Mythbusters host Grant Imahara Dies at 49


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Grant Imahara, a former MythBusters and White Rabbit Project host who earlier worked as a modelmaker for Industrial Light & Magic, died Monday...he was 49...Imahara died suddenly following a brain aneurysm...a Discovery spokesperson confirmed the news but did not provide details

Imahara co-hosted more than 200 episodes of Discovery’s MythBusters starting with Season 3 in 2005 and remained with the show until 2014...
Fb had just recommended me to follow him when I saw this. Damn, agreed that this has been a shitty year. And this week, this effing week extra crappy :(
Sad stuff. I saw that he had died, and as I started to read the article, really hoped it was some spectacular accident with one of his experiments or special effects. That way he would have gone out doing what he loved. But no, the sudden brain aneurysm . Death is no respecter of persons.
What the hell is going on in the world. Preston, 57. Naya. Now this. This sucks.

I had to google Preston and Naya. I wasn't familiar with them, but yes, it does seem like a lot of people are passing right now.

Even though none of these are directly virus related, I wouldn't be surprised if it is a contributing factor. These are stressful times to live in, and stress is a well documented killer.
Mythbusters was 15 years ago.

I had to google this.

He started on the show in 2005, 15 years ago, but he was on the show until 2014, only 6 years ago when he would have been 43, and certainly didn't look it.

Geez 2014. Certainly doesn't seem like 6 years ago I heard they were discontinuing the "build team".

Time is passing so fast lately. I feel like one of these days I am going to wake up, be 85 years old, and wonder what the hell happened.
This is what happens in life brother, your job turns into a career, you get hooked on the stability of a paycheck and days turn to years turn to a decade or more and you go "WTF just happened!?". its like that "Wait, how did I drive to work...I don't remember the past 30 minutes!" only now your hair and beard are grey and thinning instead of just "...omg AND I stopped for Coffee!?!?!"...etc.
Time is passing so fast lately. I feel like one of these days I am going to wake up, be 85 years old, and wonder what the hell happened.
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it. (This quote is 34 years old.) <facedesk>

R.I.P. Grant
This is what happens in life brother, your job turns into a career, you get hooked on the stability of a paycheck and days turn to years turn to a decade or more and you go "WTF just happened!?". its like that "Wait, how did I drive to work...I don't remember the past 30 minutes!" only now your hair and beard are grey and thinning instead of just "...omg AND I stopped for Coffee!?!?!"...etc.
We enter into something of a constant low-level fugue state as we age. The world begins to lose its color and contrast and grows fuzzy around the edges. There is no wonder and mystery. When you're young, every day is a carefree adventure; when you're older—for many of us anyway—every day is a responsibility-filled slog, same as the days preceding and the ever fewer days which await.
We enter into something of a constant low-level fugue state as we age. The world begins to lose its color and contrast and grows fuzzy around the edges. There is no wonder and mystery. When you're young, every day is a carefree adventure; when you're older—for many of us anyway—every day is a responsibility-filled slog, same as the days preceding and the ever fewer days which await.

Now that I’m in my early 40s I enjoy gaming a lot more than I did when I was younger.
Damn the only B-team Mythbuster that I felt was there for his skills/knowledge not just because he was eye candy. :(

Wasnt that long ago the first woman mythtern died. Racing rocket cars or something