Moving to apartment, what gear do I need?


Aug 4, 2004
We will be moving into an apartment for 3 weeks and I have no clue how this works or what gear I need. I haven't dealt with an apartment since pre-2000.
Currently at home I use an edgerouter lite and a couple unmanaged switches. I have an Aruba remote access point that I require for work. My non-work wifi is provided by an Ubiqiuti UAP-LR. The edgerouter has multiple ports forwarded for Usenet, Plex, Sonarr, Sabnzbd, etc.
Should the equipment provided by the apartment cover my needs, or should I plan on picking up another router, switch, etc?
In in the event you need to move network access around, a pair of Ethernet over Power adapters would come in handy.

And it would probably be good to know, if the apartment provides Internet, whether there is a wifi access point / router physically available to you, and if it's an access point only, or if it's also a switch you could use for any wired networking needs.

edit: also, bring a few Ethernet cables of varying links with you, just in case...
I'd find out what the apartment will provide. We've lived in 4 different apartment complexes in the last 5 years and in 3/4, you could get your own ISP (locked to their choices), one of which I had to get a static IP in order to use my vpn router for work access (at&t), and in another I had to set their gateway to be a stand alone modem (comcast), the other worked fine as I could set up my router in the gateway's dmz (verizon). In the 4th, it was literally an ethernet jack that provided a public IP, so that was the easiest.

And I second using powerline or moca 2.0 adapters to get things where you want them. If you're lucky, the unit will have cat5 in every room and you'll have access to the demarc in the apartment to terminate at will and set up the wiring how you want it.