Monkey Takes Selfie, PETA Says He Owns the Copyright

Don't you normally need a model release to be signed if you use an image (containing a person) for commercial purposes? Why isn't PETA going after all the people taking pictures of other animals? Oh right, because the judge would tell them to fuck off...

so PETA, maybe you should stick with euthanizing animals, you seem to be pretty good at that.
I would also like to see more half naked celebrities.

You joke, but that's basically the end game here. Monetize animal IP to fund conservation, effectively ban animal research and zoos, and essentially eliminate any interaction between humans and animals.

Peta can't sue. They have no standing.

Yeah, even if the primate was a person, how can they prove it consented to PETA representing them? The whole case has one fundamental question after another, which is why it's doomed to failure.

Does this have anything to do with liberalism? this just outright stupidity to me.

WTF? This is an agenda, but not one you can place on a right-left spectrum.
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There is currently a movement within the larger Animal Rights effort to get courts to recognize primates as legal persons. Legal personhood is the same thing as corporate personhood. It doesn't mean you're a human (a natural person in legal parlance), it just means you have certain rights (to own property and to bring a suit to court, for example) which are usually less broad than what a natural person enjoys.

I'll recognize primates as legal persons when they have to file taxes, pay child support, and deal with all the other laws that apply to humans.
Does this have anything to do with liberalism? this just outright stupidity to me.

It is outright stupidity but it can be led right back to those pushing ideas without reasonable limits and liberal philosophy are where these ideas are birthed. And just like many of today's left, its a distorted or extreme version of it. Pushing "liberty and freedom" to animals as if it were a social class of people is not much different from pushing for the "rights" and special circumstances of a dozen made-up genders.
Dude. We're animals.

Yes, we've been put in charge of this planet (by God's grace or by our intelligence (take your pick)), yet we've still got all of those mammalian instincts. Sure we can suppress them, yet they're still there.

One remove from wild animals, all of us!

The diadem that you're holding up is really civilization. We're civilized, they're not. And we love to point to other cultures as being uncivilized even within our own species.
There's a lot more that separates us from animals. And the word animals is a human definition, to describe everything that isn't us. We have intelligence, reasoning, communication abilities, and more. Sure humans have a common ancestor with animals, but that doesn't give animals the same rights as humans. We humans are pretty good at projecting our perception of human traits onto things, including cars. So people like PETA like to personify animals to the point where they think they're humans and deserve rights.

first of all let's address the question that was asked "what else can a monkey do?"

it can fling shit on has been documented , but you fling shit on a monkey and what do you think PETA would do?...interesting

on a separate but related note : PETA kills over 80% of the animals that it "rescues"...nice
If this goes through, somebody needs to charge that monkey who slurps his own urine like a water fountain with Indecency.
There's a lot more that separates us from animals. And the word animals is a human definition, to describe everything that isn't us. We have intelligence, reasoning, communication abilities, and more. Sure humans have a common ancestor with animals, but that doesn't give animals the same rights as humans. We humans are pretty good at projecting our perception of human traits onto things, including cars. So people like PETA like to personify animals to the point where they think they're humans and deserve rights.


So do primitive animals.

That's why I chose civilized as my key word. Other animals don't have that, while they do have "intelligence, reasoning, communication abilities, and more." Look up the border collie, dolphin, squid, apes and monkeys, and a plethora of other animals - you'll see that they all posses the aforementioned skills and abilities.

Some even posses more than some people thay I know! Yet those primitive beasts are not civilized. That's the true distinction.
PETA. The same idiots that went full retard sending a letter to Games Workshop demanding they stop using pelts and fur on their miniatures. You can't make this stuff up. These people have gone full retard.

Let's also not forget their anti-Mario ways.

What I don't get is, after:

article said:
The judges grilled him on why PETA has status to represent Naruto and said that “having genuine care for the animal” isn’t enough to establish “next friend” relationship, which is required to represent the monkey in court.

that they didn't have a ruling on the matter?
I think some people need to understand that human like things like copyright doesn't apply to non-humans. That includes the animals life vs humans life. Yes, that means when it comes to harambe vs little boy, we will always choose the little boys life. At least until animals develop human level of intelligence.

i agree, but i think before we worry about people understanding that, we also need to understand that PETA, while conceptually not an entirely disagreeable idea, is actually full of complete idiots.
Well, if the Monkey ends up having rights to the selfie, then it better pay fucking taxes on any money it makes off of it.

Just sayin'....
Not that i agree with this shit.. but if corporations are people my friend...
My question on a case like this is how does PETA have any standing to supposedly sue on behalf of the animal unless the themselves own the animal in question?