Microsoft Quantum Computing Scientists Have Captured a Majorana Quasiparticle


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
Microsoft is currently behind in the race to develop the first commercially viable quantum computer, but the company’s researchers have cracked one part of the puzzle by successfully capturing a “Majorana quasiparticle,” a type of particle that can be used to produce qubits that are less prone to errors.

…to create and capture a Majorana particle has been an immensely difficult task for researchers. In order to accomplish the task, the experiment must be performed at a temperature of almost absolute zero, colder than deep space. Also, strong magnetic fields are required to allow alternative ways for electrons to organize themselves.
QuasiApricle 1 particles only happen on one day per year, I bet thats what they found.
Okay, they're just making this shit up on the fly now aren't they? It's like a Farside comic, a few guys in lab coats sitting in a tiny room just throwing out random sciency sounding "words" to see how long they can keep the general public going before someone figures out it's all gibberish and they were just fucking with us the whole time.
The article I read said that if they do find these particles it will make much better quantum computers than anything else being worked on...but they need temps near absolute 0 to find it...I skimmed the article since it's all vapor ware at the moment...but I sure hope they don't need those temps to use the particles if they find them, because that is damn cold (and expensive). BTW where are those room temperature super-conductors we were all supposed to have by now?
April Fools

Stock prices shoot upwards . . .