Mirror's Edge reboot

"Rebooting" an IP with only one installment? I don't get it.

Not that I care. Any Mirror's Edge is good Mirror's Edge, I say.
Didn't see anything overly impressive, but I wasn't a huge fan of the first one. Don't get me wrong, the graphics seemed pretty good, but nothing I'd buy a system for.

I loved the line at the end of the trailer that says Coming... when it's ready. Should be more like, Coming... when EA tells us to release it.
Wat a reboot? I was expecting a sequel. But, whatever the teaser looked cool.,
EDIT: Never mind, says in the trailer.

Looks awesome! Loved the first game.
Can't wait until it comes out! Hopefully just as good as the first one.
Honestly Im a fan of any game that doesn't follow tradition. MIrrors edge gets massive points in my book. I'm also looking forward to titanfall .. you know aka COD with mechs.
Cant wait either! Loved the first MIrrors edge. Played thru it multiple times
Mirrors Edge was fun, but would never buy a console just for it. Hopefully the campaign will be longer than 3-4 hours.