Well, we're talking about two different things here: the AD2 and the H220/Glacier240L pump/block. But it sounds like the H220 will fit the Impact, at least in one orientation with low profile RAM, while you're saying the AD2 should fit either way on the Impact.In that case, then you can turn the AD2 and have the outlet above the memory. Less desirable for priming/bleeding but still workable, no?
Edit: I just took the cover off my rig and -- yes going just by sight and your pictures (YMMV) -- even if the CPU is closer and the heatspreader is higher then the outlet port should still clear it.
The barbs extend a bit outside of the socket area, so taller bits on the board (e.g., RAM or the VRM board on the ASUS boards) can obstruct them.I'm a bit confused; what would regular height RAM heatspreaders be in the way of when using an H220 on the Impact?