need a netbook capable time waster


Sep 27, 2005
I'll be on a plane for about 10 hours next month, and I need a good time waster. :p

Here's a short list of things I've already beaten to death and don't want to play it anymore:
World of Goo
Plain Sight
Jewel Quest

I'm pretty sure not all of them are netbook capable, but just throwing it out there. So what's left?
Terraria will get you about 30-40 hours of entertainment before it wears out, and it should run fine on a netbook.
warcraft 3 and AOE3 both ran pretty good on my netbook (with settings turned down)
capsized looks pretty good, been eyeing it for about a week, probably going to pick it up off steam ($10)
Return to castle wolfenstein runs fine on netbook, would guess the jedi knight games would run too.
Another vote for Capsized. Very fun game with great gameplay mechanics, visuals, and most impressive of all music/soundtrack.
Terraria is pretty fun. Or you could always grab an emulator (NES, SNES, etc)
I'll looks into it.
warcraft 3 and AOE3 both ran pretty good on my netbook (with settings turned down)
Haven't even thought about RTS games. I've beaten both titles already, though, but thanks for giving me some ideas. I'll try the original SC :p
capsized looks pretty good, been eyeing it for about a week, probably going to pick it up off steam ($10)
This one looks really fun. Thanks!
It was fun for the first ~40 levels :D
Return to castle wolfenstein runs fine on netbook, would guess the jedi knight games would run too.
I'm not much of the FPS player :eek:
Frozen Synapse. Awesome TBS. Should run well.
Dosbox + All PC games from 1980 to 1995. You could spend 10 years and never get through them all.

As far as stuff on Steam, I fin adventure games work well like Broken Sword 1, 2, 3 and The Secret of Monkey Island (modern redone version) and Machinarium.
Try some older rpgs, like BG2, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, etc. Or some of the new indie ones that follow that style (two that I know of, but I can't remember the names unfortunately).
Alien Swarm is pretty fun if your netbook can handle it. It was free on Steam awhile ago, not sure if it still is though. Unfortunately my netbook would always crash when I'd try to run it but I'm sure there are some out there that are beefy enough to run it.
eufloria, like a casual rts with a chill soundtrack and nice low spec graphics. also $15 on steam and in one of the humble indie bundles you can find on comes with 2 long campaigns and a nice custom map community, you would kill so much time on it if you like this sort of thing.
I have been re-playing Diablo II on my netbook (Asus 1015pem) and it's been pretty fun.. you have to do the full no cd crack with all of the music and stuff move to local disk but only took a few mins to get that all done.
Go to Good Old Games and download Master of Orion 1 and 2. These are 4x space strategy games that are held up as the gold standard even to this day. Best of all, they can both be played with a trackpad without much trouble, no mouse really needed. The graphics of Moo2 also hold up well.
I'd go for one of those old rpgs, haven't played a lot of those yet.

Terraria is massively entertaining for some reason.