Mozilla Will Re-File Suit Against FCC to Protect Net Neutrality


May 13, 2013
In a blog post today, Mozilla announced that they would be re-filing a suit against the FCC to protect net neutrality. Last month Mozilla filed a petition against the FCC for it's decision to overturn net neutrality. However they jumped the gun as the FCC filed to dismiss the suit, and require Mozilla to re-file after the other had been published in the Federal Register.

I don't think this suit has a chance of doing anything except lip service, but if Mozilla still has money to burn more power to them. Forgive me if I question the righteousness of a company who gave $100k to possibly support a known domestic terrorist organization.

We said that we believed the filing date should be later (while the timing seemed clear in the December 2017 draft order from the FCC, federal law is more ambiguous). We urged the FCC to determine the later date was appropriate, but we filed on January 16 because we are not taking any chances with an issue of this importance.
If you get distracted by company righteousness on this issue then you will always get distracted and ignore the reality of the issue.

Hint, most companies have something shameful on their record when they hit a large size. Not supporting it but its not the basis to ignore their argument. That is just deflection.
While i don't condone any sort of violent behavior, this is digressing from the debate on net neutrality. The US has taken a step backwards here. If one believes Mozilla did support a terrorist organisation, they have the freedom to approach the courts...or am i missing something here?
Look at how badly the internet has been damaged since we returned to the status quo that existed for decades, oh wait, I guess we're still waiting for the Internet Armageddon the hysterics promised would happen after repeal.
If you get distracted by company righteousness on this issue then you will always get distracted and ignore the reality of the issue.

Hint, most companies have something shameful on their record when they hit a large size. Not supporting it but its not the basis to ignore their argument. That is just deflection.

Erm...there's a difference in criteria for a not-for-profit organization (held to a different standard), but surely you realize that. It swung the other way in 2014. Not to mention the whole "default search" thing (Google for $; DDG/SP would make more sense ideologically), the issue with certain settings recently (privacy), etc.; the fact is it's not just ONE thing that causes people to doubt Mozilla's sincerity. I don't disagree that it's separate to the issue at hand (although personally I feel net neutrality requires reform), but for this specific article it is relevant information as Mozilla isn't some pure champion.
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Look at how badly the internet has been damaged since we returned to the status quo that existed for decades, oh wait, I guess we're still waiting for the Internet Armageddon the hysterics promised would happen after repeal.

No one said it would happen over night..... It will be a slow process as they test their boundaries of how far they can take it without pissing too many people off at once.