New DOOM Movie News


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
If you were worried about not being able to get to the theater on opening night to see the new DOOM movie, have no fear. DOOM will be going straight to DVD, which of course means it will be available digitally, immediately. It also seems that the original DOOM and DOOM 2016's shining star and final boss, the "Spiderdemon," will not be making an appearance. Also, we are fairly sure that the correct name is "Spider Mastermind," but that seems to be up for debate.

Doom is getting a new movie reboot due to arrive in 2019, starring Amy Manson and directed by Tony Giglio. The movie seems to be heading direct to DVD, and while little is known about the storyline, it has been confirmed Hell will figure into the plot. In a new comment on his Twitter account, director Giglio has also confirmed that despite wanting to include the famous Spiderdemon monster, it sadly had to be cut.
Well... they at least use hell this time around so that is an improvement over the last one. Wonder if they can include mars also.
Seven of nine instead of the rock pls. Or pit them against each other, I don't care
Just jump onto YouTube, hit 'Doom Movie', and watch monster intro cut-scenes or someone else playing the game. It will blow this upcoming turd out of the water.
Oh boy! another hollywood adaptation of a medium they don't understand in the slightest! I bet this won't be utterly shit at all.../s
I really loved Hardcore Henry. I honestly thought it deserved more praise. I also enjoyed The old Doom movie with the Rock. It's wasn't great by any means, but I dunno I enjoyed it....was a good popcorn sit back and chill movie at least for me.
Just great, chick flick, I'm guessing they're turning Doomguy into Doomgirl. This ought to be a barrel of laughs.

Watch it'll have,

1. Memory Loss
2. Supernatural powers
3. token black guy / comic relief
Hopefully the new Doom actually is based on Doom and not just another zombie movie. What's with movies not respecting the source material?

Also going to leave this gem for you guys. Still a better Doom movie than the Doom movie.

Am I the only one who thought the original Doom Movie with Karl Urban and The Rock was pretty damn good? Maybe it was not a good movie for the general public, but it was damn good for those of us who got to experience just how that simple pixelated shooter changed the industry. I just hated the stupid plot twist where there was some magical evil gene.
If they made a DOOM movie that follows the plot of the 2016+ games (Ancient warrior feared by demons is released from his eternal slumber and begins to F*** their shit up) I would watch that.
Just went to Netflix, put in hardcore in the search and Hardcore Henry is first in the list.
Watched this on kodi a few months ago- hardcore Henry. Fun mindless ride!
Am I the only one who thought the original Doom Movie with Karl Urban and The Rock was pretty damn good? Maybe it was not a good movie for the general public, but it was damn good for those of us who got to experience just how that simple pixelated shooter changed the industry. I just hated the stupid plot twist where there was some magical evil gene.
You are not. It was a fun shut your brain off and enjoy movie. Great no but entertaining enough.
From the man who brought us this gem? sweet....

How does it hold up on the small screen having seen it on the large screen?

I watched an interview with the director before it came out and he was saying that he felt it was a movie that wasn't going to transition to the small screen very well and needed to be seen on the large screen to get the full effect of the movie. Could have just been him wanting to increase ticket sales.
Just fine imo.
It's just like a fps, watched a while, but started to get motion sickness from the bouncing, I'd have to take a handful of ginger caps for my stomach. I normally have to adjust video setting to get rid of it in a game, there have been a few games I just stopped because of not being able to change those settings. Some may argue that it decreases the "immersion/experience", but if I can't play the game from headache/nausea, I get no experience at all.

The wife is hot, though.
The original DOOM and Hardcore Henry are both very bad. Hardcore Henry being slightly better but the end fight int hat movie is God awful not to mention some other scenes that are so chopped up it doesn't flow at all. I bet it's better on the small screen so you don't catch all the mistakes.
Just great, chick flick, I'm guessing they're turning Doomguy into Doomgirl. This ought to be a barrel of laughs.

Watch it'll have,

1. Memory Loss
2. Supernatural powers
3. token black guy / comic relief

funny that you make that list as a way to talk shit yet the current doom game has the first two so they would be following the game if they did go that route. does burned to a crisp count as black?
Due to content or camera work? I have not seen it yet but the shaky cam footage in the original cloverfield I didn't care for so this may not work for me either.
Content. When they go rolling into the brothel with all the drugs, she did not like that too much.
Just great, chick flick, I'm guessing they're turning Doomguy into Doomgirl. This ought to be a barrel of laughs.

Watch it'll have,

1. Memory Loss
2. Supernatural powers
3. token black guy / comic relief

Doom needs a Doomguy. The actress thinks otherwise. I predict it to be a fail.

You're so boss bitch, you're going straight to DVD! LMAO!

There are plenty of female heros and villians to go around. Quit changing the main character to make feminazi's everywhere happy.
You're so boss bitch, you're going straight to DVD! LMAO!

There are plenty of female heros and villians to go around. Quit changing the main character to make feminazi's everywhere happy.

I expect there to be a lot of crappy one liners by the female lead to show how independent and strong she is, maybe even beat down a man or two.
LOL....There it is, Token Black guy haha, I was right!

There is a whole lot more pictures of the set here:

But ya, looks really cheap.

Those set photo's remind me EXACTLY of the first Resident Evil movie, which was also terrible.

This movie looks to be taking place in the world of Doom 3. Which to be honest now has me interested. :bookworm:
Doom 3 was great.
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FYI, the original DOOM is currently on Netflix.

I just watched it last night and liked it. Fun movie that pays tribute to the game with the FPS view. I think the story in the movie is better than the game too, it’s more plausible.