NCASE M1: a crowdfunded Mini-ITX case (updates in first post)

If I am still using this case in 4 years, and no-one else makes one at that time, and motherboards have headers then I will make a USB3.1 front board if I have to. Might not be cheap though.
Indiegogo called me last night asking why I'm not offering M1 on their website.

I told them mostly because they still have not refunded our backers and I don't want to tangle until they do.

They said they would do the refund last night. I took their word for it, let's see

As one of the people who accidentally contributed without a reward, I haven't seen any refund yet...
I have decided not to use the hard drive cage and just mount one 3.5" on the bottom, so I was wondering.. Is there any disadvantage to using the Noctua C14 140mm fan that comes with it (without the side bracket), or should I go ahead and put two 120mm fans on the side bracket?

I wasn't sure if the fact that part of the fan does not have access to the holes on the side of the case would be problematic.

I really don't see there being much difference between the 2 setups. Personally, I'd run 2x 120mm fan, or maybe try both, and see which yields the lowest temps.. or if similar temps, keep whichever runs quieter.
Just ordered from the site directly. It's funny, been watching this thread for some time and you guys have basically built how I've modded several of my Lian Li SFF builds...

Simply awesome.
Just ordered from the site directly. It's funny, been watching this thread for some time and you guys have basically built how I've modded several of my Lian Li SFF builds...

Simply awesome.

link to pics or build thread?
Ok, I think I'm going to go w/ AMD in this build.

That said a few questions:

"Biggest" / "most Powerful" card supported by the Silverstone 450 SFX psu? May or may not OC it.

Would the extra ~$100 or so for a 7970 be "worth it" for the improvement over a 7950? I'll probably wait till the 9xxx cards are at least announced, priced and benchmarked to make a final decision. However, it'll probably come to the same issue regarding the price/performance increase.

Secondly, best reference (?) cooler /brand card to get? I've been out of the market for gpu's for a while and I know some brands have gone up/down in quality.
AMD doesn't usually get as high performance level as Intel but AMD usually gets higher performance/$.

Titan can be supported but probably not much OC or even at all.

That depends on your gaming needs and if the increase in fps is worth the money. In my opinion, I would wait for the new GPUs to be released. The case is being delivered in Jan which means the 9000 series will be out with benchmarks in tow. At the same time, the 900 series from nVidia will probably be out as well.

I hear good things about EVGA.

Ok, I think I'm going to go w/ AMD in this build.

That said a few questions:

"Biggest" / "most Powerful" card supported by the Silverstone 450 SFX psu? May or may not OC it.

Would the extra ~$100 or so for a 7970 be "worth it" for the improvement over a 7950? I'll probably wait till the 9xxx cards are at least announced, priced and benchmarked to make a final decision. However, it'll probably come to the same issue regarding the price/performance increase.

Secondly, best reference (?) cooler /brand card to get? I've been out of the market for gpu's for a while and I know some brands have gone up/down in quality.
Really dumbass question but for the SILVERSTONE ST45SF-G 450W Gold edition it comes with the PP05 cables correct?
Really dumbass question but for the SILVERSTONE ST45SF-G 450W Gold edition it comes with the PP05 cables correct?

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere the modular cables included with the ST45SF-G are even shorter than the PP05 "short cable" set.
Cool thanks bro, I'm probably going to get that PSU.

What PSU are you getting AFD?
I'm assuming you bought the M1 Case right?
You getting the Asus ROG Impact?
You think that sound card is decent that comes with the board?
If anyone else can confirm this, it would save myself $25 I could put towards the fan filters.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere the modular cables included with the ST45SF-G are even shorter than the PP05 "short cable" set.
Cool thanks bro, I'm probably going to get that PSU.

What PSU are you getting AFD?
I'm assuming you bought the M1 Case right?
You getting the Asus ROG Impact?
You think that sound card is decent that comes with the board?

Sure thing! Ya, I'm getting the ST45SF-G, unless Tony brings us an ST55 before January :D

And yup, definitely getting the M1. ROG sound card is probably the best on ITX out there I'd imagine.. short of using an outboard USB DAC or something. Not getting the ROG myself, my Z87i-Deluxe & 4770k just arrived today from Newegg, in the worst way possible. Box was ripped, smashed, very poorly taped, and this is how badly it came packaged (could see the contents before I even opened the box - which was already half open)..


:mad: :mad: :mad:

Seriously, Wtf?

No way to tell if the 2 components were damaged, since I can't test them out until my case arrives and I can get the other parts ordered. Newegg isn't responding to my emails.. not sure if I should return it for replacement, refund or take a chance and keep it. I mean c'mon, really??

If anyone else can confirm this, it would save myself $25 I could put towards the fan filters.

This is where I found that info..

PP05 short cable set has longer cables that the stock cables, and is not entirely compatible on the PCIe cable.

I stumbled upon some of WiSK's other posts in another forum discussing custom cable sleeving, so there's a pretty good chance he knows what he's talking about ;)
What ST55 are you talking about?
Are those SFX PSU or 140mm?

Sucks to hear about your package, personally since your still far off I'd return it and take some pictures. I'd wait until there are better mobo and cpu combo deals, since January is still far you might get a better deal and save money. I know my local microcenter have good mobo/cpu deals that are usually better then neweggs
I stumbled upon some of WiSK's other posts in another forum discussing custom cable sleeving, so there's a pretty good chance he knows what he's talking about ;)

Indeed, don't waste $25 on the PP05 cable set if you are using the ST45SF-G.

Better to buy a MiniFit Jr crimper for $35 and make your own even shorter cables.
What ST55 are you talking about?
Are those SFX PSU or 140mm?

Sucks to hear about your package, personally since your still far off I'd return it and take some pictures. I'd wait until there are better mobo and cpu combo deals, since January is still far you might get a better deal and save money. I know my local microcenter have good mobo/cpu deals that are usually better then neweggs

The currently fictitious ST55SF-G 550W SFX from Silverstone! Yeah, they're working on something still unannounced, but the ST55 is just wishful thinking on my part (to denote whatever happens to be the successor to the ST45). ;)

Yeah, I dunno. I'm sure there's a decent chance that nothing was damaged (not sure how much an unprotected CPU, and barely protected mobo can withstand physical shock). Microcenter has great prices, but in-store only for a lot of things.. and the nearest store is a 4-hour drive away from me :(
What ST55 are you talking about?
Are those SFX PSU or 140mm?
Currently there is no "ST55" (*), but Silverstone's Community Representative Tony Ou mentioned that development on SFX is still very active. This won't be very soon but it could very well be when the Ncase M1 arrives.

(*) people assume that Silverstone will release a 550W SFX PSU basically because of wishful thinking. Since the 450W SFX PSU has the model number ST45SF they expect the next one to be called something like "ST55".
heyas looking for an expert eye thrown on my parts list for the case and was just wondering if anyone can see any problems with my planned item list for this case.

most of the items i allready own.
what i am looking to buy is the mobo, cooler, psu and 3tb drive.

the two ssd's i intend on putting in place of the odd.
the two hd's put in the bracket in front of the psu.
i have zero concern for cable management. [sorry]

[please note the video card is actually a pallit 660ti but its not listed. ]

after studying part1a and part 1b of the prototype testing;
my main concern is the heat on the video card. do you suppose it will be ok?
ok for me = below 80C.
i see in the testing the card is running at 80-90!! i think this card has one fan cooling it as opposed to the card im using which has two.
i'mm ok with not oc'ing the card. [have not felt the need... yet]

edit - forgot to add im thinking of adding on, one of these handles:

the black ones.
one handle at the front perhaps, of maybe at the back, not sure where abouts on the frame would be the safest place to put it.

ty for any pointers/ opinions/ insight
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Currently there is no "ST55" (*), but Silverstone's Community Representative Tony Ou mentioned that development on SFX is still very active. This won't be very soon but it could very well be when the Ncase M1 arrives.

Just to remind, the ST45SF-G final prototype was first shown early April 2012. It was the end of August before the preorders were delivered and September before it was widely available. So I think we have to presume it's not going to be on time for the NCase.
Yeah I agree, but I didn't say it would befinished by then :)
I may not remember it correctly but I thought it was said a new SFX product was expected to be introduced around the end of this year and beginning of the new year.
Well, I hope that there will be something very soon. All of a sudden, literally in like the last two days or so, it appears that the ST45SF-G has been EOL'd and discontinued in the UK... :confused:

I would contact SS directly and see if they can work it out for you. That sucks.
Well, I hope that there will be something very soon. All of a sudden, literally in like the last two days or so, it appears that the ST45SF-G has been EOL'd and discontinued in the UK... :confused:

Dont count on it. Given what Tony has said my guess anything new won't be until next year and that's IF they are actually planning anything new. Which Tony cannot say even if he wanted to. I'd suggest focusing on what is availble now as far as psu goes if you are planning on buying now. Personally, I'd wait a while but that's just me. :)
Do order confirmation emails come only on business days?
I ordered a case yesterday and still didn't get a confirmation.
Are the cases available as amounts get allotted because I saw a message a few pages back saying that there was 60 more available.
Log into Paypal to see if the transaction completed.
Also check your spam email folder.

Nothing in my spam.

Don't have a PayPal account, I paid without logging in.

Does Paypal only send confirmation emails only to people registered with them?

The only thing I can think of is that I might have misspelled my email, but I don't think it's likely, I checked over my payment info multiple times.
Check your CC account for the transaction (can possibly still be pending, in that case wait for it to post), note all info pertaining to it, and call paypal about it.
Random question I can't the answer too via pictures of this case. The feet, are they removeable? I have some modding in the works for this baby lol.
They're actually a 40mm diameter version of those feet. Yes, they're removable.

Thanks for the info! I'm thinking my originally plan of putting some silver SD-01A feet on the M1 probably wouldn't look right sticking out past the case. Maybe?

EDIT: Hey Necere, did you have any luck contacting DemciFlex so we can order some magnetic intake filters ourselves?
I thought that the DirectCu Mini line would mean Asus pushing it with high end cards like (in this case) the GTX770/780, not the already short GTX760.

Just seems like they're taking an already short, cool running card and making it... slightly shorter. Whoopee.

Put out a sub-9" GTX770 and i'll be impressed.
Put out a sub-9" GTX770 and i'll be impressed.

Yeah, I'd be really stoked to see a GTX 770 Mini.. 760, not so much.

And sorry for the bad news KeymaN!

EDIT: I think I'll still wait for Maxwell next year (1st quarter, I think).. supposed to be much more energy efficient than Kepler, so smaller cards like the Asus Mini might be more feasible.
And sorry for the bad news KeymaN!

Well at least the GTX 670mini has the matching number as the i5-4670(K or S) hahah

Interested to see if ASUS ever make a triple slot GPU for such a small GPU like the 670 and 760 mini lol
Just like the 695 I use right now lol