New Desk - flat edge or curved edge?

its not going to go flat against a wall for one. I have a desk that is curved on the right. I'd get a straight desk next time. The wave desk you show though is fairly mild so it should not make much of a difference. Maybe the reason is that you sit closer in to the desk, useful for where floor space is an issue.
i mean if you were using it in the center of a room the curved desk might look nice but if it's against a wall get the straight edge.

also i hate their website, white desk on a white background who the hell thought that made sense.
Thanks for the input. I think I'm going to go with the straight edge. It's just more versatile.
If they had an option where the front edge was curved and the back was straight I'm would maybe go for that. Have both edges curved doesn't seem very practical though. I think of the options they have the straight edge is the way to go, plus its cheaper which is always a good thing.