Need help with T-Line Lian-Li A05B with pics!


[H]F Junkie
Aug 16, 2004

Ok, I am having a horrible time, especially this is my first time have water anywhere near my computer.

What am I doing wrong here guys? I can't even get the water flowing correctly. It must be something simple that I am missing.

Btw, would it make my life a lot easier if I just purchase a reservoir and mount in at the top in the back? :rolleyes:
You would probably have a much easier time if you put your t line in front of the inlet of the pump.
Thanks for the tip, I did that and it worked great. After switching my system on and off about 40 times haha, it's running very quiet with minimal bubbles.
Glad to hear you got it working. That is the only thing I hate about t lines (having to stop/start so many times) but it takes up so much less space!