New Group of Hackers Targeting Banks Around the World


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
According to cyber security firm Group-IB, there is a new hacker group in town called MoneyTaker. Evidently they have been operating over the last 18 months, stolen $10 million, and no one was the wiser. They are using a multitude of different attack vectors and seem to be pretty good about covering their tracks. Once again the hackers are one step ahead of the defenders. I wonder how much they've really stolen? I bet we hear more about this in the future and find out they were stealing more than money.

Group-IB said the U.S. banks were targeted by gaining access to their card-processing system and then opening accounts at the compromised institutions. The attackers removed limits on the legitimate bank cards and used mules to withdraw cash from ATMs. The virus was so stealthy that, in at least one instance, a bank was successfully robbed twice.
Blame the hackers... blame Bitcoin... blame global warning. Smoke and mirrors because the fallout of the corruption of this debt ponzi system won't end well and no one in charge wants the blame when it happens.
no one was the wiser. They are using a multitude of different attack vectors and seem to be pretty good about covering their tracks. Once again the hackers are one step ahead of the defenders. I wonder how much they've really stolen? I bet we hear more about this in the future and find out they were stealing more than money.

You make it sound like you admire these people.
when you think about it, the world is a scary place. How do you outsmart hackers to better keep things safe and secured? I prefer good hackers who wants to help the community over bad hackers who just want to either steal or cause trouble.
Man you guys don't get it - Even if the funds are insured it's dramatically raising the cost of doing business for all FI's. Hope you keep your money in cash next to your supply of tinfoil.

BTW - these hackers are attacking the FI's that actually may be trying to do some good, not the "to-big-to-fail" players who will pick your pocket while shaking your hand...