Moto G7 problem with feedback


prairie dog
Nov 7, 2005
I had an LG G3, never had any issues with feedback on it. It got old, no updates or app support, so I thought I did my due diligence and got a Moto G7. Now I have an intermittent problem with feedback when I connect to an audio conferencing system (AT&T or Cisco webex). I have no issues when I'm waiting for a conference to start (music on hold), but when the conference is opened, I get horrendous feedback, no matter if I'm on speaker or not. I can't find anything on a search about audio settings, and since my old G3 didn't have this issue, it's either a setting or a basic flaw in the phone. Moto support is no help, they had me reset app storage, and I lost all my contacts...........

Anybody here have an insight?