Migrate user profile from old SBS 2003 to SBS 2011


Aug 13, 2013
I'm wondering if there is an easy way to keep the users old SBS 2003 profile settings and move over to the new SBS 2011? The new SBS is all set up. I'm able to unjoin the old SBS domain and join the new SBS domain with 0 issues. But How to keep all user setting on client PC?. There is only 1 login per PC. Is there a registry hack I could do to fool the new SBS? I know I could of migrated from SBS 2003 to SBS 2011 but the server had tons of issues and didn't want the issues on the new SBS 2011 so I did a fresh install. All user profiles, AD setting, GP setting, Share drives, everything but user settings. Both SBS domain names are the same mydomain.local. I would like to take the old SBS offline put the new SBS online and rejoin the pc's to the new SBS with old profiles running on the pc.

Thank you for your help!
That would work if he migrated, but he did a full new setup with nothing migrated.
Even if the user accounts have the same exact name on the new domain, the SID is different and the users will get a new profile.
the dirty, free way would be to :> (assuming the PC's are win7)
Reboot the PC, log on as local admin, rename the users account from JoeC to JoeC-old
Remove the registry entry for the old user profile HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

Log on with the user account for the NEW domain, then reboot, log back on as local admin, copy the files from JoeC-old to JoeC, reset permissions on the users profile folder and below.

The easy non free way is a migration tool. http://www.forensit.com/products.html
The "Dirty" way Will there be any issues down the road? and yes all clients are windows 7 pro SP1. I've done that before when the windows profile wouldnt load and has worked. I was looking into Windows Easy Transfer but I haven't found if it transfers all setting for all programs installed on the pc.

Thank you for your input :)
ForensIT has free utilities to migrate from an XP-style profile folder structure to a Win7-style profile folder structure.
Although the freebies are only for "personal use"


I never tried using it on a Server OS, though.
There shouldn't be any problems with the dirty method, providing you clean out the junk from the users temp folder before copying it (its probably large).
That method just takes manual time and a few clicks

I use the forensit tools to create new default profiles....haven't used it for migrating old to new.

(j-sta...the users profiles are on the workstations, no need to run anything on the server)