Need script to assign permissions to folders


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 26, 2005
So I have several IIS applications. each has a folder (among other folders) that's named APP_DATA

For security reasons, I need to assign permissions to that folder on each application for IIS_IUSR.

any guides to make a script? preferably powershell.
Honestly easier to just call icacls than the PowerShell ACL API.

Assuming inheritance is enabled, it should just propagate downwards to whatever subfolders.

icacls 'SOME_FOLDER_PATH' /grant:r 'IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)F'

or whatever permissions you want to grant.

Or depending on the folder structure, if you want to hit a bunch of these APP_DATA folders in one go, this might be more along what you're looking for?
(Also if you want to see what folders it's going to touch first before you go and modify permissions - and you probably do, just replace the ForEach-Object part with Select-Object FullName)
Get-ChildItem "SOME_FOLDER_PATH_THAT_IS_THE_PARENT_TO_ALL_THESE_APP_DATA_FOLDERS" -Recurse -Include "APP_DATA" | ForEach-Object { icacls $_.FullName /grant:r 'IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)F' }
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Honestly easier to just call icacls than the PowerShell ACL API.

Assuming inheritance is enabled, it should just propagate downwards to whatever subfolders.

icacls 'SOME_FOLDER_PATH' /grant:r 'IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)F'

or whatever permissions you want to grant.

Or depending on the folder structure, if you want to hit a bunch of these APP_DATA folders in one go, this might be more along what you're looking for?
(Also if you want to see what folders it's going to touch first before you go and modify permissions - and you probably do, just replace the ForEach-Object part with Select-Object FullName)
Get-ChildItem "SOME_FOLDER_PATH_THAT_IS_THE_PARENT_TO_ALL_THESE_APP_DATA_FOLDERS" -Recurse -Include "APP_DATA" | ForEach-Object { icacls $_.FullName /grant:r 'IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)F' }

I figured it out already by myself but thanks. Its great what you can come up at 2am with the right ammount of caffeine..
