
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
AdoredTV on YouTube has released a new video where he speculates on upcoming AMD product launches for 2019 such as Navi, Vega II, and Ryzen 2. AMD President and CEO Dr. Lisa Su will have the undivided attention of the entire tech industry when she delivers her keynote speech at CES 2019, and it is anticipated that AMD will showcase their engineering prowess at the event. Buckle up and get ready to learn how AMD codenames work, which rumors are more likely to occur, and a sneak peek at the first Ryzen 3000 engineering sample spotted in the wild.

Speculating on what we might see at CES from AMD, and also the first Ryzen 3000 engineering sample is spotted.
If Vega 20 hits between 2080 and 2080 Ti, and Navi only hits the 2070, then even if AMD didn't have excess Vega 20 products to sell in the consumer space, it would make a great deal of sense to ship another "frontier edition" type SKU if only to dampen Nvidia's halo effect somewhat.
If Vega 20 hits between 2080 and 2080 Ti, and Navi only hits the 2070, then even if AMD didn't have excess Vega 20 products to sell in the consumer space, it would make a great deal of sense to ship another "frontier edition" type SKU if only to dampen Nvidia's halo effect somewhat.
I wondered about that myself. My naive hope is that AMD has a high-end Navi part waiting in the pipeline, but that doesn't seem likely.
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If Vega 20 hits between 2080 and 2080 Ti, and Navi only hits the 2070
That's quite a fantasy. I'd be shocked if Vega beats a 2070 or 1080Ti at anything.

Ryzen 3000 should be interesting though.
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If they put 2-3 chips on one board they should reach those predictions easy. It would be great for each eye in VR.
For the sake of us OC hardware customers and the market competition that helps progress (Ryzen made it possible again), we should hope that 7nm will help AMD get at least equal to Intel's IPC and clocks on the cpu front and small Navi will be ready in 1H/2019 with great pricing.
I didn't know until just now when I looked it up that CES is less than 2 weeks away.

Very cool... I'm still rocking the 2500k. Truth be told through, I'm only considering replacing it with something like a an i7 4790 Dell pre-built, one of those eBay off-leases. I'm just poor.

Oh, and an nV 1080. Not even considering a GPU replacement for ~4-5 years.
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I didn't know until just now when I looked it up that CES is less than 2 weeks away.

Very cool... I'm still rocking the 2500k. Truth be told through, I'm only considering replacing it with something like a an i7 4790 Dell pre-built, one of those eBay off-leases. I'm just poor.

Oh, and an nV 1080. Not even considering a GPU replacement for ~4-5 years.
Those old mining rigs are dirt cheap on EBAY. I've been successfully ignoring those $55 1200w Silverstone, Corsair, and EVGA power supply units for a few days. Not sure how long I can maintain control over my wallet!

In short; older rigs and even Dell system are on EBAY for cheap!
That's quite a fantasy. I'd be shocked if Vega beats a 2070 or 1080Ti at anything.

Ryzen 3000 should be interesting though.

I think the rumored performance nuumbers (between 2070 and 1080Ti) are very reasonable. At reduced thermals compared to Vega. Price will be the main point of interest. Do they want to slightly undercut nvidia or hit hard. A part that has near 'near 1080Ti' performance that allows me to avoid the GSync tax is definitely something im interested in.
That's quite a fantasy. I'd be shocked if Vega beats a 2070 or 1080Ti at anything.

Ryzen 3000 should be interesting though.

RX Vega 64 already meets 2070 performance - It's silly to think a shrink to 7nm would not bring Vega 2 close or even past 2080 level of performane:

Why should all of us nVidia fan boys care? We want AMD to pull a hat trick out of their a@@ - will bring us better prices now, put nvidia in a better place to release better products to come.

Interesting would be AMD releasing Vega 2 at 2080/Ti level performance, and then a side add-in card (think PhysX) for Ray Tracing.
Ryzen 3000, eh?

I think I'm more interested in a new GPU. It would be nice to have some GPU competition again, come on AMD you can do it! I haven't touched a Red team GPU in eons though (like back when still ATI)... have the drivers improved?

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Hoping the rumors 1070 performance and 150 tdp at $250 are true. It'll be an instant buy for me.
Interesting would be AMD releasing Vega 2 at 2080/Ti level performance, and then a side add-in card (think PhysX) for Ray Tracing.

Sure, Vega 2 at 2080/Ti performance would be fantastic. So would winning the lottery. Neither is likely. Add-in card for ray tracing also will not happen.
If they show off 7nm Navi and not Vega then that might be something to get excited about, though it's not going to be the high end chip. And the 2nd hand market is full of midrange cards so while these new cards will run cooler, I'm not sure about better value.
Sure, Vega 2 at 2080/Ti performance would be fantastic. So would winning the lottery. Neither is likely. Add-in card for ray tracing also will not happen.
They don't need to hit 2080ti performance. Nvidia priced it to high to be practical for most gamers. All they need to do is hit 1080ti/2080 performance at a better price.
Interesting would be AMD releasing Vega 2 at 2080/Ti level performance, and then a side add-in card (think PhysX) for Ray Tracing.

I really wish Nvidia had gone that route on RTX. Just release a separate card with RTX cores. I feel like I'm missing out by not jumping on the RTX2080 bandwagon but its not even a major jump it has a limited number of cores and limited game support so it's not like the cards are going to grow into RTX, when actual RTX game support comes out of course your RTX2080ti won't fully support it and then you gotta buy yet another card with more cores.
If Vega 20 hits between 2080 and 2080 Ti, and Navi only hits the 2070, then even if AMD didn't have excess Vega 20 products to sell in the consumer space, it would make a great deal of sense to ship another "frontier edition" type SKU if only to dampen Nvidia's halo effect somewhat.

yea I think if vega 20 is getting that kind of performance just release top of line product so people stop bitching and then light up the mid range with Navi. It would make sense for them to have vega 20 even in limited quantities especially if they intended to release it all along and chips already produced.
Sure, Vega 2 at 2080/Ti performance would be fantastic. So would winning the lottery. Neither is likely. Add-in card for ray tracing also will not happen.

It never said 2080ti. It said between 2080 and 2080ti. Why is it so hard to believe and like winning a lottery? Vega 64 is already at 1080 peformance. AMD can only go up form there with a shrink. If they are can get 30-40% performance after the shrink that is easily 2080+ right there.
I really wish Nvidia had gone that route on RTX. Just release a separate card with RTX cores. I feel like I'm missing out by not jumping on the RTX2080 bandwagon but its not even a major jump it has a limited number of cores and limited game support so it's not like the cards are going to grow into RTX, when actual RTX game support comes out of course your RTX2080ti won't fully support it and then you gotta buy yet another card with more cores.

So then why do you feel like you’re missing out?
RX Vega 64 already meets 2070 performance - It's silly to think a shrink to 7nm would not bring Vega 2 close or even past 2080 level of performane:

Why should all of us nVidia fan boys care? We want AMD to pull a hat trick out of their a@@ - will bring us better prices now, put nvidia in a better place to release better products to come.

Interesting would be AMD releasing Vega 2 at 2080/Ti level performance, and then a side add-in card (think PhysX) for Ray Tracing.

This is what Intel/nVidia fanboys just not get. You have been supporting these guys and they have milked you for what you've got and became very slack in not progressing much and holding back technology. Now AMD comes at last, almost with their final breath and produce some competition and this is all you can come up with? Really? So now you just wait for Intel/nVidia's response to AMD and buy that. So AMD again falls back since they do not get enough sales, only this time, they might go bankrupt (I believe they won't, but it is possible). Now what happens? You have an even worse situation than before. What will then happen? Intel will improve internal graphics to the point where the average guy won't even upgrade to an nVidia card. Intel will "force" OEM's to buy their discreet cards and nVidia will go down slowly.

Anyway, choose what you want. This world is so full of selfish people anyway. Just worry about today and don't stress about the future. Today is what matters and we do not need to care about tomorrow... 12 year old reasoning.

Such a crap world isn't it? You made it so!
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Hmm gonna be in wait and see mode. I believe when I fucking see it if AMD delivers this time.
This is what Intel/nVidia fanboys just not get. You have been supporting these guys and they have milked you for what you've got and became very slack in not progressing much and holding back technology. Now AMD comes at last, almost with their final breath and produce some competition and this is all you can come up with? Really? So now you just wait for Intel/nVidia's response to AMD and buy that. So AMD again falls back since they do not get enough sales, only this time, they might go bankrupt (I believe they won't, but it is possible). Now what happens? You have an even worse situation than before. What will then happen? Intel will improve internal graphics to the point where the average guy won't even upgrade to an nVidia card. Intel will "force" OEM's to buy their discreet cards and nVidia will go down slowly.

Anyway, choose what you want. This world is so full of selfish people anyway. Just worry about today and don't stress about the future. Today is what matters and we do not need to care about tomorrow...

Such a crap world isn't it? You made it so!
People aren’t buying AMD because they’re not releasing anything to compete with NVIDIA and haven’t for years. I’m sure many would jump ship if AMD had anything of comparable performance to offer, but they don’t. People aren’t going to buy underperforming cards for sympathy’s sake. That’s ridiculous and you can’t fault people for AMD’s lack of competitive GPUs. If anyone is digging AMD’s grave it’s AMD. They’re doing a LOT better with their Ryzen series CPUs, so I hope their GPUs catch up as well. Someone needs to knock the green giant on its ass. I have hope that this is their first step in the right direction, but I’m cautiously optimistic. AMD makes a lot of promises that often go undelivered.
I'll take a well supported open source friendly card that can play current games over binary lock in to have the fastest.

So I'd buy AMD regardless of if their best isn't the best. Nvidia / Intel isn't even worth considering
Nvidia needs several smacks upside the head for their new pricing model alone, but AMD is in no position to do it. These new parts won't challenge them. Thinking vega2 will be some miracle is too much pie in the sky. How many times must people be fooled by this? It'll be sub 1080ti/2080.
It never said 2080ti. It said between 2080 and 2080ti. Why is it so hard to believe and like winning a lottery? Vega 64 is already at 1080 peformance. AMD can only go up form there with a shrink. If they are can get 30-40% performance after the shrink that is easily 2080+ right there.
40% performance increase from a shrink feels very optimistic to me.
Interesting would be AMD releasing Vega 2 at 2080/Ti level performance, and then a side add-in card (think PhysX) for Ray Tracing.
There is no need for tracing add in cards. There is no such thing as a ray tracing core. Nvidia is using tensor cores to do matrix tracing math.

Zero doubt Navi will include tensors. Every leak has mentioned navi having AI stuffs (ie tensor cores) going back to last summer.

The only real question is if they are going to do a Vega2 are those parts going to bother with tensor stuff. That is hard to say. The truth is Tensor cores for gaming right now today and for the next 6 months to a year is darn near pointless. Few games will support it and frankly 2080ti and most likely a Vega2 with tensor cores won't really be fast enough to do much in terms of performance. AMD may have bet that Vega2 could be a good non-tensor cards to move until navi ships. We'll just have to see if they bothered. If I had to bet I would say Vega2 won't have any tenors stuff but Navi will be bristling with tons of Tensor cores capable of doing int8 and int4.... as I'm almost sure PS5 and Xboxnextone will be pushing Ray tracing with AMD chipletts featuring a couple navi chips loaded with enough tensors to make the 2080 ray tracing performance look even sadder.

Can't wait for the CES reveals the chiplet stuff is super exciting. I'm pretty sure "APU"s are about to get an evolutionary leap few gamers have been expecting. Not sure they will be talking about ZEN + Navi APUs at CES but if they do it should be really really interesting. Forget 1070 / 1080 performance stand alone cards... AMD may just show off some 3800g Ryzen 5 or 4200g Ryzen 7 navi part with 8-12 cores and a full size mid range navi GPU complete with tensor cores offering 1070-80 performance at a fraction of the power usage. Of course memory speed will be the main issue... but again the chiplet tech moving the memory controller off the CPU... meaning the controller can potentially feature seperate controllers, and potentially even quad channel memory. The potential is mind boggling. System ram may always be slower then GDDR and HBM solutions but what if the chiplet simply doubles the pipe width. 256bit quad channel... threadripper memory width on mid range chips, why not. The boost it would provide for "integrated" navi might be shockingly good... to the point where mid range cards on new machines make little sense, and even high end cards end up being a massive bump in spend for little advantage.

Semi related one of the first console generations I'm actually really interested in seeing specs on. I know people been talking about 12gb on PS5.. but the more that leaks about the chiplets the more I think 16 gb might not be crazy. 4... 4gb "sticks" running quad channel feeding 2 ryzen2 chiplet dual memory controllers... or perhaps even some form of GDDR shared pool at 8gb but in quad channel config. Going to be an interesting generation. (or it will boring as heck one of the other lol)
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There will be no 7nm vega gaming part, vega2 / 7nm is compute. Navi 7nm is on deck. At least from everything I have heard so far.
40% performance increase from a shrink feels very optimistic to me.
Vega 2 is only 20% faster. It's not coming to consumers at that price and perf - industry only, the AMD hype train is going to derail again with these 4080Ti performance at 5W for $55 type bullshit predictions. If they do truly have a hit with navi it certainly won't be priced $250. Why would they? Even Polaris was over MSRP for ages pre-mining.
There is no need for tracing add in cards. There is no such thing as a ray tracing core. Nvidia is using tensor cores to do matrix tracing math.

Zero doubt Navi will include tensors. Every leak has mentioned navi having AI stuffs (ie tensor cores) going back to last summer.

The only real question is if they are going to do a Vega2 are those parts going to bother with tensor stuff. That is hard to say. The truth is Tensor cores for gaming right now today and for the next 6 months to a year is darn near pointless. Few games will support it and frankly 2080ti and most likely a Vega2 with tensor cores won't really be fast enough to do much in terms of performance. AMD may have bet that Vega2 could be a good non-tensor cards to move until navi ships. We'll just have to see if they bothered. If I had to bet I would say Vega2 won't have any tenors stuff but Navi will be bristling with tons of Tensor cores capable of doing int8 and int4.... as I'm almost sure PS5 and Xboxnextone will be pushing Ray tracing with AMD chipletts featuring a couple navi chips loaded with enough tensors to make the 2080 ray tracing performance look even sadder.

Can't wait for the CES reveals the chiplet stuff is super exciting. I'm pretty sure "APU"s are about to get an evolutionary leap few gamers have been expecting. Not sure they will be talking about ZEN + Navi APUs at CES but if they do it should be really really interesting. Forget 1070 / 1080 performance stand alone cards... AMD may just show off some 3800g Ryzen 5 or 4200g Ryzen 7 navi part with 8-12 cores and a full size mid range navi GPU complete with tensor cores offering 1070-80 performance at a fraction of the power usage. Of course memory speed will be the main issue... but again the chiplet tech moving the memory controller off the CPU... meaning the controller can potentially feature seperate controllers, and potentially even quad channel memory. The potential is mind boggling. System ram may always be slower then GDDR and HBM solutions but what if the chiplet simply doubles the pipe width. 256bit quad channel... threadripper memory width on mid range chips, why not. The boost it would provide for "integrated" navi might be shockingly good... to the point where mid range cards on new machines make little sense, and even high end cards end up being a massive bump in spend for little advantage.

Semi related one of the first console generations I'm actually really interested in seeing specs on. I know people been talking about 12gb on PS5.. but the more that leaks about the chiplets the more I think 16 gb might not be crazy. 4... 4gb "sticks" running quad channel feeding 2 ryzen2 chiplet dual memory controllers... or perhaps even some form of GDDR shared pool at 8gb but in quad channel config. Going to be an interesting generation. (or it will boring as heck one of the other lol)
No sure I get what you're saying... Yes its a gpu with tensor cores, but then you say you can have one without.. so it CAN be separated? I think add in cards make the most sense. The point of add on is for backwards compatibility when you have an older card things like that... Or that you can add it later. The way I see it, nVidias architecture yes is superior in power consumption, hence efficiency, but that is to a degree... They have also gone the HUGE chips route, with corresponding HUGE prices. I don't see why AMD could go 'more huge' with vega 2 in 7nm just to push what would pretty much be a a talking piece like nVidias 2000 buck or 3000 buck whatever whatever (its a very low volume piece probably written off as marketing). Now, I don't think they will do it, but I think as an engineering challenge, i guess the could.
If navi is a small chip that can work in chiplet configuration, AMD will have a clearly superior architecture then, and I think they should exploit it the most, and that would mean also ray tracing add in cards, and non ray tracing gpus (obviously), and surely a configuration with both chiplets (gpu and rt chiplets) yields and all that will probably be better all around, as opposed to the HUGE, configuration nvidia is working with right now Which limits their pricing strategy, as well as options to offer potentially.
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Vega 2 is only 20% faster. It's not coming to consumers at that price and perf - industry only, the AMD hype train is going to derail again with these 4080Ti performance at 5W for $55 type bullshit predictions. If they do truly have a hit with navi it certainly won't be priced $250. Why would they? Even Polaris was over MSRP for ages pre-mining.
I agree, a straight up vega shrink, with the same pipelines, and whatever, even 20% sounds optimistic. They have few choices with such product: drop prices in the old gen to burn inventory, sell the new improvement (15, maybe 20% optimistic) of 7nm at similar prices as the old. Only if they upgraded the chip in other ways they would have a halo type product... Don't know if i make any sense.