New Ubisoft DRM. Will you buy a game that uses it?

Will you buy UbiSoft DRM enabled games?

  • Yes, I'll still buy ubisoft DRM games on the PC or doesn't bother me

    Votes: 16 10.8%
  • No, I won't purchase anything that uses it

    Votes: 125 84.5%
  • No preference/Indifferent

    Votes: 7 4.7%

  • Total voters


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2008
Most of the time, I really don't mind DRM. I don't blame publishers and developers for wanting to protect their work. I can even sort of understand the online activation (even though I strongly oppose the use of it when it limits you to a certain number of activations) but Ubisofts new DRM is really crossing the line.

I'm curious to see what the gamers of [H] think about it. Please answer honestly (it's private)... if you ever plan on buying one of the games (even though you might hate or love the DRM), then answer yes.

I was pretty bummed to see that the new splinter cell will be using it. As much as I like the franchise, I'm just not willing to support something that limits how and when you can use something that you own... and have a feeling that I'm not alone on that. I see this as either the beginning of the end for ubisoft games on the PC or a new avenue for other publishers to protect their work (hopefully not)

I see this thread becoming a quick part 2 of that thread I just linked to.

I want to buy these games.

I have mixed feelings. I want SC and AC2 on the PC badly but I really don't want to support this kind of DRM or have the potential headache to deal with. I don't like having something where I have to feel kind of lucky when it works right.

I also think there's a little bit of a Big Brother element to this type of DRM setup as well. I just don't care for it and I really don't want to support it.

So I've got a pretty good strong conflict here and I'm of two minds on the subject.

It does stick in my craw that the pirates will have a more hassle free situation to deal with vs. any legitimate end user/purchaser. I think something's wrong with that picture.

This kind of DRM encourages more piracy and will hurt legit sales to x degree. It always does in and out of gaming.

I'm not anti copy protection.

As long as it doesn't screw with me, give me headaches, screw with my hardware, software and violate my privacy I'm 100 percent for it.

I keep saying this: I really feel like UbiSoft wants an excuse to get out of PC gaming and this is there way of self sabotaging themselves so they can turn around a few months from now and have the excuse to do it.

Any kind of DRM along these lines has no successful track record in or out of gaming. Anyone not living in a glass bubble knows this.

I'm expecting UbiSoft to be out of PC gaming by 2011 and probably announce it later this year if this is anything to go by. Why? Because their games are not going to sell well with this kind of DRM on them and the piracy factor is as yet a complete unknown but it will be there. They'll have the excuse they want and need and pull out.

They obviously don't have any enthusiasm about the PC as a gaming platform. Half baked ports more often than not, no optimization for the PC including 16:10 Widescreen support (an easy no brainer) and almost fascist like DRM tells me all I need to know: They want out and they're setting it up.
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I'm with you on that man. :( it sucks... I really really want to grab the new SC game... but I really don't want to be an enabler lol
I'm probably in the same boat as most people: we hate the DRM, but we don't want to miss out on AC2 and SC2: Conviction.

I'm not one of the people that will realistically be affected by a drop in connection (I live in SF, I'm hardwired to my router), so the experience probably won't be any different. Having said that, I still don't like this kind of fairly intrusive DRM. I can imagine those that game on a laptop, use wi-fi, or just don't have a consistent internet connection could be affected.

Unfortunately all I see this implementation doing is further limiting sales of the game, giving Ubisoft another reason to whine about dwindling PC sales.
You really should have a "I don't want to, but there's a chance I might give in" option. As for me, I can't forsee that chance that I would cave. I'd be tempted if they came out with something that soundly beat Bethesda and Bioware games. While that seems unlikely, the answer is no.
You really should have a "I don't want to, but there's a chance I might give in" option. As for me, I can't forsee that chance that I would cave. I'd be tempted if they came out with something that soundly beat Bethesda and Bioware games. While that seems unlikely, the answer is no.

That's probably me but I have my plate full enough with other games that I might wait it out and see if the DRM gets patched out after a month or two when the bulk of potential sales have come and gone.

It would be a tough wait because I really want both AC2 and the new Splinter Cell but I'd get over it.
I'm going to buy Splinter Cell, but I won't be happy about it. And I'll most likely end up just cracking the DRM anyway just so I don't have to deal with it.
I really want Silent Hunter 5 and Settlers 7. But wont touch them due to the DRM. My net connection at home is fairly stable (drops out 1 or two times a day for just a few seconds normally though), but I game quite a bit on my laptop and regularly in areas that have none or shoddy at best net access.

But even if it didn't effect me at all, I won't buy any games with this DRM on principle on how I feel about it.
The biggest concern is usually piracy numbers near/at launch, right? So wait a couple months, see if they turn it off/patch it out, then buy it cheaper.
Never minded DRM. I don't need to install the same game on 5 computers, and I don't even mind checking with the auth servers everytime I launch.

I also had tons of StarForce games about 5 years back and it never gave me any problems. :rolleyes:
I'm not that interested in Ubisoft games on the PC anyway. If I were, I surely wouldn't buy anything with this kind of crap on it.
Yes, I'll still buy ubisoft DRM games on the PC or doesn't bother me, For 1 reason...Every game gets "them" these days, Problems solved
I play plenty of online games, so I'm used to being online to play my video games, and I live on a college campus, so my internet connection situation is about as close to ideal as possible; however, on principle I could still never support such DRM practices and will therefore not be buying their games (the $60 price tag is also a little dissuasive). There are plenty of quality games coming out over the next year to keep me entertained, on which I can easily spend any money I would have otherwise given to Ubisoft.

As an admitted past pirate, I agree that piracy is a problem, and game developers have a right to defend their products. I don't mind Securom, having never actually encountered any of the purported issues with it, and I even don't mind install limits as long as they're reasonable and there's an easy way to recover or obtain more activations (which, in every game to date, seems to be the case). But don't punish me for buying your game by telling me that I could be instantly kicked out if my connection goes down due to no fault of my own.

And on a side note devs, know what convinced me to go legit? Steam: it offers convenience, lots of special deals/discounts, and is easy to use. None of your BS DRM techniques deterred me, but guess what, something that rewarded me for being a legitimate customer did... go figure!
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Nope. Won't buy anything that uses it. And yes, I actually would've bought Assassin's Creed II.
All this DRM stuff coupled with the confirmation that AC 2 does not work with eyefinity on top of the fact that the new DRM hinders the development of a FOV hack to make it work with eyefinity...

Let's just say I was going to buy AC 2, not anymore. I'm going to drive over to my friend's house and borrow it for xbox360... cheers.
Never minded DRM. I don't need to install the same game on 5 computers, and I don't even mind checking with the auth servers everytime I launch.

I also had tons of StarForce games about 5 years back and it never gave me any problems. :rolleyes:

just to let you know, StarForce destroy lots of CD/DVD-ROM..

I have 2 DVD-ROM and the game discs just brick because of it..

and not just me, also happens to a lot of others...

don't have any problem? good luck for you....
I have more important things in life to get all righteous about - and I don't see this affecting my ability to play and enjoy a game. My computer is always online and I can't remember the last time my internet has gone down.

Looking forward to Silent Hunter V!

I guess in my opinion the defacing of Modern Warfare 2, and what they did to that series, was far more criminal than this DRM.
I won't buy it but then again the last game I bought at full price was Civ 4. Yeah, I want my hexes.
i still dont see the point in using DRM.. shits been cracked time and time again.. why do these companies even bother.. i too understand the reasoning for protecting their hard work.. but seriously is it worth hurting your sales by forcing your paying customers to deal with this or just realizing that there isnt anything you can actually do about it and protect the game so that it cant be played online if its a multiplayer game.. they can continue to spend useless dollars making different DRM protections or just save the money and actually put it toward the marketing of the game instead.. better marketing.. better games = more buyers.. you release a shitty game with worthless DRM and you are just asking for it to be pirated.. plain and simple..
I wont ever buy a game that only has a limited number installs until i have to call some support line. I hate calling people for some reactivation. Cdkey protection is more than enough and it doesn't affect the regular buyer as much. If someone is willing to crack a game they will figure it out. The person who is really going to be hurting is the buyer. DRM is a death to any game released with it.
All this DRM stuff coupled with the confirmation that AC 2 does not work with eyefinity on top of the fact that the new DRM hinders the development of a FOV hack to make it work with eyefinity...

Let's just say I was going to buy AC 2, not anymore. I'm going to drive over to my friend's house and borrow it for xbox360... cheers.

It doesn't work on Eyefinity? Ugh. Fucking Ubisoft.
I've been waiting for conviction a long time.... So yes, I'm getting it. But for 360.
I'll just wait until they offer a patch to remove said dumbass DRM in a year or so.

There's plenty of other fish in the sea (aka games) to play that there's nothing they'll release that I can't live without for a while.

No game is THAT imporant to me.
I have more important things in life to get all righteous about - and I don't see this affecting my ability to play and enjoy a game. My computer is always online and I can't remember the last time my internet has gone down.

Looking forward to Silent Hunter V!

I guess in my opinion the defacing of Modern Warfare 2, and what they did to that series, was far more criminal than this DRM.

Oh, yeah because COD4 was such a great game. :rolleyes:
Nope. It is the principal of it. Sounds stupid I know, especially because I'ma huge Silent Hunter fan and as far as this is around I won't ever be buying another ubisoft product again. Console or PC.
Hell no! I refuse to buy AC2 even on consoles now. Shame because I was really looking forward to it. But their DRM + 60 dollar price tag on PC = GTFO.
I wanted AC2 really bad, but the price, drm and after seeing the shit graphics in the screenshot thread I will just wait until it's $5.

Fuck you Ubi.
I won't buy any game that forces me to be online. A coworker gave me a new copy of L4D2 as a gift and I f*cking hated the fact that I couldn't install it without being online and without installing steam as well. The game along with all remnants of steam will be removed from my system as soon as I actually place the game and see if it is any good.
I won't buy any game that forces me to be online. A coworker gave me a new copy of L4D2 as a gift and I f*cking hated the fact that I couldn't install it without being online and without installing steam as well. The game along with all remnants of steam will be removed from my system as soon as I actually place the game and see if it is any good.

You're complaining that you have to be connected to the internet to play a game based around 4 player co-op? :confused:

Besides that, you can also put Steam into "offline mode," and play your games without being connected to the internet. This is a non-issue.
assassin's creed 2 was a definite buy for me. not any more, unless i can somehow disable the ridiculous DRM. my internet connection, while very fast, occasionally goes out on me while i'm playing. plus, i don't support such drastic measures at defeating piracy at the expense of paying customers.

i'm predicting that the DRM will be defeated pretty quickly, so i have some hope in owning/playing AC2.
The idiotic"always on"DRM combined with the $60 pricetag kills it for me..Its a shame cause I was looking forward to AC2 and Splinter Cell Conviction.Way to go just lost another $120.
Nope, I wont buy anything with this DRM. I most certainly would have bought AC2, been waiting for it. But this DRM coupled with the $60 price tag and I say Ubisoft can shove it where the sun dont shine. If Ubisoft are gonna pull crap like this I'd rather they just stopped making PC games before other publishers think that this DRM might be a good idea.
This will be another mw2 type of deal where by everyone yells really loudly and tries to scare the pub/dev into thinking their sales are gonna be really hurt. ya........................

Then the game comes out and most of the people who yelled the most/loudest all buy it. With of course some holdouts, gotta remember them principles.

I'm not making fun of anyone just of the situation, these little sessions we do here and on other forums around the net get us nowhere when people cave and buy the game anyway but by all means please continue the chest thumping.
Oh, yeah because COD4 was such a great game. :rolleyes:

lol. I agree... but that's entirely not the point.

z3r0- said:
Hell no! I refuse to buy AC2 even on consoles now. Shame because I was really looking forward to it. But their DRM + 60 dollar price tag on PC = GTFO.

I haven't really been keeping track of AC2 for PC, so I didn't realize it was another $60 PC game. Now this is a conviction I can stand behind, and refuse to ever support it. I can only assume at this point they realize they could never get away with charging $60 for Silent Hunter V.