[NEW] BFG GTX 285 and GTX 295 cards with self-contained liquid cooling

Jul 9, 2009
I am not sure if anyone has seen this yet, but I haven't seen it on the forums.


Check out the article here http://hothardware.com/News/BFG-Announces-Limited-Edition-LiquidCooled-GeForces/

This could be awesome for those too weary on setting up a liquid cooling solution themselves, and not worrying about the maintenance involved. I am scared to see the price though...but still props to BFG for being the first!
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Yea that looks like it might be a great way to keep them hot cards under control. But i feel the same way as you....What will be the price.......
will be even cooler if they do the same thing with the next generation of cards at their release, instead of doing it to cards nearing the end of their lifespan. very cool idea though.. I would not plunk down the money for it right now considering the (hopefully) near next set of cards
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Its a cool idea my issue is if you add the new C/A cooler that you cant run both at the same time.
seems kind of late to the party when rumor is that the first wave of DX11 cards come out next month... (of course those may not be nvidia GPUs but still the timing seems pretty bad considering all the R&D that would go into a cooling system like that)
i said it in the other thread, but at least it's a step in the right direction for sure.
For the money spent on these cards, id rather add a gpu block to an existing h20 system myself. Better performance vs voided warranty depending on brand i guess.