MSI Z97 Gaming AC MB, Aquacomp. R9 290x Backplates, Kingston HyperX DDR3 2133MHz 16GB


Limp Gawd
Nov 5, 2008
MSI Z97 Gaming AC Mini ITX Motherboard

  • Sold

Aquacomputer R9 290x Kyrographics Backplate

  • Qty 2.
  • $85 shipped for both or $45 for one.
  • I literally bought this 2 days ago and received them today. I failed to notice that the piece where the fittings connect too were thicker than what exists on my GPU blocks and I just found out that the increase in size won't work in my build. One of the boxes I opened, but the backplate is still vacuum sealed. The other one is still factory sealed.

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Willing to take anything in full or even partail trade to lower the cash out?
I pretty much have everything I need for my current build and so I'm not looking to do any trading at the moment. Not quite sure what you mean by "take anything in full." Do you mean would I come down in total price if you bought everything?