Mobile Game Spending Drives Global App Revenue to $34 Billion in the First Half of 2018


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Sensor Tower conducted a study into the amount of revenue that has been made by Apple's App Store and Google Play in the first half of 2018. Together they made an estimated $34.4 billion in the first half of 2018 with 78% of that coming from mobile gaming revenue. Gaming expenditures by customers accounted for $26.6 billion of the pie. Google Play customers downloaded 15.0 billion of the 19.5 billion total mobile game downloads, but App Store customers spent $6 billion more than Google Play users on games. It is to be noted that Google Play isn't available in China like the App Store is.

Apple's platform earned more than double the revenue of Google's with fewer than half as many downloads. App downloads grew 13.1 percent versus the same period in 2017 on the App Store, where they totaled 15 billion, a larger increase than the 10.6 percent growth experienced by Google's platform at 36 billion installs, or more than double iOS.
There’s been quite a few mobile games I find worth it to spend a few dollars on. Not going to waste my time with a completely free game that isn’t worth spending money on.
Gaming is gonna be pretty awesome in a decade or so when mobile phones are much more powerful.
Gaming is gonna be pretty awesome in a decade or so when mobile phones are much more powerful.

That's what they said 5 years ago and look where we are. Better graphics, but the same pleb games.

Mobile gaming will never be 'awesome', as it is limited by the very tech you say will make it great. A ~6" screen and stubby digits are very limiting. If tethered to (or replaced by) a small, lightweight AR/VR interface (external or - *gulp* - internal), then times ensue.

Gaming is gonna be pretty awesome in a decade or so when mobile phones are much more powerful.

Not unless the industry changes. The thing holding it back isn't the hardware, that is already Xbos360 levels or better. It is the games (and the customers that buy them). They are all pay-2-win, low interactivity shit-fests. There are a few that aren't but the vast, VAST majority are compete garbage. However people keep paying for them (or rather their in-app purchases) and companies keep turning them out in droves so that is the mobile market.
Granted that I don't play games on any mobile device I don't believe I've spent a penny for any app since having a smart phone.
There’s been quite a few mobile games I find worth it to spend a few dollars on. Not going to waste my time with a completely free game that isn’t worth spending money on.

I have a few mobile games I play, most with other family members.
I've never paid anything for any of the games I play. If a game makes it too tough to advance without spending money, I find a different game.
Only money they make off me is the ads. If they ads get too intrusive, then I go find another game.
This is on Android where they are plenty of free games.

I consider them mainly time wasters, to play when I don't have something else to do.

Only one I'd consider a real game is Pokémon Go. I mainly play it with my kid.
you just know.. the MS board must see articles like this and go.. WTF did we do wrong, and why are we not in this??
