Moving from Gmail to OWA, how to keep labels and sent mail intact?


Aug 2, 2004
Hello, the company I work for has recently moved to Office 365 and I have to now use OWA for sending/receiving email on my desktop and phone. As a remote user, I wasn't part of the on site tech support, but was promised I would be given instructions on how to migrate my emails. I was note, and have been told to basically pound sand.

I have had success linking my gmail to OWA using connected accounts, however all that seemed to do was start importing every email I had ever received to my inbox, so i had to immediately disconnect it. That will not work, I have thousands of emails that are organized into folders (labels in gmail) and they need to stay that way. I am also unsure if that would also bring over my sent emails, which is important, but it seemed to keep emails grouped in conversations so maybe it would.I often need to forward or reply to an email months later, so I need full access to this.

I have read about a way to download everything as .pst, open it in the outlook client, and then sync it with OWA. This presents a lot of problems, one of which is warnings that I would not be able to reply to emails imported this way. Additionally, I am on dsl, so it would likely take several weeks of constant upload to transfer what I assume will be an enormous .pst.

Does anyone have some experience with this? Searching is really frustrating because most results are for migrating from OWA TO Gmail, not the other way around. Thank you for reading, and any help you may be able to offer.
Best way to do this and I have done this before is setup BOTH accounts in Outlook and just drag n drop your folders and such from your gmail account to the Exchange account.

Works like a charm.
That's a great tip. I ended up going the download/upload way after all, and this would of saved me a bit of time. I actually saved off a pst and imported it into the other account, didn't realize you could drag and drop. It took a lot less time than I thought it would, as it ended up only being about 800MB .pst (most attachments are actually done via dropbox.) Thanks a lot for the help!