Looks like Titan is set for a 2015 release, with family alpha testing starting beginning in early 2014. And EQ Next to be released in late 2014.

Titan fan page;

EverQuest Next info;

Titan will just be a modern WoW theme-park, I expect nothing special there. EQNext may be interesting, but I think Camelot Unchained will be the best thing out a few years down the road:
Titan: Tab targetted. Pass. I cannot play another tab targetted game.
E-sports - k, double pass, this is going to be a joke.
I have no faith in either SoE or Blizzard. SoE ruined EQ1 and did a horrible job initially on EQ2. Blizzard ruined WoW as fast as they could and ruined a previously thought "un-ruinable" game as Diablo.

The only hope I have is if both decide to run the same recipe that made the originals great and just modernize them.
I just remember this:
Arvind Bhatia is quoted on the game industry website as saying that Blizzard's product pipeline includes "expansion packs for StarCraft and World of Warcraft, a new Diablo game, [and] a new casual MMO." That casual MMO is of course Titan, the secretive WoW followup that has reportedly gobbled up Blizzard's most experienced designers.

Casual, Microtransaction laden, likely RMAH having (ie: jay wilson's part of the puzzle) joke of a game.

The wii/facebook of mmo's is what I'm expecting.
Ironically, a lot of the team that did really well on EQ2 during what I consider it's prime (EoF through TSO) is working for Trion now.
i just found Eve Online, been playing for a month now and i'm obsessed. Love it to death, never played before I'm in my brother in law's alliance, im so stoked with it. Brings back my awesome memories of the late 90's playing Ultima Online.:D

Eve is intense. I've been playing for like 8 years. Approaching 100m SP. Hit me up if you ever need some firepower for your alliance.
I just remember this:

Casual, Microtransaction laden, likely RMAH having (ie: jay wilson's part of the puzzle) joke of a game.

The wii/facebook of mmo's is what I'm expecting.

There goes any hope for Titan :(
I will buy and pay for both. History has shown (to me at least), that ill play EQ Next for a couple of months and Titan for a number of years.

Bring it on!
Not to mention it sounds like you can import your character from WoW into TItan. That is a good move to get people to the next big thing. :)
Where do you get this impression ?

This has been mentioned multiple times from various news sources that they plan on someway incorporating wow characters in the game. I don't think to play as them, but they might be a pet or something. However, right now, anything is basically just a rumor.
MMOs need to go through another renewal period. The genre got polluted with so many free to play or quick buck big hype mmos turned free to play.

We forget MMOs need a hell of a lot of developer support and a good community to last long.
It's funny that people are making conclusions about both of these games without any substantial information from the developers themselves and no credible sources. Wait till we actually see something before judging - that's the way it should be right?
It's funny that people are making conclusions about both of these games without any substantial information from the developers themselves and no credible sources. Wait till we actually see something before judging - that's the way it should be right?

History repeats itself, and the parties involved continue to deny their failures. To this day Blizz stands by D3's story not being complete trash, among a million other issues it has.

SOE has a long history of directly giving the middle finger to players in its MMO's (go read up on some of what happened in Galaxies).

You're welcome to be cautiously optimistic, but a complete fool to be in a "OH EM GEE DAY ONE PURCHASE" camp with either of these companies/games.
MMOs need to go through another renewal period. The genre got polluted with so many free to play or quick buck big hype mmos turned free to play.

We forget MMOs need a hell of a lot of developer support and a good community to last long.

Camelot Unchained...
Can my brown ass get in on that Jay Wilson and Blizzard kissing action?

Sure but I'm sure he will find some way to charge you.

It's funny that people are making conclusions about both of these games without any substantial information from the developers themselves and no credible sources. Wait till we actually see something before judging - that's the way it should be right?

I can't speak for Everquest but have you played a Blizzard game recently? They are laughable at best.
tab-target, hotkey spam, is SO tired and worn out. I don't know a singl eperson who plays mmo that can tell me they find it "fun" or enjoyable.

It makes combat feel more like "Work" and less like "fun/exciting," things combat should be.

Even turn-based rpgs have better combat systems that allow more strategy and play then that crap.
If either of these are themepark MMORPGs, (and thus no meaningful player based economy), I'm not interested one bit.
The only MMO I have ever played is Phantasy Star Online for the dreamcast.....It was amazing.

I'm patiently waiting for Phantasy Star Online 2 to come to America.

Is Phantasy Star Online anything like other MMO's? Or should it be in a different category?