Music organizer software suggestions


Nov 7, 2010
Hello, I have researched music organization software but the information I found seems dated. I am trying to clean up duplicates, remove low quality songs, some songs I don't even have names for. I have around 164 GB of songs to clean up.

At this point, I am ready to pay for software to help clean up this mess. Any suggestions/recommendation would be most appreciated.

I just finished organizing my music library. I started with MediaMonkey, which does a passable job, but I found MusicBrainz Picard to be the best tagging and organizing tool.

MB Picard makes pretty quick work of partially organized music, particularly if your artist and album tags are in good shape. For completely uncategorized stuff it has a fingerprinting algorithm that will try identify songs by their content.
If you need tagging, then MusicBrainz Picard.
If you want a player that organizes, sorts, converts, deletes, etc, then I recommend MusicBee.
I'd suggest going at it manually. It will take some elbow grease, but the automatic tools disappointed me in the past. Was just as quick to do it by hand. I'm assuming with a library that size - you're talking about mostly downloaded stuff (no CDs). But if not, I would suggest simply ditching the files and re-ripping any physical media you have with exact audio copy into FLAC files. Then you can use tools to convert your library into the formats you want (and you'll never have to deal with this issue again). The digital files, only you can decide what's junk (due to encoding quality, whether you like the music, etc.) and probably just needs to be hand done :(
I use Music Monkey purely for organization in terms of sorting based on existing properties.
I don't really like using it for re-organizing, because the last time I did it, I found that it seemed to actually 'copy' files around, rather than just move them.
Even though they were local files.

I'll give the other suggestions from the other posts a try as well, since I find MediaMonkey to be really heavy handed on the UI level.
I switched from MediaMonkey to using a Mp3tag + MusicBee combo and couldn't be happier.
I use MediaMonkey . Its my favorite pick of the lot .GUI interface is new and attractive, it can be easily used by novice.