New game from the devs of Titan's Quest: Grim Dawn


Jul 21, 2004
The developers of Titan's Quest have formed a new studio called Crate Entertainment. They're working a new game called "Grim Dawn". Looks like it's being built on the TQ engine. They're asking for contributions in order to keep the IP private. If you donate enough you'll get your name in the credits!

I'm contemplating donating. Someone from Penny Arcade apparently donated a mountain of cash.
If they want to stay private....can't they just decline being bought out....?

I don't care how cool a game is I don't understand why people feel the urge to donate to it in addition to buying the game. It just gives game developers, whether good or bad companies, the go ahead to keep pushing that envelope.

Plus there is next to zero info on the game there.
If I'm not mistaken donating is also pre-ordering. I loved TQ. I hope this game turns out well. We need more good games on the PC.
If they want to stay private....can't they just decline being bought out....?

Look up "minority shareholder lawsuit." The short version though is this: an entity that has invested in a company, a game developer in this case, only needs to come up with a pretext to say that the company hasn't been 100% diligent in managing the invested capital and maximizing the shareholder's value, the investor then files a lawsuit.

Whether or not the suit has merit is irrelevant, because the developer would have to spend money they don't have to fight it. At that point the investor makes an offer, let me buy a majority stake in your company or the suit goes forward and bankrupts you long before there will ever be a ruling.

A developer would have little choice at that point but to comply if they wanted to continue operating.
Unfortunately I have a feeling it will fall into the same trap that Mythos, Dungeon Runners and Torchlight did. They try to make it a more compact experience for less money and unfortunately they end up killing the longterm appeal that Diablo had thanks to the superb online system and the depth and breadth of the game.
Unfortunately I have a feeling it will fall into the same trap that Mythos, Dungeon Runners and Torchlight did. They try to make it a more compact experience for less money and unfortunately they end up killing the longterm appeal that Diablo had thanks to the superb online system and the depth and breadth of the game.

Not sure I buy that argument, I've got 90+ hours into Torchlight and while I've owned (and played the shit out of) all of the Diablo games since they released, I've never logged onto Battle.Net. Same goes for TQ, It's not a genre, that to me, includes multiplayer as an inexorably linked part of the experience.

I'm certain that 90+% of the people who's computer's I've worked on have never played online but damned near all of then have had the Diablo series installed. And I can't say that I really see Blizzard shedding a tear that these folks are missing out on the online experience as they've already made the sale.

All that said, I cant wait to see what Crate is cooking up and what else other than their planned MMO Runic has in the pipe for Torchlight.
Hey, I've got an idea - why don't the 90% of the people who didn't pay for Titan Quest to actually pay for it now by sending these guys, say, twenty dollars... oh, that's right, I forgot... pirates don't pay for their software, so companies like Iron Lore end up going out of business.
Hey, I've got an idea - why don't the 90% of the people who didn't pay for Titan Quest to actually pay for it now by sending these guys, say, twenty dollars... oh, that's right, I forgot... pirates don't pay for their software, so companies like Iron Lore end up going out of business.

Right, you're going to reach a large audience of pirates this random thread, and teach them a lesson in morality. I wish you luck. :p
Here is as good a place as any.

Anyways I paid for TQ when it was first released and still think it is one of the better Diablo type games. I might consider a donation after reading up on the game more.
I actually bought TQ twice. Loved the game that much and hate seeing IL go under. They did an amazing job with that game and I thought it much better than the Diablo series.
I loved playing the diablo series but for some reason TQ didn't quite do it for me. Not sure why. Probably because it wasn't diablo.
I played through Titan Quest a couple of times. There was enough variety to the character builds to make it worthwhile to play through with some very different approaches; but the multiplayer was so full of cheating a private game was the only real option if you wanted to play it straight.

I'll be watching for this one. It'll probably depend on when it's launched and how much it costs for me.
Look up "minority shareholder lawsuit." The short version though is this: an entity that has invested in a company, a game developer in this case, only needs to come up with a pretext to say that the company hasn't been 100% diligent in managing the invested capital and maximizing the shareholder's value, the investor then files a lawsuit.

And if all the money being invested into the game is coming from their personal funds and "pre-orders" online?
And if all the money being invested into the game is coming from their personal funds and "pre-orders" online?

Then there aren't any formal minority share holders that would have standing to file suit against said company are there? Their solution isn't fool proof, but if there aren't really any contractual partners in the development process, they are much safer this way.
Right, you're going to reach a large audience of pirates this random thread, and teach them a lesson in morality. I wish you luck. :p

I agree - not too many pirates on [H] anyways... you might try the /v/ board on 4chan - that place is filled to the brim with the thieving bastards. Best of luck convincing them to have some compassion for independent game devs :rolleyes:
I saw this as well. It looks exactly like Titan Quest - except with darker colors.

Honestly, though, right now Dungeon Siege 3 is shaping up to be much more interesting than this title. I had zero interest in Dungeon Siege 3, but each new gameplay video has been better than the previous.

I'll keep an open mind about this one though.
Well, even if something similar is in the pipe, around the same time, more games are better, as long as they're good.
I can't believe I missed this, tq is one of my favorite games ever. I was so bummed out when ironlore went under, so I'm glad to see these guys are back at it.
With the current Diablo 3 shitstorm, I figured I'd give this a bu-rum-pum-pum-pump.

I'm buying the $50 package later today, game's looking awesome.
Look up "minority shareholder lawsuit." The short version though is this: an entity that has invested in a company, a game developer in this case, only needs to come up with a pretext to say that the company hasn't been 100% diligent in managing the invested capital and maximizing the shareholder's value, the investor then files a lawsuit.

Whether or not the suit has merit is irrelevant, because the developer would have to spend money they don't have to fight it. At that point the investor makes an offer, let me buy a majority stake in your company or the suit goes forward and bankrupts you long before there will ever be a ruling.

A developer would have little choice at that point but to comply if they wanted to continue operating.

I doubt a donation would be considered an investment. A donation is a gift.
I'm currently loving Titan Quest for the second time and can't wait for Grim Dawn. I'm more excited for it than Diablo III or Torchlight II.
Sunuvabitch, I really didn't need to re-install Titan Quest again! I couldn't get into Torchlight at all, but I've got 3 playthroughs on TQ already.
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You know, fuck it, I am in for a key for this game. I loved TQ and I like what they are trying to do. $20 I would have probably blown on booze or hardware.
See, I always thought Titan Quest was a superb game. The only issue I ever had with it was getting crashes and corrupted save files, which admittedly was a big issue, but was something that they fixed later on. It never got the recognition it deserved in my opinion. It was far better than Torchlight was at being a Diablo clone with better graphics and art design, a better story and a far more interesting setting. I hope this game gets the recognition it deserves.
I hope that these guys pull this off. If Grim Dawn is successful without any major publisher, these guys could be well set up for more PC exclusive hardcore gamer friendly games without the shitware DRM thrown in from major devs
With the current Diablo 3 shitstorm, I figured I'd give this a bu-rum-pum-pum-pump.

Thanks for the bumpage, I hadn't heard of Grim Dawn yet. I like the mindset of these guys, and appreciate their dedication. This game will likely get my money before Diablo 3 will- even though the current shitstorm doesn't bother me all that much.
My money is on Path of Exile at this point. Gonna have to try out both games
When I first stepped into Titan Quest, I didn't think to much of it but by the time I cleared the first act I was sold. These guys are brilliant. I hope this does well :)
There's also a really interesting interview Rock, Paper, Shotgun did yesterday:

Among other interesting tidbits, he basically says instead of trying to make the game casual player friendly, they're going in the opposite direction.

Really looking forward to Grim Dawn.

I like their thinking

Why be another casual game in a market that's already flooded with them when they can make a game that really stands out and attract a group of loyal fans